
Distance education as a means of realizing a corrective and developing field for students with higher education institutions

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)

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Markova I.O. Distance education as a means of realizing a corrective and developing field for students with higher education institutions // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 18(154). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/154/92073 (дата обращения: 11.02.2025).
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Distance education as a means of realizing a corrective and developing field for students with higher education institutions

Markova Irina Olegovna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Sadovski Marina Vladimirovna
научный руководитель, scientific director, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. Distance education is a topical area in the development of education for children with special needs, which makes it possible to differentiate the approach to education and upbringing; and to help students with disabilities integrate into society and gain experience in social communication.


Education of children with special needs is one of the most important conditions for their successful socialization and effective self-fulfilment in various occupational and social activities. This requires their full participation and education.  The special education system now has the task of designing a special educational environment of a developmental type for this group of students, Since limited communication with peers and the poverty of social experience make it difficult to develop social and communicative competence among children with disabilities, which has a negative impact on their socialization.

In order to realize a full process of education and integration into society, distance education is applied, which should not only be aimed at educational goals, but also so that every child can find the best way to receive an education and successfully adapt to life.

Distance education is a way of organizing learning that is based on the use of innovative communication technologies.

In distance education, synchronous (online) and asynchronous (offline) technologies are singled out. They can be related to face-to-face and distance learning. However, in working with children with HIA, the correspondence form of work will not be effective, since the teacher here only performs the function of a tester.

The most convenient and appropriate form of in-person distance learning is as it includes the necessary individualization of the educational process (the learner can partly independently determine the pace of work, choose the time of occupation) At the same time, this form of education makes it possible to communicate in real time with the teacher and classmates.

The education of children with HIA and disabilities has its own peculiarities, so the use of distance education technologies must take into account the specific nature of the psychophysical development and the special educational needs of the students in this group.

Corrective-developmental education is an integral part of the adapted basic general education programme (EPA) for students with special needs. It includes remedial courses for specialists such as a psychologist, a speech therapist and a teacher-defectologist. These courses are designed to meet the special educational needs of each pupil and help to overcome or reduce the difficulties that prevent the child from acquiring educational material, from acquiring educational skills and from adapting to society.

It can be concluded from the above that the success of the educational programme is inextricably linked to the success of the child in taking remedial and developmental courses.

If it is necessary to switch to a remote form of education, the most important task is to provide corrective-developmental assistance to children with HIA and to provide conditions for individual remedial courses according to the individual educational route, developed by school PPK specialists.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to organize psychological and pedagogical support for children with HIA in two complementary forms: remote and electronic.

The remote form involves the organized interaction of the learner with the educator by means of an Internet connection, using audio and video broadcasting in real time. At the same time, strict adherence to the timetable and high standards for the overall organization of the process are required.

The electronic form involves the transfer of digital learning materials to the learner. The teacher-psychologist sends the child material describing the tasks and exercises or provides access to it on the Internet. At the same time, the student himself (parental assistance is permitted) determines for himself the time of performance of the work.

In the case of distance learning, not only is the use of special educational Internet platforms permissible, but also the use of various messengers providing audio and video communications. The most common are Skype, Discord, Hangouts. These applications can be used on computers and mobile devices. In this case, the pedagogic psychologist can organize both group (providing the child with HIA social communication experience) and individual form of work.

In this way, online interaction with the learner makes it possible to conduct classes that include all traditional stages, to receive feedback from the child in real time, and also to answer his or her questions and clarify matters that he or she does not understand.

Features of distance learning:

  1. The real capacity of the communication technician and trainee must be taken into account.
  2. The specifics of such training require prior preparation by the trainee. It is necessary to specify in advance what materials will be needed. In determining the content of the lessons, the teacher-psychologist must take into account the impossibility of full control over the progress of the tasks and the possible need for the child to be assisted in the event of any difficulties.

Features of electronic training:

  1. It is advisable to use file exchangers, for example, «Yandex Disk» or «Google Disk». The specialist places in advance the materials of the lessons, instructions to the tasks, leaflets, links to other resources or files.
  2. Necessary information for the child and his or her parents can be combined in thematic folders, additional information can be placed with a schedule of classes and feedback options (in this case the learner can choose the time and pace of the tasks convenient for him or her).
  3. Audio and video communications are not required for this form of training, as feedback is available via messengers and e-mail. The forms of this feedback can be photos or screenshots of completed tasks.
  4. The electronic support form enables the teacher to post material for parents aimed at their psychological education.

Problems with this form of implementation of the correction and development field:

  • Inability to work as a group with learners
  • limitations of task control,
  • Limited availability of assistance to the child as soon as necessary.

Regardless of the form in which the psychological and pedagogical support of a child with an HIA is organized, maintaining contact with the parents is very important. It is the parents, in remote learning, who can provide the necessary assistance to the specialist to ensure that the tasks are carried out correctly.

