Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №39(175)
Рубрика: Психология
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №39(175)
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of personal and psychological factors affecting the motivation of employees. The classification of factors is given, practical recommendations for identifying personal and psychological factors of employees are given.
Keywords: personal and psychological factors, motivation system, work activity, professional motivation of employees, recruitment.
Currently, the problem of professional non-material motivation is very acute. This issue is undoubtedly relevant and is being actively developed in theory and practice. Increased interest in this topic occurs for a number of reasons: high staff turnover, reduced labor efficiency. Inefficient recruitment of personnel, lack of development of its personal and psychological factors, a decrease in professional motivation among employees, leads to staff turnover and a whole range of economic and socio-psychological problems. Identification of personal and psychological factors of employees is the most important stage of successful work activity.
The purpose of this work is to identify personal and psychological factors affecting the professional motivation of employees of the organization.
Motivation is one of the most important and difficult to change factors that should be taken into account when hiring and when subsequently building a situational management system.
Many researchers have been engaged in identifying factors affecting motivation. So, A. Ya. Kibanov identifies only factors external to the organization, on which the state of the personnel motivation system depends [1]. T. G. Ozernikova classifies all factors into objective and subjective. The objective ones are divided into external and internal, and the subjective ones consist of an individual management style and competence [3]. E. P. Ilyin identified psychological factors that are involved in the motivation process: moral control, individual preferences, his capabilities and conditions at a particular time, conditions for achieving the goal, the influence of the external situation [4].
All factors of the employee motivation system can be divided into economic, organizational, managerial and personal. For successful work, all factors must interact with each other. Economic and organizational and managerial factors are external motivating factors, personal factors are internal factors. Personal and psychological factors should be taken into account when applying for a job.
Personal factors have a direct direct impact on employee motivation, but when forming a motivation system in an organization, we can only talk about their indirect influence.
Personality-psychological factors are divided into three levels, each of which has a type and a subspecies of personality-psychological factors [6].
Value orientations: 1. social values; 2. political views; 3. corporate values; 4. moral values
The value orientations of employees show the content of the attitude to work, to meet their needs in the company. They are formed in early childhood and can change due to the external environment, the company in which the employee is located.
Personal goals: 1. goals aimed at self-realization and development; 2. goals aimed at career growth; 3. goals arising in connection with a change in social status; 4. goals aimed at satisfying the need for recognition and respect.
Personal goals are formed consciously and are aimed at meeting the needs that are most important to the employee at a given time. The motive arises directly from the goal, as regulating and directing the employee's work activity to meet the need.
Individual qualities of an employee: 1. age; 2. education; 3. the level of tolerance; 4. versatility; 5. communication skills; 6. focus on yourself, on interaction or on a task; 7. personal interests and their structure; 8. hard work and ability to work; 9. responsibility
Identification of personal and psychological factors of employees will allow to assess potential risks for work activity at the stage of recruitment. Consideration of personal and psychological factors will allow assessing professional motivation and readiness of employees to implement various motivational programs. For example, from the point of view of personal and psychological factors at the recruitment stage, it is worth paying attention to the individual qualities of employees and value orientations.
Diagnostics of personality-psychological factors and their correlation with the psychogram of the specialty allows you to predict the work activity of a certain employee.
Since the knowledge of personal and psychological factors that can influence the professional motivation of an employee and his personal characteristics allows you to choose the most effective methods of motivation.