

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(242)

Рубрика: Социология

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Paryntseva N.S. DEVELOPMENT OF CLUB ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 19(242). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/242/127227 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Paryntseva Natalia Sergeevna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman Evgenievich
научный руководитель, Research supervisor, Docent, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod.


Abstract. This article discusses the main features, goals, objectives, directions, problems of the development of club activities of student youth.


Keywords: club activities, club, student youth.


In modern conditions, the problem of increasing social activity and the formation of socially significant personality traits is one of the most urgent in society. A special role here is played by the phenomenon of club activity, which combines opportunities for young people to participate in various creative events, socially significant events.

Club activities represent the whole variety of socio-cultural activities. It is the most common form of leisure activities for young people. Club activity is aimed at creating conditions for the development and self-development of the individual, for the disclosure of the creative potential of a young person, taking into account his characteristics and abilities.

In the life of students, club activity helps to develop and broaden horizons, organizes leisure time for students, develops student self-government, reveals the creative potential of students, meets the needs of young people in creative, political and social life and realizes their abilities.

Club activity did not appear in society immediately, but developed historically. The history of the development of club activity in Russia has a unique character inherent only to it. The emergence of club formations was associated with the development of amateur creativity and cultural and educational work.

The first clubs were established under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky. They solved the issues of self-government, aesthetic education, social work and amateur performance of the collective.

Modern club institutions are designed to carry out activities in society in order to meet the needs of the population in recreation, entertainment, creativity, taking into account the peculiarities of development, abilities and interests of various age categories of people.

In the work of T.G. Kiseleva and Y.D. Krasilnikov "Fundamentals of socio-cultural activity", the concept of "club" is defined as follows: "clubs are the main cultural institutions of the club type – modern club formations (state institutions, public, commercial, private club enterprises). These are socio-cultural institutions where professional activities of specialists in the field of leisure activities of the population are realized. Their task is to create the necessary conditions to meet the public needs for recreation, health improvement, communication, development of culture, creativity, diverse forms of leisure activity of people" [2, p. 94].

The main tasks of the clubs can be distinguished: the organization and conduct of various socio-cultural events, the creation and organization of amateur and creative teams, the creation and organization of various club formations, the organization and conduct of educational work with the population.

In modern Russia, insufficient attention is paid to the development of club activities not only for students, but also, in general, for the entire population. This is confirmed by the presence of problems in the sphere of club activities.

Currently, club activities cannot compete with entertainment centers that attract young people, whose main goal is not the spiritual and moral education of students, but to extract as much profit as possible. This indicates that the activities of club formations do not meet the needs of young people. Also, almost all club associations do not pay due attention to conducting an effective advertising campaign. In this regard, most young people simply may not know about the existence of clubs. We can also say that clubs do not seek to restructure their activities using new methods and forms of work that meet modern conditions.

The following problems can also be identified:

– reduction in the number of club formations;

– low involvement of young people to participate in club activities;

– imperfect material and technical base of modern clubs;

– disinterest in improving the skills and professionalism of club employees;

– disordered relations of clubs with other state and public structures.

In the modern practice of solving the problems of the development of club activities, programs and projects that develop this area are provided. So, we can single out the "Concept of club activity in Russia for the period up to 2030". As the main goal, the Concept provides for the preservation and development of club activities as a tool in achieving strategic goals of preserving cultural heritage, transmitting spiritual values, norms and patterns of behavior from generation to generation, strengthening civic identity and interethnic harmony.

The federal project "Culture of the small Motherland" highlights the main directions of the development of the club sphere: updating the material and technical base, increasing the number of cultural events and their participants, the growth of club formations and circles, the creation of modern conditions for youth leisure.

Thus, it can be concluded that the development of club activities of students depends on many factors and requires qualitative improvement. Club institutions should, on the one hand, effectively implement tasks aimed at preserving national traditions, creative personal development, cultural and educational work, on the other hand, promptly respond to changing living conditions and the demands of society by offering new technologies and methods of work. Club activity certainly plays an important role in the life of students. It helps to organize their leisure time, promotes the development of student self-government, reveals the creative potential of students and develops their abilities.


List of literature:
1. The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://rg.ru/2000/10/11/doktrina-dok.html/
2. Kiseleva T.G. Fundamentals of socio-cultural activity / T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov. – M.: MGUK, 1995. – 136 p.