Difficulties of managing students 'cognitive activities
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Difficulties of managing students 'cognitive activities
This article focuses on motivation as an integral part of students' cognitive activity, the accounting of which allows you to successfully manage this type of activity. The issue of management of students' cognitive activity has been actualized. Substantiate its importance in a dynamic world. Methods of defining the concepts of "cognitive activity", "management of cognitive activity" were analyzed. The structure of cognitive activity is revealed. The results of empirical research of educational and cognitive activity of students are given, its hierarchical structure is described.
Introduction. The new paradigm of education is clearly defined by the social order for the formation of a well-developed personality of the future specialist. The concept of development of pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasizes the need to train future teachers who are able to go beyond the studied, non-standard thinking, self-development, continuous and deep self-education [1]. In this regard, the ability to quickly adapt to changing life situations, to acquire the necessary knowledge on their own, to develop skills to apply them in practice to solve various problems; independent critical thinking; It is important to have a clear understanding of where and how the knowledge gained can be applied. The interests, independence, consciousness and activity of students often depend on the nature of the organization of their activities. Depending on how well the knowledge that a teacher can acquire is structured and systematized, and how clear are the goals of the learner's research and mastery of the knowledge and skills system, the higher the level of knowledge, the better and stronger the skills will develop. Therefore, in a rapidly changing world, the issues of cognitive activity management are the most relevant. By managing cognitive activity, we understand the purposeful, systematic influence on the team of students or individual students as a subject of educational and cognitive activity based on an objective analysis of the results of this activity to achieve the goals of pedagogical training of the future specialist [2].
Main part.
Domestic and foreign scientists have extensive experience in addressing this issue. The works of Bespalko, Vygotsky, Galperin, Rubinstein, Talyzina, Tikhonov, Tsirkun, Yakunin are devoted to the management of educational and cognitive activities, where the idea that management is an important component of the didactic process. In terms of cognitive activity management, researchers share many similar views. Differences are usually inherent in the general management model of the education system and are related to the level of tolerance for other objects and processes in the environment. Thus, the works of Bespalko, Kulyutkin, Yakunin [3-5] tell about the process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at creating conditions that ensure the achievement of educational goals of pedagogical management. For example, Bespalko writes about the management of cognitive activity as an impact on students, which consists of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and quality control of error correction. According to Konarzhevsky, the management of cognitive activity in the educational process is a purposeful activity aimed at its regulation and improvement [6]. In Verzunova's research, [7] the management of students' learning is considered as a process of active interaction between teacher and student, in which conditions are created to achieve educational goals, and the result of this interaction is progress in understanding the subject. It was found that the success of the cognitive activity of future professionals largely depends on the mastery of cognitive methods by students. Conceptual differences in the layers of cognitive activity of students are a prerequisite for the scientific organization of the whole learning process and the transformation of individual subject assimilation not only in the process of interdisciplinary learning, but also in the development of students' metacognitive abilities [8, p.34]. Consideration of the management of students' cognitive activity required an analysis of the concept of "cognitive activity". Cognitive activity is an activity that takes place in the process of mastering the content of disciplines and the necessary methods and skills that the student learns [9, p.96], which, like any other, is characterized by a structure of activity like cognitive activity. Cognitive activity is the most common component of the system of action - motive, purpose, theme, tools, methods of activity, result. Bespalko gives a generalized representation of different ways of distinguishing the main structural elements of cognitive activity [10, p. 80]. According to him, the main structural elements of cognitive activity of students correspond to the general formula of activity:necessary methods and skills that the student learns [9, p.96], which, like any other, is characterized by a structure of activity like cognitive activity. Cognitive activity is the most common component of the system of action - motive, purpose, theme, tools, methods of activity, result. Generalization of different ways of distribution of the basic structural elements of cognitive activity. Bespalko gives [10, p. 80]. According to him, the main structural elements of cognitive activity of students correspond to the general formula of activity:
A = OA + EA + TAC + CA,
Oriented actions (OA) - the main task is to understand the purpose of the action and choose the necessary methods and tools for its implementation;
Enforcement actions (EA) - their task is to turn the initial conditions, the initial information into the final result: to link it with certain quality indicators;
Control actions (TAC) - the ability to check the degree of achievement (or degree of difference) with the goal;
Corrective action (CA) is the elimination of the gap between the result and the goal.
