Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №9(188)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №9(188)
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of self-esteem formation in psychological and pedagogical research, as well as the features of the formation of self-esteem of a younger student.
Keywords: self-assessment, research, features of formation, junior student, person, assessment, teacher, abilities, team, ability, reflection.
Since self-esteem has a moral connotation of one's own actions, moral qualities, beliefs, motives and is one of the manifestations of an individual's moral consciousness and conscience, the ability to self-esteem should be formed in a person as a conscious assimilation of moral principles developed by society and his personal attitude to his own actions based on the assessments that these actions give to others. Therefore, a person in self-esteem evaluates the moral meaning of his activity not only on his own behalf, but also as if from the outside, on behalf of other people, on behalf of the group to which he belongs and treats subjectively.
Thanks to the ability to self-esteem, a person acquires the ability to manage and control his actions independently in many ways, and even educate himself.
Self-esteem permeates all aspects of human existence and acts as a tool of psychological protection. Because of low self-esteem, people suffer from a constant feeling of fear, rejection, helplessness, constant expectation of failure, painful experience of their own inferiority. On the contrary, people with high self-esteem tend to reject factors that cause them anxiety, lack of perception of stimuli, impulses, information that can lead to conflict. Both overestimated and underestimated self-esteem lead to psychological discomfort. [5, p. 48].
Thus, self-esteem is defined as a holistic, but at the same time multidimensional education that has a hierarchical structure and a multi-stage structure and is contained in many intersystem connections with other personal formations, various types of activities.
At school age, the role of self-esteem is not limited to educational activities, there is a process of forming self-esteem and striving for success in life. In this regard, adequate self-esteem is a necessary condition for the harmonious development of a child's personality [8, p. 192].
This age period is characterized by the formation of normal demands – the student learns to adequately assess his abilities and abilities and to understand that the success of his actions depends not only on his abilities, but also on what efforts he makes to achieve the goal.
There is no doubt that this process is not spontaneous and completely independent. The child's immediate environment: parents, educators, teachers should help the child to feel and understand himself, teach him to build his actions and desires in accordance with the actions of other people. This process has one drawback: in order to build a harmonious relationship with a child, an adult must know the child's self-esteem and be able to correctly build the process of communication with him in accordance with his individual characteristics.
As a result, in the educational process, the student develops an attitude to the assessment of his own abilities, which is an important component of self-esteem. We must not forget that self-esteem is not only an awareness of one's achievements, but also a desire for the future, awareness and planning. And this process is of great importance for self-regulation of all types of behavior in general and specific types of activities: education, work and communication.
Scientific research identifies all types of self-esteem in primary school children: consistently adequate; consistently overestimated; unstable with insufficient overestimation or underestimation.
Younger students with adequate self-esteem look cheerful and active, have a sense of humor, can independently analyze their actions, including erroneous ones, and continue to solve problems based on conclusions. Children with consistently high self-esteem are characterized by activity and a desire to succeed in educational activities independently and without outside help. You have the prevailing confidence that they can solve all the tasks assigned to you on their own. Children with high and unstable self-esteem overestimate their strength and very often take on tasks that they cannot solve. In case of an error, they continue to insist on themselves or switch to solving a simpler task. Low unstable self-esteem is clearly manifested in personality traits and behavior. Children with this type of self-esteem prefer to take on easy tasks and are careful with the whole learning process. The normal development of personality is greatly hindered by self-doubt and
We cannot but agree with A. I. Lipkina's opinion that in order to properly influence the development of a student's self-esteem, parents and teachers should take into account the characteristics of each child's character at this age, general moments and patterns of self-esteem development and evaluation of his personality. Communication with other children is of great importance for a child in primary school. During communication, students develop all the basic skills of communicating with people who affect their lives. Children really appreciate the opportunity to be in the company of their peers, so the team at school is special for them. The child may even be intuitively attracted to the collective, without consciously realizing that this has an important influence on the formation of his integral personality.
We examined the features of a student's self-esteem, his upbringing in the learning process. The main factors influencing the formation of self-esteem of primary school children are the evaluation effects of teachers, parents and their attitude to educational activities. Therefore, when organizing educational activities, the teacher must consciously and purposefully form students' self-esteem. Parents are encouraged to play games with their children that increase self-esteem, as well as relaxation games to relieve muscle and emotional tension. It is important to give children the opportunity to do something they can be proud of. Incentives and joint activities with children are necessary to increase self-esteem.