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Abdikarimova A.B., Kazalieva A.D. UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS OF PREVENTION AND OVERCOMING SPEECH DISORDERS IN CHILDREN // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 36(259). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/258/131433 (дата обращения: 16.02.2025).
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Abdikarimova Ayazhan Bakhytbekovna
Master's student, Karaganda University named after. Academician E.A. Buketova, Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Kazalieva Ansar Dauletovna
Master's student, Karaganda University named after. Academician E.A. Buketova, Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Rymkhanova Ainagul Rymbekovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Karaganda University named after. Academician E.A. Buketova, Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Takuova Zarina Serikovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Karaganda University named after. Academician E.A. Buketova, Kazakhstan, Karaganda


Currently, speech development disorders are very common; speech development in children is delayed quite often. This may be due to intrauterine developmental anomalies, fetal hypoxia, and neurological changes at birth. The reason may also be a lack of communication with parents, family characteristics. Many parents mistakenly believe that young children’s speech will be developed independently by school. The pitfall here is that children with various speech disorders may have difficulties with communication and academic performance during learning. It is believed that speech development in general occurs before the child reaches the age of 6 years. After this age threshold, it is much more difficult to help correct speech disorders, so you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.[1]

Burrs, lisps and simply silent – there are more and more children with speech problems in Kazakhstan. Officially, in 10 years their number has increased by a quarter. But practicing teachers say that the number of first-graders who urgently need the help of a speech therapist has increased significantly. Each class has 5-6 people. Gadgets and disruptions during pregnancy are blamed for this. Parents are afraid of children's medical and pedagogical commissions. They think that they will receive a shameful diagnosis and be sent to a special boarding school. But neglected speech therapy problems lead to difficulties in learning and an inferiority complex.[2]

Types of violations

The main types of speech pathologies include the following:

  1. Dyslalia. This is a violation of sound pronunciation while maintaining normal hearing.
  2. Alalia. This is the absence of speech entirely or its underdevelopment. The pathology is accompanied by the absence of any hearing problems.
  3. Dysarthria. This is a speech disorder in which there is distortion, difficulty in pronouncing words, and in some cases the inability to reproduce sounds.

The psychological and pedagogical classification determines the content and conditions for the implementation of the educational program, which can be mastered by a child with normal physical hearing and intact intelligence, starting from the age of 4. Types of speech disorders, according to this approach, are described in accordance with how the child masters and uses the language system - its phonetic, lexical and grammatical means - in oral and written speech. Disturbances in the development of the language system manifest themselves in different ways.

With mental retardation, intellectual impairment, and hearing loss, an outwardly similar state of linguistic means may be detected; in these cases, the term “systemic speech underdevelopment” is used, which allows us to delimit the nature of the disorder. The psychological and pedagogical approach allows us to build a system of teaching children with similar speech disorders. It is these conclusions that are formulated by the speech therapist and used by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission when developing the child’s educational route. [3]

However, to determine the causes and mechanisms of speech disorders, to build individualized schemes of correctional work and predict its results, speech therapists and doctors use a clinical and pedagogical classification, according to which violations of oral speech (its external or internal, semantic-semantic, design) and written speech are distinguished.

Working with families is an important and complex aspect of a teacher’s work. Modern forms of work help to increase the correctional and speech therapy competence of parents and significantly affect the effectiveness of all speech therapy work to eliminate speech disorders in preschoolers. [4]

Non-traditional methods are a complex process of introducing and using a new practical means aimed at revealing the potential capabilities of a child and achieving an optimal level of development.

Non-traditional methods are a complex process of introducing and using a new practical means aimed at revealing the potential capabilities of a child and achieving an optimal level of development.[5]

In the current situation, a systematic, comprehensive approach to correcting the speech and accompanying mental and somatic development of the child is relevant.

Of course, generally accepted, traditional pedagogical methods are basic, but with the obligatory use of additional, non-traditional methods.