The purpose of cognitive activity is to provide students with the subject content of knowledge and methods of action. Effective educational and cognitive activity is always purposeful, so students must develop not only learning motives, but also the ability to set learning goals independently, the desire to achieve them. When describing cognitive activity, when talking about learning motives, they mean a conscious invitation of the student to study, the desire to learn and master the methods of cognitive activity. The following is taken into account:
- The nature of the activities of students in the process of practical work (passive, unfair or honest, active performance of work; long, intensive work; interruptions, worries; attention during or only part of the lesson);
- striving to perform optional, non-evaluative tasks (taking notes while reading textbooks; making hypotheses; checking several hypotheses; repeating the task carefully; solving the practical or theoretical part of the work very carefully, trying to know what other methods of work are used, etc.) ;
- The nature of the mental activity that interests students (the process of self-determination of causal relationships, dependencies, patterns, etc., or copying the actions of the teacher; propensity to reproductive activity, preference);
- Selective selectivity of the stages of activity (formulation of the theoretical basis of the work, its practical part, conclusions, conclusions; the desire to create a work plan of the generation, to participate in the collective discussion of the results of work; to help others in the work process);
- approach to the task (full compliance with the requirements for writing reports, messages, etc.; partial implementation; careful or careless execution; attention to the analysis of typical errors, the desire to avoid and eliminate them);
- Motivation to study the subject, practical work, emotional growth (desire to solve problems independently, desire to solve them, the need for hypotheses, interest in the use of analogies, modeling, thinking experiments; satisfaction with the work done, knowledge gained, etc. );
- attitude to the completion of work;
- attitude of students to the help of teachers, their advice and assessment;
- quality of knowledge (volume, completeness, accuracy, awareness, strength of the mastered material, ability to solve problems, correct performance of tasks);
- the pace of involvement in learning activities (the speed of orientation and perception of future activities; the desire to plan their activities) [11].
It can be said that students who understand the reasons for the cognitive activity and the need for established knowledge will be active in learning. To increase the effectiveness of the management of cognitive activity, it is necessary to determine the nature of students 'learning motivation. We conducted a comprehensive study to determine the nature of the relationship of students' learning motivation with cognitive activity in higher education. The study was conducted on the basis of KazNPU. First-year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai State University (42 people in total) took part in the survey. We A. A. Rean and W. А. On the basis of Yakunin's questionnaire, we used a technique developed by Badmayeva, which included statements describing the reasons for the doctrine mentioned by Leontiev. These are communicative, professional, educational and cognitive, broad social motives, as well as motives for creative self-realization, avoidance of failure and prestige. The results of the diagnosis showed that the communicative motives of students are predominant (24%). They see the university period as an opportunity to communicate, make new acquaintances and expand their circle of friends. In the second place in terms of importance are the motives of prestige (21%), in the third place - the motives of creative self-knowledge (20%), the motives of further avoidance (17%), professional motives (9%), social (6%) and educational - Cognitive motives (4%). The desire of students to master the educational and cognitive activities is not predominant, which may be due to the indifference of students to the results of educational activities, their management, only the desire to obtain a diploma of higher education. The results of diagnostics using the method of "Stimulation of study in higher education" И. Ilyina confirms that the majority of students are motivated to graduate (42.6%). The desire to learn (40.4%) and mastering the profession do not play an important role in the structure of educational and professional motivation of students (17%), which is due to lack of time, "employment", "importance" of certain disciplines, etc. does not consider it necessary to prepare for the lesson on a regular basis.
Conclusion. The system of educational and cognitive activity of students in the process of vocational education reflects certain components and the relationship between them. Insufficient severity of learning motivation due to lack of awareness of possible coincidences and choices in the context of higher education can affect the nature of students' cognitive activity, as a high level of learning motivation determines the system of goals that stimulate students to acquire knowledge, active cognitive activity. As a result, students will be able to more effectively master the methods of activity that students have mastered on the basis of one or more disciplines, used both in the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.