

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Svishcheva A.A. THE USE INTERACTIVE METHODS IN TEACHING LITERATURE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/112384 (дата обращения: 17.03.2025).
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Svishcheva Alina Alexandrovna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Phil. Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of interactive teaching methods in literature. The article analyzes the features of interactive teaching methods. The specifics of the interaction of students in the process of implementing interactive methods are revealed.


Keywords: interactive methods, role-playing game, brainstorming, educational process.


In recent years, there has been an active search for a methodology that can significantly improve the effectiveness of training. The dynamic development of the country requires the school to form an active, organized personality, striving for constant self-education and improvement, with a creative approach to any business. It is necessary to understand how effective is the method of interactive learning in modern educational institutions.

Researchers A.E. Belkova and L.P. Lesnichenko the purpose of using interactive teaching methods in the educational process is understood in "creating comfortable learning conditions in which the student feels his success, his intellectual viability, which makes the learning process itself productive, to give knowledge and skills, as well as to create a base for further work" [Belkova, 1068].

Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity, when the educational process proceeds in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition. [Kan-Kalik, 14].

Interactive teaching methods are based on exercises and tasks that contribute not only to the acquisition of new knowledge and their consolidation, but also to the involvement of all students in the active process of obtaining and processing knowledge, the formation of the ability to model various learning situations based on the acquired knowledge [Zaitseva, 63].

The educational process, based on the introduction of interactive learning methods, is organized taking into account the involvement of all students in the process of cognition. Common activity means that everyone makes an individual contribution, and in the process of work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. It is necessary to find a learning technology that would enable the use of the communicative and creative abilities of all students.

Case technology is an interactive learning technology that involves the consideration of life cases or a situation taken from fiction, aimed at the formation of new qualities or skills.

When writing assignments in literature lessons, several levels of complexity are used:

- the first level of complexity: the situation is described, problems are identified and clearly formulated.

The goal is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision on this problem;

- the second level of complexity: describes a more complex situation where the problem is not clearly identified.

The goal is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways out of it;

- the third level of difficulty: a description of a specific situation, a proposal to find ways out of it;

The goal is to find a way to solve the problem.

There are quite a lot of interactive teaching methods in pedagogical science, all of them are associated with the organization of collective or work of students in solving creative, non-standard tasks [Ivanova, 95]. Interactive teaching methods such as brainstorming, debates, role-playing, imitation game, discussion, presentation, essay and many others are used in the lessons [Kazygulova, 1121]. Let's look at some of them in detail:

Brainstorming is a way of generating any ideas, their subsequent development by listeners, while it does not require preparation, promotes the development of imagination and analytical thinking. For example, a teacher can offer poems of different sizes to the children so that they find the patterns of their construction or simply ask the question: "What do dots and pointe shoes have in common?" and in the future we will talk about pointillism, dot painting, a kind of impressionism.

The debates are a well–organized exchange of opinions of both schoolchildren and critics, the purpose of which is to convince listeners of the correctness of their own position, for example: "Do we need romantics today?", "Does love bring happiness to life?", "Does Russia need Bazarovs?".

Role-playing helps to involve even a weak student in the educational process, as it shows not only knowledge, but also resourcefulness and ingenuity. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of tasks – all this makes it possible for students to overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using words of a foreign language in speech, and have a beneficial effect on learning outcomes [Petrichuk, 58]

A discussion is a kind of collective dispute, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain solution, with which all participants will agree.

Conducting a discussion should become a natural component of the learning process and literature, since it is this interactive method that allows a person to defend his opinion, find the right solutions, objectively evaluate his speech and the speech of his interlocutors.

Thus, interactive teaching methods are very effective, because they contribute to a high degree of motivation, maximum individuality of teaching, provide ample opportunities for creativity, self-realization of students, contribute to the improvement of reading and speech culture. Interactive teaching methods, which involve dialogical, search, problematic (individual and collective) forms of work, in our opinion, should become the basis for the success of each lesson in the process of teaching the Russian language.


List of literature:
1. Belkova A.E., Lesnichenko L.P. Interactive method of teaching at the lessons of the Russian language as a way to increase the cognitive activity of students // Young scientist. – 2015. – No.23. – PP. 1068-1071. – URL https://moluch.ru/archive/103/23947/ 
2. Zaitseva V.P. Implementation of the interactive method in teaching and using information technologies //Topical issues of education and science: collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Tambov, 2014. pp. 63-64.
3. Ivanova Z.I. Interactive methods are the key to success in learning //In collection: Economics and Management in modern conditions / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. 2018. pp. 95-97.
4. Kazygulova A.T. Interactive teaching methods in Russian lessons language and literature // Young scientist. – 2016. – No.8. – PP. 1121-1126. – URL https://moluch.ru/archive/112/28767/
5. Kan-Kalik, V. A. Pedagogical creativity[Text]: textbook /V.A.Kan-Kalik, N.D.Nikandrov. - M.: Pedagogika, - 2001 - 382 p.
6. Petrichuk I.I. Once again about the game // Pedagogy. – M., 2007. – No. 7. – P. 58.