

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №43(179)

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Pavlova D.V. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 43(179). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/179/103742 (дата обращения: 11.02.2025).
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Pavlova Dariia Viacheslavovna
Student, Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, branch of RANEPA, Russia, Saratov
Antonyuk Ekaterina Yurevna
научный руководитель,


In the global economy, future development is determined by innovations that increase labor productivity, and recent decades have shown the importance of innovative development as a major factor in the economic growth of national economies. Russia, according to experts, has a huge scientific and technical potential, but the share of implementation of existing developments is not so great.

Russia will be able to move to fast and stable economic growth only through innovation / innovative activity. Innovation management will help realize the full potential of domestic research enterprises.

Innovation management is focused on obtaining a result with novelty through the effective and timely achievement of goals.

Entrepreneurship and innovation are inextricably linked, because in order to promote innovation and achieve results, managers should view the organizational structure as a set of business processes, and not a frozen hierarchical system.

To improve the organizational structure of an enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention not only to domestic experiences, but also to the world ones. Leading innovation processes are moving away from a centralized management system and moving to more flexible forms, giving a certain freedom to subordinates, thus, the whole structure is focused on performance.

The process-oriented structure is aimed at using horizontal links, the functions correspond to the main parameters of the business process, and with this structure, many additional functions are transferred to outsourcing. Submission to service outsourcing is used so that the company can focus on its main goals and objectives - on the profile of its activities.

In accordance with the 2020 Global Innovation Index (GII), compiled on the basis of a comparative analysis of innovation systems in 131 countries, Russia ranked 47th. Switzerland, Sweden and the USA became the leaders.[1]

Leonid Gokhberg, the member of the International Advisory Council of the Global Innovation Index, comments on this position of Russia on the world stage: “Russia is inferior to many countries in terms of innovative development. In 2013-2016 Russia managed to significantly improve its position in the ranking, moving from 62nd to 43rd place. This period actually coincided with the implementation of an active state innovation policy. In recent years, there has been a trend towards stagnation of innovative activity, which is reflected in the absence of any significant changes in the indicators of our country in the GII-2020 ”.

It should be noted that in Russia certain measures are being taken to maintain and develop innovative activities in small businesses. Every year, in Russia small firms are developing more and more (for example, in August 2016 the number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises was 5,523,765 entities, in January 2021 - 5,684,561, while it should be noted that the maximum number of business entities in 2020 was 6,051,910), that's why it is possible to trace a pattern - the rate of GDP growth and innovative development directly depends on the competitiveness of small businesses. Consequently, strengthening innovation and economic potential is closely linked to the development of local markets. Based on the experience of foreign countries, it can be concluded that most of the innovations are carried out precisely in small businesses.[2]

Stimulation of innovation means support in the implementation of developments and research work, in the implementation of research results and scientific and technological achievements, motivation of participants in the innovation process.

Various programs of technological and financial support for small and medium-sized businesses contribute to the development of innovation. For example, in the United States, the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) aims to solve the scientific and technical problems of the main national agencies and federal ministries, each project can be sponsored over $ 100 million for research and development. More than 6,000 projects worth over US $ 2 billion are implemented each year under the SBIR program. [3]

SBIC (Small Business Investment Company) - An American program in which small and medium enterprises receive investment and risk capital during the period of their start and growth. SBIC is primarily targeted at small businesses with a R&D focus.

The UK also uses programs for the introduction of innovative technologies, for example, the Small Business Service on the basis of grants provides financial, legal and informational and advisory support to small and medium-sized enterprises in order to identify technologies for the development of innovative products.

South Korea also provides government support to SMEs, as the SME Corporation provides medium-term loans to promote innovation.

In 1988, the largest industrial park in the country was established in Beijing, which contributed to the development of research activities for more than 16 thousand enterprises. Also, after China's accession to the WTO (World Trade Organization), more than 50 centers were created in the country to support export-oriented innovative small and medium-sized businesses.

Russia supports the development of small and medium-sized businesses (National Project “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives”), however, firms are more focused on imports than exports. This is an indicator of the insufficient level of development and the popularity of the use of innovative technologies to compete with the leading markets of countries. The level of innovative development of individual entities is sufficient to work at the international level, for example, participants in foreign economic activity cooperate with large exporters, participate in innovative developments on foreign orders and are active participants in the world market.

Small and medium-sized enterprises interested in innovative developments need support from the state. In practice, many support programs are unreasonable in Russia, lack of coordination of work and inaccuracy in the designation of the desired result. Even with the successful implementation of some projects, the support is not effective enough and does not contribute to the further development and popularization of the idea. Thus, Russia needs a radically new approach to the design and provision of support programs.

Russia can turn to the experience of countries leading in innovative development and learn from the experience of regulating the economy by the state. Based on the rating, it can be seen that the most developed countries are those that have special bodies for regulating and evaluating the effectiveness of small and medium-sized businesses.

Development requires an integrated approach, application of the experience of developed countries and a detailed development strategy. Russian entrepreneurship is ready to make innovative breakthroughs; all that is needed is state support at the initial stage and supervision of further activities. Thanks to innovative activity, Russia will be able to move to stable and rapid economic growth.


1. Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, Sacha Wunsch-Vincent. GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2020. Available at: https://www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/ru/2020/ (accessed: 23.01.21)
2. Единый реестр субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства 2020. Available at: https://ofd.nalog.ru/index.html (accessed: 25.01.21)
3. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program. Available at: https://sbir.nasa.gov/ (accessed: 26.01.21)