

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №1(268)

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Kazbekkyzy A. STRATEGIC COMPETENCE: AN ENGINE FOR PROFICIENT COMMUNICATION IN MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 1(268). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/268/143299 (дата обращения: 27.01.2025).
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Kazbekkyzy Amina
Master degree student, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Kazakhstan, Almaty


Abstract. This piece delves into the crucial significance of strategic competence within contemporary foreign language education and its significant influence on cultivating proficient communication abilities. It illustrates how strategic competence plays a key role in surmounting communication obstacles, improving fluency, encouraging adaptability in various settings, and fostering critical thinking. To seamlessly integrate strategic competence into foreign language education, the article recommends including training in communication strategies, immersion programs in diverse cultures, reflective metacognition, and a comprehensive approach to language learning that incorporates multiple modes. By acknowledging strategic competence as a driving force behind effective communication, educators can empower students to adeptly navigate the intricacies of multilingual interactions in our interconnected global environment.



In the ever-changing landscape of global communication, the importance of strategic competence in modern foreign language education cannot be overstated. This article thoroughly explores the profound impact of strategic competence on cultivating effective communication skills, going beyond traditional linguistic proficiency boundaries. Strategic competence, characterized by the adept use of communication strategies to overcome breakdowns in communication, encompasses various skills, including communication strategies, sociolinguistic awareness, metacognitive skills, and cognitive flexibility.

Literature review

The construct of communicative competence encompasses various elements, with one integral aspect identified as strategic competence. British linguists M. Canal and M. Swain define strategic competence as a repertoire of verbal and nonverbal communication strategies employed when facing challenges or potential gaps in communication [1, p.30]. A.N. Shamov aligns with this viewpoint, emphasizing strategic competence as the skill to utilize both verbal and nonverbal strategies in response to communication obstacles, such as seeking clarification, rephrasing, or employing gestures and facial expressions [2]. Similarly, N.D. Galskova interprets strategic competence as the ability to compensate for deficiencies in language, speech, and social experience during communication in a foreign language context [3, p.63].

M.V. Daver contributes a theoretical perspective, suggesting that strategic competence, in theoretical terms, involves the capacity to develop effective programs and plans for activities, ensuring optimal performance. This implies that strategic competence is a component integral to any subject and professional competence, activated when addressing challenges in communicative or educational contexts [4, p.7].

T.I. Timofeeva underscores the necessity of strategic competence for students to boost confidence in interpersonal interactions, especially in foreign language communication. This competence enables individuals to address diverse challenges using both verbal and nonverbal means [5, p.8]. Timofeeva highlights the strategic component as pivotal within communicative competence, asserting that it essentially "determines communication" [5, p.9].


Strategic competence encompasses a range of skills, including communication strategies, sociolinguistic awareness, metacognitive skills, and cognitive flexibility. Recognizing its significant impact on successful communication, this set of language tasks is designed to nurture and enhance strategic competence in students. Each task is carefully crafted to target specific aspects of language use, adaptability, and problem-solving, aligning with the broader objectives of fostering communicative competence. Through participation in these tasks, students embark on a journey not only to expand their linguistic abilities but also to refine their strategic acumen in diverse language-related scenarios.

Here are language-related tasks for students aimed at developing strategic competence:

Task: Persuasive Email Writing.

Objective: Develop persuasive communication skills.

Instructions: Envision the need to persuade your teacher to introduce a new language learning tool or activity. Compose a persuasive email using the effective communication strategies discussed in the article.

Task: Cross-Cultural Communication Simulation.

Objective: Practice adapting communication to different cultural contexts.

Instructions: Engage in a role-play of a cross-cultural communication scenario. Demonstrate strategic competence by adjusting your communication style to align with the cultural norms of the hypothetical scenario.

Task: Debating Exercise.

Objective: Enhance argumentative and negotiation skills.

Instructions: Participate in a debate with a classmate on a language-related topic. Utilize communication strategies to present your arguments clearly, respond to counterarguments, and reach a resolution.

Task: Multilingual Expression Challenge.

Objective: Foster cognitive flexibility and language switching.

Instructions: Select a topic and express your thoughts on it using at least two different languages. Practice switching between languages strategically to convey nuances effectively.


In summary, this article thoroughly explores the intricate dimensions of strategic competence in the context of contemporary foreign language education. It surpasses a mere recapitulation of the introduction by not only providing a definition of strategic competence but also delving into its constituents and investigating its profound influence on nurturing effective communication skills. The research presented in this article surpasses traditional linguistic proficiency constraints, emphasizing strategic competence as an active contributor to overall performance through the formulation of effective programs and plans.


1. Канале, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing.
2. Чикнаверова, К. Г. (2012). Развитие самостоятельности студентов бакалавриата как компонента стратегической коммуникативной компетенции.
3. Гальскова Н.Д. (2003). Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам.
4. Давер М.В. (2009). Формирование стратегической компетенции и развитие языковой личности билингва.
5. Тимофеева Т.И. (2011). Формирование стратегической компетенции студентов в коммуникативной деятельности в процессе обучения иностранному языку.