

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №22(201)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Buksha A.Yu. FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GAME INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 22(201). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/201/114805 (дата обращения: 13.02.2025).
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Buksha Anna Yuryevna
Student, Pedagogical Institute of the Belgorod State National Research University NRU BelSU, Russia, Belgorod




Букша Анна Юрьевна

cтудент Педагогического института Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета НИУ БелГУ, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. The process of informatization of society requires the speedy resolution of many tasks related, first of all, to the informatization of education, with the use of new informative learning technologies in education. There is no doubt that the means of information technologies have great opportunities in implementing the principle of clarity in the process of teaching mathematics. The article highlights the issues of the need to use ICT in teaching mathematics. Examples of the use of ICT are given, which contribute to the more effective development of students ' interest in studying mathematics.

Аннотация. Процесс информатизации общества требует скорейшего разрешения многих задач, связанных, прежде всего, с информатизацией образования, с использованием в образовании новых информативных технологий обучения. Не вызывает сомнения, что средства информационных технологий обладают большими возможностями в реализации принципа наглядности в процессе обучения математики. В статье освещены вопросы необходимости использования ИКТ при обучении математике. Приведены примеры использования ИКТ, способствующие более эффективному развитию интереса обучающихся к изучению математики.


Keywords: pedagogy, mathematics, educational process, game information technologies.

Ключевые слова: педагогика, математика, учебный процесс, игровые информационные технологии.


In Russian pedagogy and psychology, the problem of game activity was developed by K. D. Ushinsky, P. P. Blonsky, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin, in foreign - S. Freud, J. Piaget and others. In their works, the role of play in the development of personality, in the development of basic mental functions, in self-management and self-regulation of the individual is investigated and justified. The relevance of the game continues to increase. The use of game technologies in mathematics lessons in primary school allows you to explain the material in such a way that students not only understand it, but also are interested in studying the subject.

Game information technologies include the use of online tools in math lessons. The use of information technologies in mathematics lessons helps to solve some problems with the development of the subject. Let's look at some of them.

The first online service will be Mentimeter. Mentimeter is a simple and accessible tool when using it. As a voting tool, it allows the teacher to get feedback from their students in the lesson. The service is good to use for real-time survey of schoolchildren in the classroom, since it can be installed on mobile phones.

Next, we will consider an online tool that allows you to check the quality of students ' knowledge. Kahoot is an online tool that is based on the creation of tests that can be used to verify the knowledge of students quickly and efficiently. You can use the Kahoot application one at a time and working in a team, if suddenly not everyone has a smartphone with them. In mathematics lessons at the main school, the online tool will help not only to test the students ' knowledge, but also to interest them in the educational subject, because you can add illustrations and video questions to the questions, which can attract the attention of children, and if you create conditions for passing the test in a competitive moment, you can increase the motivation for passing the test.

Teaching schoolchildren with the help of game information technologies becomes a creative search, from which you can get satisfaction and thanks to which you can assert yourself. Also, the use of game information technologies in mathematics lessons in primary school allows you to differentiate the educational process taking into account individual characteristics, gives you the opportunity to develop creativity in your activities. It also helps the teacher to expand the range of ways of presenting educational information, allows for flexible management of the learning process, is socially significant and relevant.

The relevance of the use of information technology in mathematics lessons.

In the process of working in the middle level, a number of issues arose in front of me that require immediate solutions:

  1. How to maintain students' interest in the material being studied, their activity throughout the lesson, taking into account the fascination of mental load in math lessons?
  2. How to organize a lesson so that each student works actively and enthusiastically, and use this as a starting point for the emergence and development of curiosity, deep cognitive interest?
  3. What teaching methods and techniques should I use that would activate the students' thoughts, stimulate them to acquire knowledge independently?

After analyzing the methodological literature and the experience of colleagues, after reading a number of articles, I came up with the idea to use information technologies, since they have now become an integral part of modern education.

The introduction of information and computer technologies into the course of the lesson makes the process of teaching mathematics interesting and entertaining, creates a working mood for children, facilitates overcoming difficulties in mastering educational material. Various aspects of the use of information and computer technologies, with the help of which a particular mental task is solved, support and strengthen the interest of children in the educational subject.

The use of information technologies in teaching is based on human physiology data: 1/4 part of the material heard, 1/3 part of what was seen, 1/2 part of what was seen and heard, 3/4 part of the material remains in a person's memory if the student actively participates in the process.

From my point of view, math lessons with the use of IT help to solve the following didactic tasks:

  • acquire basic knowledge of the subject;
  • systematize the acquired knowledge;
  • develop self-control skills;
  • to form motivation for learning;
  • to provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

In addition, with the help of a presentation, you can use various forms of organizing cognitive activity: frontal, group, individual. It is this type of work, in my opinion, that most optimally and effectively corresponds to the didactic goals of the lesson:

Educational aspect: students' perception of educational material, comprehension of connections and relationships in the objects of study.

Developing aspect: the development of cognitive interest in students, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, activation of creative activity of students.

Educational aspect: fostering a scientific worldview, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.


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