Although additional methods have been used in speech therapy practice before, very little time was devoted to them. Pedagogical methods of influencing the speech pathologist were mainly dominant, which, unfortunately, could not solve all the problems.

The use of non-traditional methods will enhance the cognitive activity of preschool children, develop perception, speech, spatial concepts, fine and gross motor skills, and reduce fatigue. Against the background of comprehensive speech therapy assistance, the impact on various analytical systems of the body, with the help of non-traditional methods of correctional influence, the process of correcting children’s speech is optimized and the child’s entire body is improving. Therefore, the problem of combined, dosed and differentiated use of traditional and non-traditional methods of speech therapy correctional assistance is relevant. This is the basis of the experience of my teaching activities on the topic “Non-traditional methods of work to prevent and overcome speech disorders in children of senior preschool age.” [6]

Leading pedagogical idea A lot of non-traditional methods of correctional influence are known, but it is difficult to find specific complexes that optimally combine traditional and alternative methods at a certain stage of speech correction (games and exercises developed based on a combination of different methods of influence on the child’s body).

The best results are obtained by using both traditional and non-traditional forms:

  • parent meetings;
  • consulting;
  • conversations;
  • surveys, testing, questioning;
  • corners for parents in the group and in the speech therapist’s office;
  • hometasks;
  • information booklets;
  • workshops, master classes, etc.;
  • parents attending speech therapy classes;
  • lapbook;
  • newspaper “Rechevechek”;
  • interactive cases.

In this article I would like to talk about the non-traditional forms that I use when working with parents.

A lapbook is an excellent way for parents and children to interact, consolidate knowledge on a certain topic, comprehend the contents of a book, and research work, during which children, together with their parents, participate in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

The child learns to independently collect and organize information, and the parent must guide the child in the right direction. Parents give the child an example of how and in what sources one can find useful and necessary information that will help the child answer questions that interest him.

Working with a lapbook is a creative process that brings parents and teachers closer together. And as a result of such creativity, various games and books appear.

The advantages of using a laptop when working with parents are the following:

  • became more interested in the life of a child in kindergarten;
  • activation of the pedagogical potential of parents;
  • acquisition and use of knowledge on issues of psychological and pedagogical development of children;
  • a feeling of satisfaction from joint creativity. [7]

Case technology is a way of organizing learning based on real or fictitious situations. The case is a tool for the child’s activity in solving a problem situation. I use case technology not only when working with children, but also when interacting with teachers and parents. But due to the heavy workload of modern parents, and also in order to keep up with the times, I use interactive cases with materials on my website so that parents can go to the site at any time and consolidate the material they need. These cases contain various riddles, games to reinforce sounds, various materials to reinforce lexical topics, and much more. This work will allow parents to control their child on the Internet, and they can work with the child at any time, since all parents have modern smartphones.

Working with a child during non-traditional speech correction becomes dynamic, emotional, and tireless. Classes become more interesting and varied, helping to create conditions for speech expression and perception.

The use of these correction methods cannot be considered independent and self-sufficient; their use, most likely, serves to create a favorable emotional background, which ultimately improves the effectiveness of the corrective effect. [8,9]


List of used literature:
1. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment. M., 1995
2. https://astanatv.kz/ru/news/51629/
3. Nishcheva N.V. A program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years). M.-1997.
4. Koltsova M.M. Motor activity and development of child brain functions. M., 1973
5. https://www.impulse-center.org/single-post/%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86% D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B-% D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87/
6. Akimenko V. M. New pedagogical technologies: Educational methods. allowance . Rostov n/d., 2008.
7. Konovalenko, V.V. Clap-top. Non-traditional methods of correctional speech therapy work with children 6-12 years old / V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko. – M.: Publishing house GNOM, 2018. – 32 p.
8. Povalyaeva M. A. Non-traditional methods in correctional pedagogy. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house. RGPU, 1997
9. https://www.maam.ru/detskijsad/opyt-raboty-na-temu-netradicionye-metody-raboty-po-profilaktike-i-preodoleniyu-rechevyh-narushenii-u-doshkolnikov.html