Relationship between emotional burnout and individual typological personality traits in representatives of various professional groups (analysis of applied research results).
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №39(175)
Рубрика: Психология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №39(175)
Relationship between emotional burnout and individual typological personality traits in representatives of various professional groups (analysis of applied research results).
Abstract. The article analyzes the relationship between emotional burnout and individual typological characteristics of the individual based on the analysis of the results of applied research. The main factors contributing to the development of burnout syndrome are highlighted.
Keywords: burnout syndrome, burnout factors, professional crisis, individual and typological features.
One of the factors that has a significant impact on the productivity and motivation of employees is the burnout syndrome.
Burnout develops over a long period of time and is associated with severe and prolonged stress at work. The development of this syndrome is typical for altruistic professions, where care for people dominates (social workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, psychologists, etc.) and depends on the situation within the labor collective, working conditions, and individual psychological characteristics of individuals. Burnout syndrome is a state of emotional, psychological, and physical exhaustion [6].
The relevance of the study of burnout syndrome and its connection with individual typological features of the individual is that these factors significantly affect professional activity: indifference to work develops, the quality and productivity of an employee's work deteriorates. Also, exhaustion leads to depressive states, feelings of fatigue and emptiness.
The concept of burnout syndrome was first considered independently in the works of two scientists: G. Freudenberger in 1974 and K. Maslach in 1976 [1].
Quite a lot of research has been devoted to the question of the relationship between emotional burnout and individual typological characteristics of the individual. L. V. Antipova and M. D. Petrash conducted a study in which adult men and women of various professions aged 24-53 years were interviewed, a total of 45 people (36 women, 9 men). The study participants have from 3 to 32 years of work experience. All subjects voluntarily participated in the study and were informed about its goals and objectives.
As a hypothesis, the study было acceptedthe followingщее assumptionие:-the degree of severity of burnout syndrome depends more on individual psychological characteristics of the individual than on the level of "communication" of the profession. In the course of the study, this hypothesis was confirmed. For example, the feeling of psychological well-being has a large number of connections with the factor of burnout syndrome (66, of which 36 are very highly significant), the same pronounced relationship is shown by the factors of life goals and self-acceptance. This confirms the fact that there is a relationship between a person's sense of the meaning of existence and burnout syndrome [2].
In his research on determining the features of burnout syndrome in representatives of pedagogical professions [3]. N. I. Vlah noted such internal factors as: low level of self-regulation of emotions and behavior, self-doubt in combination with increased anxiety, emotional rigidity. Particularly interesting is the fact that the most vulnerable to emotional burnout are specialists who extend role-playing behavior to all spheres of life and those who have a low level of competence and are not able to cope with life's difficulties.
And. Groza noted in his research that young professionals are more susceptible to emotional burnout due to their internal unwillingness to solve professional problems [5].
Another study was conducted by E. N. Tkach and R. S. Tkach in order to identifyThere are no significant individual psychological factors influencing the formation of emotional burnout in teachers and psychologists
The sample of this study consisted of 40 employees of orphanages (teachers and psychologists) in Khabarovsk. The subjects were aged from 22 to 52 years, including 5 men and 35 women.
The authors of the study used the following methods: A. Mehrabian's achievement motivation test questionnaire, a job satisfaction questionnaire, and V. V. Boyko's "Burnout Level Diagnostics" method.
During the study, it was found that most of the subjects are in the stage of burnout syndrome, some of them already have separate symptoms in all three stages.
After analyzing the results, the authors foundthat individual psychological and socio-psychological factors of burnout are closely related to each other and to the level of burnout syndrome.
In the course of the study, the authors found that the formation of burnout syndrome is influenced by internal, individual psychological factors (tendency to frustration, rigidity, isolation in communication, instability of the emotional and volitional sphere, the predominance of the motive for avoiding failure, low motivation).
In the course of the study, the authors confirmed the link between emotional burnout and internal (mental) factors. Studies also show that the desire to fulfill professional duties in the absence of understanding the limit of one's strength and capabilities becomes the starting point of emotional burnout [4].
Thus, the main internal factors contributing to emotional burnout are: loss of meaning, instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, low stress tolerance.
A promising area of research is the study of burnout syndrome in employees working remotely due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection, in the process of which emotional loads increase and the boundaries between family life and professional activity collapse.