Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Рубрика: Педагогика
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Abstract. The name of the project topic: «Integration of mobile technologies in the teaching of foreign languages for the development of oral speech activities on the example of the English language».
The aim of the work is to study the integration of mobile technologies into the teaching of foreign languages for the development of oral speech activities using the example of the English language.
The named goal determines the formulation of such interrelated tasks:
- Consider mobile technologies in teaching foreign languages;
- To study the integration of mobile technologies in the teaching of English for the development of oral speech activities;
- To analyze the experience of integrating mobile technologies for the development of oral speech activities in English language teaching;
- To conduct a study of the effectiveness of the integration of mobile technologies in the teaching of foreign languages for the development of oral speech activities on the example of the English language.
Keywords: foreign language, English, integration, mobile technologies, teaching, oral speech activities.
Currently, it is planned to change the modality of students' learning activities, in particular, to improve the quality of education through the integration of mobile technologies into foreign language teaching. In the context of the formation of an intellectual economy, learning through various mobile technologies has become part of a modern education system based on advanced technologies offering flexible and individual learning. The daily use of mobile phones and other devices by students stimulates the spread of mobile learning technologies in education. [1, p. 25–30]
"Mobile learning" is also considered as a technology that facilitates the work of teachers, expands opportunities, enhances the depth of knowledge and an auxiliary tool to the main form of education. When implementing projects for the introduction of mobile learning into the educational sphere, the didactic capabilities of various mobile devices are studied and optimized: smartphones, mp3 players, tablets, voice instruments. [3, p. 120–133] In this article, we will study the integration and consider the effectiveness of mobile technologies in teaching foreign languages for the development of oral speech activity using the example of English.
Mobile technologies are widely used in the practice of teaching a foreign language: mobile applications, blog technologies, wikitechnologies, podcasts, e-mail, web forum, linguistic corpus, electronic dictionaries, information and reference Internet resources, synchronous video Internet communications. It is impossible to dwell on all these mobile technologies in the volume of one article, so let's look at the first three and pay attention to their impact on the development of the language aspect and types of speech activity. [2, p. 85–94]
- Mobile applications. Mobile applications can be used by anyone who has a mobile phone. The number of mobile applications and their users is increasing every year. This is an indicator of their popularity, belonging and ease of use. In this article we will look at the following applications: Utter, Elsa and so on.
Utter: There are different courses for different scenarios. For example, you can choose a course of communication with friends about travel, office, work. The training is conducted on three levels:
Primary - for everyday tasks. Ask for time or know the way.
Intermediate - for a normal conversation with friends.
Advanced - for office, work communications.
After learning the basics, serious mastery of the pronunciation of the English language begins. You have to record your voice while answering various questions. Utter's task is to help prepare for any situation.
ELSA: It is better to improve your pronunciation before entering into relationships with people for whom English is their native language. ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant) is an interactive communication application. It helps to improve pronunciation and speak English better in general. ELSA has various lesson topics for students, from taxi drivers to customer support staff. There are many lessons in each topic. When you start one of them, the program reproduces words and phrases. You have to repeat them.
- Technology blog is a website with frequently changing content consisting of text, presentation or multimedia. Blog technology is one of the Web 2.0 technologies with which any user on the Internet can open his personal blog in the form of a diary or magazine. You can post both text and images, audio and video recordings on it, as well as link to other resources on the Internet. All entries are given in chronological order (one after the other) [4, p. 115–127]. In the information space, Blogs in English are developing at a rapid pace, contributing to an increase in the amount of data in English. For example, in the world of blogs,, there are free and high-quality blogs for learning English etc. The table shows the activities of blog technology and the activities of blog technology aimed at the development of language speech activity. [5, p. 12–18]
Table 1.
"Blog technologies in teaching foreign language"
Service of blog technology |
The blog is a service of technology aimed at developing the speech activity of the language |
Authorship and moderation |
Since the author of the blog consists of only one person, he also acts as a moderator. It determines the purpose of the blog, its thematic orientation, and coordinates the placement of other users ' materials (text, graphic, audio, video). These actions can be used in the development of speech skills. For example, students can also post a blog themselves. This will help you track their progress. |
Multimedia |
Blog technology allows you to use materials of various formats (text, graphic, image, video, audio materials). This is an opportunity to increase the richness of the language and use socio-cultural materials, write essays, reviews, review or share your thoughts and work together with other people. |
The table is taken from P. V. Sysoev's article "blog technologies in teaching foreign language".
- Wikitechnology is one of the modern internet technologies that allows you to create common recording (multimedia) documents of one or a group of people located at an unknown distance. The name of the wiki service in translation from Hawaiian ("wiki-wiki") means "fast" – fast access to data.
Other wiki servers can be used for free to train language learners. For example, Pbworks (, MediaWiki (, Wikihost ( [6, p. 140–152]
Let's take a look at the speech actions that Wiki is formed by technology.
- Description of events/facts/situations;
- express your personal point of view;
- identify what you need from the information you have read/heard/seen;
- make comments/additions;
- assessment of facts/events at the current stage;
- participate in the conversation;
- request and exchange of information;
- ask the other person to clarify the information they are interested in;
- take the initiative during the interview;
- express your mood in different situations;
- summary of information read/listened to / viewed
- tell me more;
- create a solution;
In conclusion, the frequent use of mobile technologies in mastering the English language will contribute to the formation of aspects of communicative competence. In addition, it saves time, increases students ' interest, and is more effective than traditional education.