
Unified state exam as a means of evaluating students ' academic achievements

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Nasonova M. Unified state exam as a means of evaluating students ' academic achievements // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 16(152). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/152/91175 (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).
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Unified state exam as a means of evaluating students ' academic achievements

Nasonova Margarita
Student of the Pedagogical Institute of the Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. In connection with the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), new requirements appear for the content of the school education system and, as a consequence, for the results of mastering the basic educational program. Evaluation is still formal in nature, performs only the function of external control of the mastery of subject knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren on the part of the teacher, does not contribute to the formation of self-esteem, self-control of students. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study on the implementation of the rating system of education in high school.


Keywords: exam, control methods, assessment, impact of assessment, quality of teaching.


Nowadays, the assessment performs the function of controlling subject knowledge, skills and abilities, which does not contribute to the formation of a child's self-esteem and self-control of educational achievements. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standard assumes the control and evaluation of not only subject knowledge, but also meta-subject connections at all stages of the educational process. Besides, the teacher should strive to improve the objectivity of the assessment, combine traditional and innovative means of control.

The relevance of the study is due to the globalization of the modern world, new requirements for the content of school education and the results of mastering the basic school curriculum. In educational institutions, the system of evaluating students is being improved, students are involved in control and evaluation activities, and self-control is being developed.

N. V. Seleznev believes that the assessment can be called the definition and expression in conventional signs-points, as well as in the teacher's value judgments of the degree of assimilation of students ' knowledge, skills and abilities established by the program, the level of diligence and the state of discipline.

 As you know, the quality of education is constantly being modernized, which entails the search for an effective assessment. To do this, along with traditional assessment tools, such as tests, homework, tests, it is necessary to use innovative control methods, which are testing, monitoring, modular training, etc. One of these is the Unified State Exam. Since 2001, our country has been conducting an experiment on the introduction of a single [2].

State Examination (USE) for school leavers and those entering higher educational institutions. Control and measurement materials for various subjects include three levels of complexity of tasks. The total number of tasks ranges from 25 to 70 for each academic discipline.

Part A includes tasks with a choice of answer. The format of these tasks is not complicated and is aimed at testing the knowledge of practical material, formulas, definitions, etc. In comparison with the tasks of Part B and C, they are evaluated to a lesser extent.

Part B is an open type of task. The student constructs the answer to the question himself. These tasks are more complex, so they are evaluated by a higher coefficient than the tasks of part A.

Part C assumes a detailed response. This can be solving a mathematical problem or writing an essay. The tasks of this part test the ability of graduates to reflect, to reason on a given topic, to formulate and correctly express their thoughts in writing. [2] The Unified State Exam has a number of advantages over other types of assessment, such as:

* Objectivity. In the Unified State Exam system, there is no teacher who evaluates the level of the student, so you can exclude the human factor.

* Reliability. Modern processing of control and measurement materials assumes the accuracy of testing, because tasks that are rejected by experts are not allowed for the exam.

* Admission to several universities at the same time. Thanks to this assessment system, a graduate can apply to several educational institutions at the same time and not pass the entrance exams, if this is not required. [1]

We conducted a study and found out the attitude of students to the Unified State Exam, the study was conducted on the basis of the MKOU SOSH

No. 1 g. Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region. The total number of subjects was 30 people.

To determine the impact of the Unified State Exam and the Main State Exam as a means of assessment on the quality of education, we used the questionnaire "USE and OGE as an assessment of the quality of education".

After the students completed the questionnaire, we established the students 'opinion on the acceptability of the assessment forms, and also found out the students' attitude to the innovations of the Unified State Exam. The results of this study are presented in Figures 1 and 2.


Figure 1.  The most acceptable form of assessment according to the students ' opinion


This diagram shows that 61% of the 9th grade students surveyed are convinced that the Unified State Exam is the most acceptable form of evaluating academic achievements. 24% believe that the assessment of the student should be in the form of an exam on tickets, and 15% - testing. Students of the 10th grade also consider the Unified State Exam to be the most acceptable assessment of their academic achievements (69% of respondents), 19% want their knowledge, skills and abilities to be evaluated by an interview, and 12% of tenth graders-by testing. The surveyed students of the 11th grade are 54% satisfied with the assessment tool in the form of the Unified State Exam, 22% believe that their knowledge, skills and abilities can be evaluated by an exam on a ticket, 11% are convinced that only an interview can reveal them as an educated person, and 13% consider testing to be the most acceptable form of assessment. We believe that this result is due to the erudition of students on the Unified State Exam.

We found out how middle and high school students feel about the innovations of the Unified State Exam.


Figure 2. Students ' attitudes to the innovations of the Unified State Exam


Based on the analysis of the diagram, it can be concluded that 40% of the surveyed 9th grade students believe that the innovations of such an assessment tool will improve the quality of learning. 30% of students in the same class consider the old form of the Unified State Exam more acceptable. 30% consider these innovations possible if the teaching methods in schools are improved. Students of the 10th grade think otherwise. Only 20% of respondents are sure that the innovations of the exam will increase the performance of students. 40% are students who consider the old form of the exam more acceptable, and 40% are students who are convinced of the possibility of innovations provided that the teaching methods in school are improved. The surveyed students of the 11th grade are only 30% sure that the transformation of the Unified State Exam will improve the quality of their learning, on the contrary, 50% are convinced of the acceptability of the old form of the exam and 20% are sure that such innovations are possible only after improving the teaching methods of the material. Also based on this.

It can be concluded that 100% of the surveyed students in each class are familiar with the transformations of the Unified State Exam. It should be noted that in the modern education system, the teacher rarely manages to combine traditional and innovative assessment tools. In this regard, we have developed methodological recommendations that allow teachers to improve the quality of learning. Here are some of them:

1. It is necessary to be able to combine traditional and innovative control tools in the classroom.

2. It is important to improve your skills by studying additional literature in the form of teaching aids, thereby improving the methodology of teaching the material.

3. The technical equipment of the class should be considered when selecting controls.

Summing up the overall result of our research, we can say that the Unified State Exam is the most acceptable means of assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren, according to the majority of respondents. We also found out the attitude of students to the innovations of the exam and found that most of the surveyed students are not satisfied with the reforms of the Unified State Exam and consider the old form of passing more acceptable. The developed methodological recommendations will help the teacher to solve this problem.


List of literature:
1. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline Biysk BSPU named after V. M. Shukshin. - URL: https://refdb.ru/look/2841265-p11.html. 
2. Structure of the Unified State Exam results. - URL: https://studopedia.org/12-9844.html.