
Encouragement for improving reading competence

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №22(158)

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Begdullaeva D.R., Khabibullaeva B.B. Encouragement for improving reading competence // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 22(158). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/158/95035 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025).
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Encouragement for improving reading competence

Begdullaeva Dinora Rustem qizi
Student of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan, Karakalpak
Khabibullaeva Barno Bakhadirovna
Student of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan, Karakalpak


Abstract. Reading is an individual, independent activity. First of all, it is necessary to clear the human mind of foreign objects and then prepare for reading. Basically, it is better to ensure that they know the book as a vital necessity, rather than an interest in reading it. Man should read the book not as a weapon used for a specific purpose, but

as an element of life, a spiritual need. It should be noted that it is better to form a need for books, a love of books, rather than the development of a culture of reading or reading.


Keywords: Reading, Beneficial reading, Reading Advertisment, Educational direction.


Reading is a life skill that can be used throughout life, both at school and in society. It is the main tool that is absorbed into the human mind, daily activities and serves all aspects of life. Without reading skills, a person stops understanding the world and interacting with the outside world. This is the most important factor in the personal development of a person who is different from the animal world in terms of reading and thinking, and in his conscious attitude to the environment. Thus, when a person reads his work, he becomes rich in spiritual treasures and life experience.

If reading broadens one's worldview, it is necessary to move from one template to another and try other templates in order to grow it again. That is, reading should not be a standard and should be practiced in other languages ​​as well.

With the help of reading we keep our mind healthy and sharp, and it gives us more ideas. Reading allows to increase creative thinking. Furthermore, it may also be inspiration when you are feeling bored, down or in a rut. Another profit of reading is it can train our mind how to focus properly which is invaluable in nearly everything we do on a daily basis. Moreover, reading is seemly beneficial when you are communicating with others, it shows your own worldwide in the process of conversation among others. Reading provides with some useful sides of it:

  • expands your vocabulary
  • makes you smarter
  • enhances your imagination
  • simulates your brain
  • enhances analytical thinking skills

An interest in reading encourages the reader to step out of the circle and use both foreign sources. This curiosity reveals the need for the student to learn a foreign language. You can read translations of foreign literature, but the translation is not the same as the original [1:13]

The literature of the country where the language is studied contains a large amount of socio-cultural information. Literature, as a branch of culture and a form of social consciousness of the country under study, includes rich cultural and educational skills that influence the formation of socio-cultural attitudes and beliefs. It reflects reality, it differs from other forms of social consciousness (science, ideology, etc.). In the process of reading fiction in foreign language classes, students acquire the necessary knowledge about aesthetics, culture, art and others, as well as develop socio-cultural competencies [2: 206].

In today's advanced age, the rapid development of modern technology does not leave anyone indifferent. On the contrary, it is no secret that technology, which is being updated day by day, is deeply ingrained in the lives of each of us. Therefore, modern gadgets, which have become an integral part of our daily lives, every step of our work and every step, not only benefit us, but also harm us. In this regard, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a mobile phone. Apparently, man is well aware of its benefits, and has already realized its harms, tried it in his life experience, and, knowing that in some respects it has more harm than good, he is overly armed with this weapon. As we observe the impact of this gadget on each age group, the younger generation has a large share. Because in children and adolescents the curiosity about the outside world is endless and tends to try anything they encounter. However, the growing interest of young people in modern gadgets, and its growing popularity, raises problematic issues. That is, their negative effects on both spiritual and physical health harm not only themselves, but society as a whole. One man's indifference is spreading to the surrounding environment.

We can say that these gadgets are the main factor that extinguishes the interest of young people in learning and reading. The reason is that when we go to the youth and conduct a public opinion poll, most young people admit that the reason is the telephone and the Internet, and some say that it is due to indecision, laziness and indifference. What they don't know is that this indecision and reluctance is created by modern technology.

Taking into account the above factors, we would like to point out a number of reasons (other than the above) for a person to have a low level of extensive reading, or not at all:

1) "lack of time";

2) lack of motivation to study;

3) low level of attention to reading in the environment in which a person is formed (school, college, university, office, etc.);

4) lack of popularization of books on television, radio, press and, in particular, social networks;

As mentioned above, it is clear that young people have a lack of time due to the fact that they are addicted to gadgets and "busy" in social networks, which have become a daily activity. This raises the question of whether the features of this modern technology, created by mankind, are stronger, or the will of the human child? In other words, the trapping power of technology is so strong that a person easily obeys it and easily sacrifices his will and determination.

The importance of the institution in which the child is educated and the educational environment in it is so great that the direction in which the child grows. The teacher educates and teaches the student. Any student can receive a mature education if the teacher has not only the knowledge and teaching methods, but also a strong desire and inclination to impart his knowledge to the child, as well as the ability to assimilate it [3:47].  That is, if a person is motivated to read, if he is directed to a specific goal with the knowledge he receives through the object of reading, as well as if he is given the confidence to do so, he will be fully involved in the reading process.

A wide range of environments, such as television, radio, and social media, are in the public eye for twenty-four hours. Therefore, there are those who use them purposefully and vice versa. In the middle of the public opinion poll, the idea of ​​advertising as an effective way to promote reading was also put forward by students [4:56].  When it comes to advertising, it is not the thick and beautiful cover of the book, that is, the design and price of the book, but the interior of the book, its content, the idea that has a positive impact on human life, as well as the motivation for it. For example, in the case of television commercials, a simple film can be advertised using its content, sharpness, and engaging points, and can attract the public in front of the TV screen. If you use excerpts from the book's content, exemplary and interesting plot, but use the latter as a mystery, you should take into account the fact that it is filmed or staged as a film and posted on social networks. As a result, it is possible to increase the number of readers of the book in the spotlight through this reading advertisement.


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