
Labour upbringing of high school students in secondary school

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)

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Pakhomova I. Labour upbringing of high school students in secondary school // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 18(154). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/154/91972 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).
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Labour upbringing of high school students in secondary school

Pakhomova Irina
Student of Belgorod National State Research University Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia
Марков Александр Владимирович
научный руководитель,


Abstract. The article is devoted to labour upbringing of children of high school age. Labour activity helps all children to realize the importance of their work, the desire to work. Teachers introduce children to manual and everyday work using practical activities.  Cultivating hard work helps the child to achieve his goals and to become a person. Work helps to develop skills such as perseverance, patience, endurance, and responsibility. Performing work activities the child assumes a certain responsibility, he learns to find different ways to solve the problem.


Keywords: work, labour upbringing, active work, daily labour, students, knowledge, skills, abilities, modern society, features of labor activity, goals, school.


Labour upbringing in school is very important in the formation and the development of the personality. After all, labour upbringing is a complex process of organizing and stimulating various work activities of students and developing their conscientious attitude to work, showing in it the desire to obtain improved results [1].

Hard work and ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up in early childhood. It’s not less important that work should be creative, because  creative work makes a person spiritually rich. Work to a person developes physically. Finally, work should bring joy, happiness, and welfare.

Labour upbringing is a purposeful process of forming a conscious attitude to work among schoolchildren, as well as forming labour habits by including the child in stirring labour activity. The purpose of labour upbringing of school children is the forming of their ideas about adult labor, the forming of professional skills and abilities, and the upbringing of hard work as a quality of personality [4].

Every scholchild in the modern world and society should be able to serve himself, and in the future their children and their family. This issue is addressed by the subject and science – technology in the school. The goals and objectives of labor upbringing are aimed at ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn how to cook food (breakfast, lunch), hot drinks, first and second courses, and go on. Today, any student learns and  acquaints himself with electrical engineering, in the section where the student learns the basics of electrical safety, learns to read and draw up electrical diagrams, acquaints himself with communications in the house [8]. Today's student, studying one of the sections of "sewing", owns a sewing machine, has an idea of the cut of the material, in practice performs the functions of a seamstress. In addition, labour upbringing at the present stage allows the student to get knowledge, where he acquaints himself with the world of professions and even at the school desk, the student can analyze their potations, inclinations, abilities and make a choice of his future specialty and profession [3]. Labour upbringing provides students with a wealth of knowledge. Students examine and study modern construction materials (metals, alloys) wood, without which no branch of the national economy can do, and also acquaint themselves with construction and finishing materials that will appear in the everyday life of every person sooner or later. To glue wallpaper, to have the idea of repairing of the room, to paint and to repair – all this includes labour upbringing [9].

In labour upbringing, the features, types and forms are the key. The peculiarities of work activity include the fact that the child's work and play are interrelated, and that there is a constant development of work activity. Also in labour upbringing there are types, such as: upbringingal work (mental, physical); socially useful; production (creation of material values). And forms of labour upbringing are divided into individual, collective and group [2].

Every student is taught an aesthetic taste, where the child gets an idea of the color scheme, the style of performance, the harmony of the combination of furniture and individual materials. An important link in the formation of personality is the familiarity of students with household electrical appliances. Much attention is paid to the modern kitchen, where household electrical devices irreplaceably help a person. Refrigerators and freezers, ovens, mixers, dishwashers-all that is necessary and must be present in the life of any person.

Labour upbringing introduces students to houseplants in the interior of the house and it provides the opportunity to teach every child to see this useful and beautiful, because fresh flowers in the house perform a number of functions that are difficult to overestimate (beauty, comfort, oxygen which plants give, while absorbing carbon dioxide) [5].

Labour upbringing adapts the student to life. In addition to cooking, each child learns to distinguish between useful and harmful food for each person. The concept of delicious, useful and healthy food is the relevance of today's labour upbringing.

Using modern computer technologies, labor upbringing allows you to model and design any life processes focusing on the independence of the student. Virtual reality allows you to understand the essence of any strategy without cluttering up the upbringingal process with materials and equipment, while saving time. All the qualities and properties of a person are formed in active labor and creative activity, in the various types of activity that make up the life of a person and its social existence.

To improve the working abilities of children, to foster hard work, the teacher must divide the work among all, ensure the conditions of its existence, and guide the children's actions in time. Children should be given sufficient autonomy to perform the work, but at the same time control their actions, increasing the requirements for the quality of the work performed. Forming elementary skills of economic and household work, it is necessary to think over its organization and methods that are used when teaching students certain skills. Before distributing responsibilities among children, it is necessary to agree on who will perform what work, as well as teach children some rules for distributing responsibilities. It is thanks to work that a person acquires vital skills and gets invaluable experience; thanks to work, a person's personality is formed, certain inclinations and qualities are laid down. A person learns to make decisions, find a common language with friends, and work in a team. All this is an important link in the socialization of the individual [6].

In order to study the features of  labour upbringing of schoolchildren, we carried out diagnostics to identify the level of labour upbringing in high school. Students were given several questions and offered several answers (yes, no, I don't know). According to the results of this survey, three levels of labour upbringing were identified: low level, medium level, and high level. Thus, it was found that 12% of students have a low level of labour upbringing, 82 % of students have an average level of labour upbringing, and 6% of students have a high level of labour upbringing. The reason for this result may be modern living conditions, children instead of reading more, studying or helping their parents, spend their time idly and uselessly, they are used to receiving and assimilating information in a playful way.

It should be noted that, despite the problems of the level of labour upbringing in modern society, there are many options and ways to solve them [7].

When students unite in joint work, there are opportunities for forming good and friendly relationships between participants. Useful and feasible work causes great moral satisfaction in children, creates a cheerful, cheerful mood. In work, consciousness, love and respect for the working person are born and developed, and friendship grows stronger in work. A real team develops and grows stronger only on the basis of common work. Labour upbringing contributes to the comprehensive development of children. By doing what they can, children develop and grow stronger, and their movements are improved. Performing labour activities, overcoming certain difficulties, the child becomes observant, more mobile and agile, more resilient and patient, learns to accurately and quickly perform the assigned task. A person brought up in work will never get lost in life, will always be able to overcome any difficulties on his way [10].


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