It is this kind of joint work that produces the greatest result, so the specialist must instruct the parents to:

  1. How should the class with the learner be conducted,
  2. how the tasks should be performed correctly,
  3. which require special attention in the work and condition of the child,
  4. How can you tell if a child is fatigued,
  5. What techniques can be used to relieve his psycho-emotional tension.

If this form is used, the specialist is obliged to provide the parents with a short lesson plan or list of tasks with detailed instruction of execution, an indication of the need to follow a certain sequence of individual tasks and exercises, Arrangements for the transition from one job to another, online counselling and psychological support for parents.

The active participation of students and their parents in the distance-learning programmer ensures effective interaction of all participants in the educational process.

One of the important advantages of BP, according to V.N. Skvortsov, is the possibility of the learner with OJS to choose not only the pace of study, but also the time. In his article, Skvortsov points out the importance of this aspect of learning «by following a course of treatment with frequent hospitalization of disabled children» [2, p 47].

In turn, M.S. Myasnikova notes the difficulties in implementing distance learning due to the high material cost of technical training (equipment, high-speed Internet); Lack of readiness of participants in the educational process to communicate online; Lack of pedagogical and methodological preparedness of teachers; Difficulties in maintaining and maintaining communication links and equipment sets [1, p 150].

Distance education is becoming increasingly popular in our country. Work is currently under way in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation to organize distance education for children with HIA, including in Belgorod province.

To date, 309 educational institutions in the region have implemented corrective-development programmes for students with an HIA, including programmes of a corrective-development type of a remote nature. On the basis of medical and socio-educational indications and on the basis of a declaration by the parents (legal representatives), individual home-based education is organized for this group of students.

For example, special conditions have been created in the «Northern SOS 2» MEU of the Belgorod district of Belgorod oblast for the education of children in this category, taking into account their psychophysical characteristics:

This school implements special (remedial) programmes of primary general and basic general education for pupils with special needs.

  • Children with special needs are admitted on the basis of the recommendations of the Centre;
  • Matters relating to the activities of general educational establishments relating to the organization of the education and upbringing of children with special needs are governed by the Statute and local acts of educational establishments;
  • In order to ensure that children with special needs receive the full range of educational programmes and to correct physical and (or) mental deficiencies, a psychologist works at school;
  • In order to ensure the effective integration of children with special needs in educational establishments, awareness-raising and information campaigns are being conducted on issues related to the specific features of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students (with or without developmental disabilities), their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff;
  • In accordance with the plan for the implementation of the national priority project «Education» of the Russian Federation and the regional project for the organization of distance education for children with disabilities, as well as for the effective inclusion of children with disabilities in distance learning, the teachers of the school attend refresher courses.

The tasks implemented in MEU Northern EPS 2:

  • Ensuring conditions for the realization of the right of students with HIA to free education;
  • Organization of quality remedial and rehabilitation work with students with various forms of developmental disorders;
  • Maintaining and improving the health of students with HIA by improving the educational process;
  • Creating a favourable psychological and pedagogical climate for the realization of the individual abilities of students with HIA;
  • Expanding the material base and resources of schools for the education of children with HIA;
  • Improving the human resources management system.

In addition, the secondary school in Belgorod, Belgorod, 50, provides students with educational facilities adapted to the students' mental and physical development, individual abilities and state of health.

In the school, the educational process is carried out using EE (e-learning) and DOT (distance learning technologies) by teachers who have received appropriate training. Teaching staff who study using EE and DOT are given authorized access to specialized educational resources. The prerequisite for working with DOT is that the person in need must have basic computer and software skills, basic telecommunications skills (Internet navigation systems, Internet search skills, e-mail etc.).

In implementing educational programmes using e-learning and distance learning technologies, the school:

Provides educational and methodological assistance to trainees, including through individual consultations conducted remotely using information and telecommunication technologies;

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.

On the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded that, despite a number of difficulties encountered by both the teacher and the pupil in organizing distance learning, distance education is becoming increasingly necessary in society, since it successfully ensures the socialization of students with HIA and gives them the opportunity to receive an education and choose the way forward. But do not forget that this form of education still does not fully compensate for the interaction of this group of children with society, since «living» interaction with all participants of the educational process is very important for the mental development of the child and development of his social skills.


1. Myasnikova M. C. Innovation in education: distance learning for children with special needs / M. S. Myasnikova / Current issues in modern pedagogy: materials IV International. C. Buff. (Ufa, November 2013). - T. 0. - Ufa : Summer, 2013. - C. 149-151. - URL: https:/moluch.ru/confped/archive/97/4426/ (date of call: 01.10.2020).
2. Skvortsov V. N., Nikitina M. I., Korbina L. M. Distance learning for children with special needs as an innovative form of education in the region / Journal of the Journal of the Leningrad State University, im. .A.S. Pushkina. - 2010. - 3. - S. 43 - 50.