Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №35(171)
Рубрика: Культурология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №35(171)
Abstract. The article is devoted to the speech image of a state and municipal employee of the Belgorod region. The article examines the problems of the language competence of state and municipal employees.
Keywords: speech image, speech culture, speech etiquette, adaptation to a modern audience.
Today, in professional, scientific and public circles, the issue of the need to conduct an exam for persons entering the civil service related to the use of the state language is being discussed more and more actively. This category should include, first of all, state and municipal employees, whose culture of oral and written speech will be the most important indicator of their professional suitability and an essential sign of business qualifications. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to the linguistic competence of employees. One of the components of the qualification exams, which have recently been held in many government and administrative bodies, is the test of knowledge of the Russian language (testing, dictation, presentation, etc.). The centers for advanced training of management personnel include in their curricula classes on the culture of speech, and also organize training according to the specialized program “Culture of speech behavior of state and municipal employees”.
It should be noted that state and municipal services belong to the area of increased speech responsibility. It is language that is an instrument of social management, the most important means of communication and influence, optimization of all types of human activity. Illiterate and incorrect use of speech means can lead to malfunctions in the management system, a decrease in communicative efficiency, and cause irreparable harm to the activities of a state or municipal employee. Errors in the speech of officials, their ignorance of the ethical norms of speech behavior become the subject of publicity, criticism of others and the media, contribute to the formation of a negative image of power
State and municipal employees are obliged to bear moral and social responsibility for the consequences of their speech behavior, to take care of creating a positive speech image. A speech image is an internal and external image formed by a person using the linguistic means used to create a certain impression of himself. The formation of a speech image is closely related to work on improving the culture of oral and written speech. The speech practice of employees today reflects the socio-political, economic, moral, ethical and cultural processes taking place in the life of Russian society in recent decades.
The professional requirement for state and municipal employees is their proficiency in the state language of the Russian Federation, the role of which is played by the modern Russian literary language. State and municipal employees need to have certain knowledge of the Russian language, namely about its stylistic varieties, which makes it possible to use the language more confidently in their activities, to choose the right speech means in accordance with the communication situation and communication tasks, will help to correctly build a scientific, journalistic, official business text, etc. Knowledge of the state language presupposes strict adherence to the current literary norms. The experience of working with employees of different levels shows that the most typical errors are those associated with violations of literary norms at all levels of the language - phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
When working to improve the speech culture of employees, one should not lose sight of the ethical aspect, which prescribes the knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in a real situation. Ethical standards of communication mean, first of all, adherence to speech etiquette (speech formulas for greetings, requests, questions, gratitude, congratulations, etc.; Choice of full or abbreviated name, form of address, etc.). The use of speech etiquette is greatly influenced by non-linguistic factors: the age of the participants in a speech act, their social status, the nature of the relationship between them, the type of service relationship, the time and place of speech interaction. The use of etiquette speech turns helps the interlocutors to establish, maintain and terminate contact, create a favorable psychological environment, communicate in a certain tone in accordance with the social roles of the participants.
One of the pressing problems of oratory is nowadays adaptation to the audience. It is very important that the information presented is personalized, i.e. adapted to the specific perceptions of the audience. The interest of the audience is largely determined by how this information is personally relevant to the audience. Therefore, in order to maintain the interest of the audience, the information must meet a number of requirements. It needs to be timely, close, serious and lively. For effective communication, it is very important that the information is tailored to the level of knowledge of the listeners. According to experts, it is better to err in the direction of underestimating the knowledge of the audience than in the direction of overestimating it. Therefore, if there is any doubt that the audience has the necessary basic knowledge, you should take the time and remind the audience of the basic information and facts regarding this topic. In conclusion, it should be said that the speech image of a state and municipal employee of the Belgorod region depends on the level of development of the linguocultural situation in the country, systematic independent work on the improvement of speech culture, the creation of a system of the Russian national service of the Russian language, as well as the opening of linguistic services in government organizations and institutions, authorities and administration.