

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(194)

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Haydarova A.N. HARMONY IN PORTRAYING HUMAN IMAGE IN THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS AND TAHIR MALIK // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 15(194). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/194/109850 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Haydarova Aziza Nabijon kizi
Student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi
Khasanova Yulduz
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, NSPI teacher Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi


Abstract. Investigating the personality traits of human being alongside with his purpose of existence in this world, living conditions, inner feelings, dreams and thoughts are the main themes of works that have been studied in depth from time immemorial, as well as created in each epoch. Continuing these considerations, this article discusses the similarities between the two great writers’ views on the human image and proves them with examples taken from the works of Charles Dickens, the great writer of English literature, and Tahir Malik, the famous son of the Uzbek people. 


Keywords: concepts of the universe and human being, human image, a unique talent, the similarities in views.


Human being is one of the most sacred and honorable miracles created by God. Understanding man, his purpose in coming and going in this world, living conditions, inner experiences, dreams and thoughts are the main themes of works that have been studied in depth from time immemorial, as well as in the works created in each epoch. In particular, Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea”, one of the brightest figures in world literature, portrays the protagonist Santiago as a man of confidence and hope, and Paulo Coelho’s “ Al-Chemist”  the content is philosophical, and the essence is a simple human problem. In Uzbek literature, Alisher Navoi in the epic “Farhod and Shirin” through the image of Farhod wrote about human qualities, his humanistic views and promoted the idea of a perfect man. From the above examples, we can see that since the creation of the world, the view of the concepts of the universe and man has also gradually developed, and their content has taken on different meanings with different works. But in all of them, man is seen as a unique talent, a creator of the past and the future. Continuing these reflections, in this article we will focus on the human image and their destiny in the works of two great nations - Charles Dickens, the great writer of English literature, and Tahir Malik, the famous son of the Uzbek people.

Charles Dickens is a brilliant representative of English literature and a social critic, as well as popular among readers with his works in a detective and realistic spirit. His name is literally the same as Shakespeare and Byron. Through his works, he was able to vividly and realistically describe the situation in England in the XIX century, human life. His works include “David Copperfield”, “Black House”, and “Oliver Twist”.  Well-known writer Tahir Malik, who already has a large following in Uzbek literature with his many detective novels and educational and philosophical novels, also studies life, human nature, their psyche and the inner world with his works. His most well-known novels, “Goodbye, Childhood!”, “The Last Bullet,” “The Dead Don’t Speak,” “Talvasa,” “The Desert of Hope,” and “Satan,” are among the most controversial.

 Despite the fact that these two peoples live and work at different times, the harmony of purpose and common ideas in their works make us think more. In particular, Charles Dickens’s “Oliver Twist” depicts the public figures of the time, not criticizing the unfortunate heroes for their poverty and ignorance, but for being born poor and therefore constantly discriminated against criticized the society for refusing to help the convicts.

Tahir Malik also said in an interview with readers: “Finding ways to root out oppression and lead a happy life. Reading is not just a writer’s concern. It should be a public concern. Because the spiritual world is enriched only and only by books. A spiritually poor society cannot rise in the world ... ” The writer, who is steadfast in his views, always sets out to warn the reader of the philosophy of life as he tells a story with a pen in hand. This means that both writers, despite having their own artistic ideas and artistic pathos, have tried and succeeded in turning an important fact of life into an artistic reality.

In Charles Dickens’s “Oliver Twist”, the author focuses on child labor, the plight of the poor, and the bitter and cruel truth of the day – the plight of the oppressed and the indifference of the society that rules them proves in sharp pencils. Take, for example, the beginning scenes of the work. “What an excellent example of the power of a dress, young Oliver Twist was! Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; it would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society. But now that he was envelopedin the old calico robes which had grown yellow in the same service, he was badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at once - a parsh child - the orphan of a workhouse - the humble, half-starved drudge - to be cuffed and buffeted through the world -despised by all, and pitied by none ”. A similar situation is described by Tahir Malik’s “Goodbye, childhood!” We can also see Qamariddin in the play: “He was unfamiliar with the notion of parental love and a home where umbilical cord blood was shed. When Qamariddin learned that strangers would come and take the children away, he waited with hope that someone would come, stroke his head, and hug and kiss him tightly. People would come, but they wouldn’t take him away”..   Yes, it is very difficult for a person to know who he was born to be. The same catastrophe, the same indifference to the fate of the same people, will cause these two young people in the future to enter a vicious and lonely swamp – the world of crime. This begs the question. What influences a person’s behavior and formation? Is it his origin, his lineage, or the social environment in which he grew up? The answer can be found in the passages from both works: Children are different, families are different, crimes are different. An official’s child, an employee’s child… It’s all tied up with an invisible thread. If you say it’s a thing of the past, generations have changed. And today’s crimes are unprecedented. If you say Western influence, there are good things in the West. Criminals, especially children, do not believe in justice. It’s easier to drive trust than to trust someone. So who is going to give confidence when the West is helping to drive it away? Parents, school, people around?... ”

