
Working with antonyms as a means of forming a student's speech culture

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Mironenko V. Working with antonyms as a means of forming a student's speech culture // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(155). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/155/93012 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Working with antonyms as a means of forming a student's speech culture

Mironenko Valeria
Student, Belgorod State Research University, Russia, Belgorod




Мироненко Валерия Вячеславовна

студент, Белгородский государственный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. This article is devoted to the analysis of working with antonyms as a means of forming a student's speech culture. The article deals with the concept of antonymy and its meaning. A large place in the work is occupied by the consideration of methodological recommendations for working with words-antonyms to prevent speech errors, the formation of a sound culture of students.

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена анализу работы с антонимами как средством формирования речевой культуры учащегося. В статье рассматривается понятие антонимии, его значение. Большое место в работе занимает рассмотрение методических рекомендаций по работе со словами-антонимами для предупреждения речевых ошибок, формирования ревой культуры учащихся.


Keywords: antonym, speech culture, speech error.

Ключевые слова: антоним, речевая культура, речевая ошибка.


The problem of working with antonyms as a means of forming a student's speech culture is currently relevant in pedagogy, because it has insufficient development in the methodological system of the school curriculum. The formation of a student's speech culture is one of the central tasks of the modern educational process. After all, "the main (final) goal of the work on the development of students 'speech is to teach them to fully communicate" [Antonova, Voiteleva, 7]. In its traditional sense, the culture of speech is the degree of proficiency in the language of literature for the most effective communication (its norms, lexical, stylistic and grammatical-semantic resources). One of the main components of the culture of the language is the means of expression. Knowledge and skillful use of the means of expression in the speech flow is what every student should strive for.

One of the means of expressiveness of speech, which has a great influence on the formation of the student's speech culture, are antonyms – words of the same semantic group, but with opposite meanings. The use of antonyms in our language plays a really important role, because they are used to create a contrast, to express the opposite, to contrast one phenomenon with another. Such words help us to enrich speech, serve to convey various shades, meanings of a particular concept in the language. And also for a more accurate, detailed transmission of the speaker's attitude to various objects and phenomena.

Currently, the work on the culture of speech is carried out systematically in the study of various linguistic phenomena. One way to do this is to use antonyms. Antonyms are opposite words in meaning. The development of antonymic relations in vocabulary reflects our perception of reality in all its contradictory complexity and interdependence. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts they denote, are not only opposed to each other, but also closely related to each other.

The correct use of antonyms in speech helps to reveal the contradictory nature of objects, phenomena, and qualities. The correlation of the most general features of the opposite is often supplemented by particular, specific, semantically no less significant features. Antonyms are the most important means of creating an antithesis – gr. antithesis-the opposite) – a stylistic figure of contrast, a sharp contrast of concepts, positions, images, states.

Working on antonymy can solve the problem of lexical errors of students, that is, ensure compliance with the normative and ethical aspects of speech culture, as well as the communicative aspect, because such work can make students ' speech more expressive and memorable, stylistically rich.

Improving speech culture is an urgent problem of modern society. To teach how to speak, observing the norms of the modern Russian language, it is advisable to pay great attention to the issues of speech culture in the school course. Currently, children make a large number of mistakes in the pronunciation of words, word formation, inflection, use of words, and stress setting. The school course of the native language, the main practical purpose of which is to develop and improve the speech skills of students, has always to some extent solved cultural and speech issues. Unfortunately, teachers do not always pay due attention to the work on the culture of speech, so it is necessary to find ways toimprove it [Antonova, Voiteleva, 119].

The program requirements for speech culture are not sufficiently implemented in school practice, so the problem of speech culture of modern schoolchildren is so urgent. For the comprehensive formation of skills for the development of speech culture of students, it is necessary to develop a system of exercises prepared on the basis of the research of modern linguists and teachers. It is important that for the formation of the school concept for the development of speech, it is necessary to systematically use exercises that prevent speech errors of students. There are several paths here. When studying the main grammatical and spelling topics, it is necessary to draw children's attention to the ways and norms of education of various language units (word, phrase, sentence). For this purpose, all traditional types of grammar and spelling exercises should be used. More attention should be paid to lexical topics. On polysemantic words antonyms and synonyms, you need to work on each lesson, without leaving any words that children do not understand without attention.

It is necessary to introduce children to textual concepts, paying special attention to the means of inter-phrasal communication between sentences.

When preparing for essays and expositions, it is necessary to conduct special language training, including work with speech-related concepts.

You need to work carefully on the vocabulary of the literary text, not only in literature lessons, but also in Russian language lessons. In oral retellings, find and correct speech errors of students.

It is worth systematically conducting exercises on editing ready-made texts ("artificial texts with speech errors or texts written by children of essays or expositions are given") [Mali et al, 65-66].

It is important to note that the main unit of learning coherent speech was defined as a text that has a logical structure, completeness, and a special set of lexical and grammatical means necessary for the transmission of thoughts. "The development of the skills and abilities of building a text occurs most effectively by understanding its structure, patterns of construction, literary norms" [Grebennikova 2018, 102].

So, "the task of native language lessons in secondary school is to increase the level of speech development of schoolchildren, to improve their speech skills and skills in all types of speech activity" [Bykova, 241].

It should be said that in the work on the development of the student's speech culture, it is important for the teacher to understand the tasks of speech work with schoolchildren. In the system of work on the development of students ' speech, the formation of their syntactic speech skills is important.

Practice shows that work on the formation of these skills is carried out constantly, but it is characterized by a number of shortcomings. The main ones include the following: not the entire volume of syntactic speech skills is worked out, but only some of them that are directly related to the grammatical material being studied; monotonous didactic material is used to work out each skill, the evaluation base is not sufficiently formed, and so on.


1. Antonova E. S., Voiteleva T. M. Russkij yazyk [Russian language]. –M.: 2014. – 384 с.
2. Bykova [Formation of speech culture as a means of personal development of a student]. – M.: 2016. – 170 с.
3. Grebennikova L. V. Sbornik materialov po razvitiyu rechi na urokah russkogo yazyka i literatury [Collection of materials on speech development in Russian language and literature lessons]. – M.: 2018. – 105 с.
4. Mali L. D. Metodika obucheniya russkomu yazyku i literature [Methods of teaching Russian language and literature]. [et al.], Penza: 2015. – 131 с.