Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Рубрика: Филология
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainisms in N. V. Gogol's collection «Evenings on a farm near Dikanka». The following functions are analyzed: nominative, a means of creating humor and an external portrait of the hero in his national identity. Examples illustrating the main provisions of the article are given. The results of our work are relevant for the school course of Russian language and literature, since the works from this collection can be used as an argument when writing an essay on the OGE and USE.
Keywords: ukrainisms, nominative function, means of creating humor, external portrait of the hero, «Evenings on a farm near Dikanka».
Ukrainian vocabulary, phraseology, the very structure of Ukrainian speech influenced the language of N. V. Gogol's works, performing certain artistic functions. The writer depicts the national way of life of the people, draws the appearance of a simple Ukrainian person and creates a cheerful atmosphere in his stories. This is achieved through the use of Ukrainisms. L. V. Klimina notes: «Relying on the artistic method and stylistic system of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol tries to involve oral live speech more widely in the stylistic structure of artistic and narrative prose and reflect the worldview of the people in the picture of the world of his works» [Klimina, 22].
Ukrainisms in the collection of N. V. Gogol perform a nominative function. For example, in the sentence «... he knew that the rich Cossack Chub was invited by the deacon to kutya, where there would be: a head; a relative of the deacon in a blue coat who came from the bishop's singing school, who took the lowest bass; the Cossack Sverbyguz and some others; where, besides kutya, there would be varenukha, distilled saffron vodka and a lot anything to eat» («The Night before Christmas») [Gogol, 156] such words as «Kozak» and «varenukha» show readers that the action takes place in Ukraine, describe the life of the country. N. V. Gogol in the first and second parts of «Evenings on a farm near Dikanka» gives notes: «Just in case, so that they don't remember me with an unkind word, I write out here, in alphabetical order, those words that are not clear to everyone in this book» (the first part) and «There are many words in this book that are not clear to everyone. Here they are almost all signified» (second part). A. V. Shkatulyak points out that «many words indicated by N.V. Gogol himself as Ukrainisms may not be perceived by native speakers of modern Russian as borrowings from the Ukrainian language» [Shkatulyak, 37]. So, with the help of Ukrainisms, the author describes the life of the people, designates concepts that have no equivalents in the Russian language. And the real words in the text give the narrative a national flavor.
Ukrainisms in the collection «Evenings on a farm near Dikanka» can act as a means of creating humor. These are not just elements of the Ukrainian national color - they participate in the creation of a special poetic festive and playful atmosphere of fun that characterizes many stories of the collection. As an example, the following episode serves: «See, what a miracle!» — the blacksmith thought, gaping in surprise, and at the same hour noticed that the dumpling was climbing into his mouth, and already smeared his lips with sour cream. Pushing away the dumpling and wiping his lips, the blacksmith began to reflect on what miracles there are in the world and to what wisdom an unclean person brings ...» ("The night before Christmas") [Gogol, 179]. Thus, the paintings of folk life with their gaiety, subtle humor and poetic mood are depicted by the writer using Ukrainisms in his works [Vaulina, 58].
N. V. Gogol creates an external portrait of the hero, which reflects his national identity. Here is the description of the Head in «May Night, or the Drowned Woman»: «The head can't stand panache: he always wears a scroll of black household cloth, is girded with a wool colored belt, and no one has ever seen him in another suit, except for the time of the tsarina's journey to the Crimea, when he was wearing a blue Cossack zhupan» [Gogol, 112]. The author, using Ukrainisms, helps readers to create a real image of the hero in detail, shows his nationality.
Thus, the Ukrainisms in N. V. Gogol's collection «Evenings on a farm near Dikanka» are multifunctional. They perform several functions: nominative, are a means of creating humor and an external portrait of the hero in his national identity. Ukrainisms in the works of N. V. Gogol are not just elements of the Ukrainian national color – they emphasize, in accordance with the tasks of the writer, the originality and colorfulness of the Ukrainian language.