Charles Dickens describes this situation: “Think how young he is; think that he may never have known a mothers love, or the comfort of a home; that ill-usage and blows, or the want of bread, may have driven him to herd with men who have forced him to guilt.  Dickens’s heroes are so close to us that we see them not only as English, but also as our compatriots. As we read his writings, we are once again convinced of the heightened feelings of deep humanity and compassion for the weak. His protagonists are often simple, innocent, forgiving, humble people that we love involuntarily. The qualities of hope, patience, and devotion that grow in the hearts of the helpless raise them to the level of true heroes. In particular, we appreciate the courage of 17-year-old Nancy, who, despite being among the oppressors, was kind to young Oliver and always insisted that he would not enter the world of theft. Although he was repeatedly offered a way out of this dark life at the end of the play, his friends arrested him and expressed confidence that he would be released, but he refused. “Bad life as he has led, I have led a bad life too; there are many of us who have kept the same courses together, and I’ll not turn upon them, who might – any of them – have turned upon me, but didn’t, bad as they are. Nancy proves her loyalty to her friends by doing something like “the soul of the shipwreck is one” and thus sacrifices her life.

In Tahir Malik’s “Goodbye, Childhood”, the protagonist of the story, Qamariddin, commits a crime and, when the time comes to punish him, takes it all on himself and saves his friends from misfortune. For he said to Asrar, “Brother, do not forget me. I’m not a bad person, I just want to be a good person. But they wouldn’t let that happen. Now you are human! But don’t forget to be careful, they can bend you. I’m free, you can’t be free, ”he said, adding that his dream had come true.”.. Time is always upset with someone or something in life because he treats Qamariddin like an abandoned object. But it is important to remember that once life is given to a person, it is up to him to choose how to live it.

In their works, both great writers describe the fate of people and their emotions in such a vivid way that the reader feels as if he has fallen into this world. For example, in the two works being compared, sharp pencils describe the feelings of fear that affect a person’s social life: “Fear motivates a person to act quickly. People move fast, even if they don’t know if they are doing the right thing or the wrong thing. Fear tries to destroy a person, but in many cases the opposite happens, and the fear goes straight into the abyss. Asror is now in the grip of that fear. Slowly, he moved into the hallway.Then he quickened his steps. When he got out, he ran. He doesn’t know how much he ran”. Or the case of Oliver in Charles Dickens’s first involvement in abduction and robbery: “In an instant the whole mystery of the handkerchiefs, and the watches, and the jewels, and the Jew, rushed upon the boys mind. He stood for a moment, with the blood so tingling through all his veins from terror, that he felt as if he were in a burning fire; then, confused and frightened, he took to his heels; and, not knowing what he did, made off as fast as he could lay his feet to the ground ”.

In conclusion, the harmony between the works of Charles Dickens and Tahir Malik is evident in the fact that the two writers live with the pain of the people, encouraging and urging their heroes to always resist the unjust laws of life. No matter when or by whom the works of man are created, they do not choose space and time, they never become obsolete. In these two works, we can see that a person is not only judged by his appearance, but also by the people around him, who play an important role in finding a strong place in society. At the heart of the ideas in the works are the great human values of kindness, loyalty, honesty, and the dignity of the individual above all else. Of course, only a person who is able to maintain his identity in any situation proves that it is a supreme miracle given by God.


1. Dickens Ch. “Oliver Twist” - “London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington street” – 1838.
2. Dickens Ch. “Oliver Twist experienced”. Translated by E. Mirabidov. – State Scientific Publishing House “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”. Tashkent, 2013.
3. Malik T. “Goodbye, childhood!” – T: “Sharq”, 2014.
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