
A healthy Lifestyle

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(156)

Рубрика: Медицина и фармацевтика

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Podorvanov A. A healthy Lifestyle // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 20(156). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/156/93380 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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A healthy Lifestyle

Podorvanov Artem
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod


A healthy Lifestyle is a concept of human activity aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical training, morale and rejection of bad habits. Each of us is faced with this concept. In our time, you can achieve good results by following its simple rules: strengthen your health and improve your appearance.

So what does a Healthy Lifestyle Include? First of all, this is the rejection of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. These factors negatively affect the human body. Everyone is well aware of this, but, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of their consequences.

- Alcohol abuse is one of the most pressing problems of our country. The widespread sale and advertising of alcoholic beverages, social, economic and psychological tension, disorganized leisure and recreation contribute to the alcoholization of the population, including young people.

Alcoholic lifestyle as an antithesis of a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factors leading to premature death. Alcoholism is a huge social evil that "eats away" the individual from the inside, causing great damage to society. "National disaster"," collective suicide of the nation"," the path to the catastrophe of humanity " — this is how scientists and the public of many countries assess the growing abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Is alcoholism a disease or promiscuity? The beginning of systematic intoxication is promiscuity, lack of culture and lack of will, and the period of mental dependence on alcohol is already an incipient disease.

- One of the most common bad habits is smoking tobacco.

There is not a single organ or system in the human body that is not adversely affected by tobacco smoke and its components.

The central nervous system of the smoker is in a state of constant tension due to the stimulating effect of nicotine. But at the same time, less blood flows to it (due to spasm of the brain vessels), and the content of oxygen in it, which is necessary to maintain active brain activity, is reduced. But even the oxygen supplied to the brain is hardly used by brain cells, so the smoker has reduced mental performance, memory is weakened, and strong-willed qualities suffer. In addition, he feels increased irritability, he has disturbed falling asleep and often.

- Drug addiction is one of the manifestations of drug addiction, when drugs are used to achieve a narcotic, i.e. stupefying, effect.


Morning exercise is a mandatory physical activity. It helps the body to move from sleep to wakefulness, improves metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. A person is able to adequately respond to external physical and mental stimuli. As a result, we experience less stress, look better, and think positively.

Sports also have a positive effect on the body:

Excellent physical health

Constant sports activities provide muscle tone, increase endurance and strength, as well as promote the growth of immunity and the well-coordinated work of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.


Thanks to sports, your figure is not threatened by extra pounds and obesity.


Sports discipline a person, instill in him responsibility and contribute to a more active life position.

Proper nutrition.

A balanced diet strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, improves memory and appearance. It should be based on healthy foods. Many people start eating right to achieve the result, but, unfortunately, do not turn this process into a lifestyle. This is a common mistake. If you do not eat right in life, then all your results can quickly disappear.


Hardening strengthens the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, and has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Its main preventive value is that it does not cure the disease, but prevents its occurrence. At the same time, it is suitable for almost any healthy person, regardless of their age and degree of physical development.

Healthy sleep.

Sound sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the appearance of many diseases. People who sleep for 7-8 hours, definitely do the right thing, but not everyone manages to comply with the sleep regime. Lack of sleep causes extreme stress in the entire body, the consequences of which can be the most deplorable. These are heart palpitations, pressure surges, loss of appetite, indigestion, loss of the ability to think rationally and respond adequately to what is happening.

With regular lack of sleep, the protective functions of the body weaken. As a result, the reaction to.

These simple rules are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. If a person is healthy, full of energy and strength – the doors to a full, happy life are open to him. He can travel, engage in extreme sports, try out something new and without any restrictions.

If you want to be healthy and successful, lead a healthy lifestyle!!!