

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №8(275)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Arbuzova A. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN BIOLOGY LESSONS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 8(275). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/275/145357 (дата обращения: 02.02.2025).
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Arbuzova Alina
Student, Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman
научный руководитель, Academic advisor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod


Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается тема внеурочной деятельности на уроках биологии. Автор статьи подчеркивает важность внеурочной деятельности в процессе обучения, как способ углубления знаний и развития навыков. В статье представлены различные идеи и методы, которые могут быть использованы учителями биологии для организации внеурочной деятельности.

Abstract. This article discusses the topic of extracurricular activities in biology lessons. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of extracurricular activities in the learning process as a way to deepen knowledge and develop skills. The article presents various ideas and methods that can be used by biology teachers to organize extracurricular activities.


Ключевые слова: наука, педагогика, образование, биология, внеурочная деятельность.

Keywords: science, pedagogy, education, biology, extracurricular activities.


Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process, which allows students to expand and deepen their knowledge in selected subject areas. In the context of biology lessons, the use of extracurricular activities becomes an important factor in increasing students' interest in this scientific subject.

The peculiarity of biological education is its realism and close connection with the outside world. Students have the opportunity to study a variety of life forms, understand the relationships in biological systems, and explore living organisms within their natural environment. Extracurricular activities conducted within the framework of biology lessons make it possible to expand this direct connection with real phenomena and objects, making the learning process more practical and lively.

One of the most frequently used methods of extracurricular activities in biology lessons is conducting excursions and practical exercises in the natural environment. During such trips, students have the opportunity to independently observe the life of plants and animals, study their characteristics, and apply their knowledge in practice. These activities contribute to the visual presentation of information, help to develop skills of independent observation, analysis and systematization of data [1, с. 29].

Another effective method of extracurricular activities is the use of innovative technologies. Students can complete projects involving the creation of presentations, videos, or interactive models that demonstrate specific biological phenomena or processes. This allows you not only to deepen your understanding of the material, but also to develop cooperation skills, presentation skills and creative thinking [3, с. 8].

One of the main tasks of extracurricular activities in biology lessons is to develop students' cognitive interest and motivation for self-education. The use of interactive games, quests, contests and projects in biology lessons allows you to make the learning process more exciting and emotionally intense. Students actively participate in the discussion, search for similar phenomena in real life, and analyze the results obtained [4, с. 51].

An approximate calendar and thematic plan for 9th grade students may look like this:

1. Introduction to Biology:

- What is biology?

- Basic concepts and methods in biology.

2. Organization of the living:

- The structure of the cell and its functions.

- Cell organelles and their role.

- Metabolic processes in the cell.

3. Reproduction:

- Reproduction of organisms.

- Sexual and asexual reproduction.

- Reproduction in plants and animals.

4. Heredity and variability:

- Genetics and heredity.

- The basic laws of inheritance.

- Variability of organisms and its significance.

5. Plants:

- Features of the structure and functioning of plants.

- The diversity of the flora.

- The role of plants in the ecosystem.

6. Animals:

- Features of the structure and functioning of animals.

- The diversity of the animal world.

- The role of animals in the ecosystem.

7. Ecology: - The interaction of organisms in nature.

- Ecosystems and their features.

- Environmental problems and their solution.

9. Conclusion:

- Repetition of the main themes and concepts.

- The importance of biological knowledge in everyday life.

Such a plan will help students of the 89th grade to systematize knowledge in the field of biology and cover the main topics necessary for further study of the subject [2, с. 93].

Thus, the introduction of extracurricular activities in biology lessons is a significant step in the development of education. It helps students to deepen their knowledge, develop skills of independent work, analytical and creative thinking. Extracurricular activities contribute to the formation of cognitive interest, motivation and love for biology, which in turn contributes to the active and high-quality assimilation of educational material.


1. Bayborodova L. V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in age groups / L.V. Bayborodova. - Enlightenment - Moscow, 2013. - 176 p.
2. Vinokurova N.K. Developing children's abilities Extracurricular activities / N.K. Vinokurova. - Book on Demand - Moscow, 2012. - 128 p.
3. Krivolapova N. A. Extracurricular activities. The program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. Grades 5-8/ N.A. Krivolapova. - Enlightenment - Moscow, 2012. - 48 p.
4. Makeeva A. G. Extracurricular activities. Formation of a health culture. Grades 5-6 / A.G. Makeeva. - Enlightenment - Moscow, 2013. - 64 p.