

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(200)

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Selyukov E. INFORMATION CULTURE OF MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 21(200). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/200/113330 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).
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Selyukov Egor
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor Docent, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Today it is difficult to imagine life without modern technology. Informatization has affected all spheres of society, including the field of municipal administration. For making any decisions in the municipality there is a whole system of training related to the receipt and processing of information. It is worth mentioning that the vast majority of this kind of information passes through the information space, and modern information support is required for more effective management and making the right decisions.

Of course, speaking about the information support of management, it should be noted that even today there are problems in this area that are directly related to information culture. Structured, the complex of problems in this area looks like this:

The high rate of transformation of the very nature of the work of municipalities, from alternative to informational, using automatic systems and the Internet, does not allow in modern realities to qualitatively and gradually transform the system of activity, because in municipalities there are workers with a completely different level of information culture.

Today, many municipal employees who have worked in the old system with great difficulty perceive new technologies, although many of them understand that it is necessary to develop an information culture. On the other hand, there are also employees with a high level of information culture (usually younger). It turns out a certain dissonance, because of which it is quite difficult to build a high-quality, and most importantly, a control system that meets modern technological requirements.

Information culture is a rather extensive and multidimensional concept. Information culture can be considered in various spheres, whether it is part of human life or part of the general culture. However, in this paper it is worth considering the Information culture of a person, as it is related to the professional skills of a municipal employee.

Information culture is inherent in most professions, from teachers to businessmen and not only. Information culture is expressed in the ability of a person to manage information processes, it is a certain set of skills, abilities, knowledge that are acquired in the process of interaction with the information environment.

In a modern information system, a municipal employee should be able to work with both electronic and traditional forms of work, have a certain level of computer literacy, and the ability to use information.

To solve problems with the level of information culture of municipal employees, it is worth organizing courses on training in the use of electronic means, courses on information literacy, the acquisition of more convenient and modern technical means can also change the situation.

Thus, it can be concluded that information culture is an integral part not only of a person's social sphere, but also of his professional life. In modern realities, the municipality has a number of problems in the field of interaction of a person and his information culture with modern trends, however, there are enough ways to solve them with the help of which it is possible to organize a modern system of municipal government.


List of literature:
1. The Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993, (subject to amendments made by the Laws of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 6-FKZ of 30.12.2008, No. 7-FC of 30.12.2008) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2009. No. 4. – Article 445.2.
2. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 197-FZ of 30.12.2001 (as amended. Federal Law of 05.04.2013) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. – No. 1 (1h). – Article 3.
3. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part three): Federal Law No. 51-FZ of 30.11.1994 (as amended. Federal Law No. 8 of 11.02.2013) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. – No. 5. – Article 410.4.
4. Codec of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses: Federal Law No. 195-FZ of 30.12.2001 (as amended. Federal Law of 12.03.2014) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. – No. 5. – Article 380.
5. Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 (as amended on 12/28/2013) «On the General Principles of the Organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation» (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 30.01.2014) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 31. – Article 1215. 6.
6. Federal Law No. 79-FZ of 27.07.2004 «On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation» (as amended. Federal Law of 05.04.2013) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 31. –
7. Article 3215.7. Federal Law No. 25-FZ of 02.03.2007 «On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation» (ed. Federal Law of 01.01.2014)
8. // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 34. – Article 2063.
9. Federal Law No. 166-FZ of 15.12.2001 «On State pension provision in the Russian Federation» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 22. – Article 1118.
10. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 607 dated 28.04.2008 «On evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies of urban districts and municipal districts» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 41– 23.03.2009.
11. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1789-r dated 25.10.2005 «On the Concept of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2010» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – No. 23 – 23.03.2009.