Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(280)
Рубрика: Педагогика
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(280)
Abstract. The article examines the аunderstanding of ART therapy, justifies its role in the formation and development of skills in children with intellectual disabilities. It also provides a brief description of the types of ART therapy, offers games and exercises for the development of imagination, fine motor skills, aesthetic value; games to reduce psychomuscular and psychoemotional stress.
Keywords: ART therapy, intellectual disabilities, isotherapy, color therapy, harmonization of the psycho-emotional state.
ART therapy is a method of psychocorrection, which was first used in psychotherapy by A. Hill in 1938.
ART therapy (Lat. ars — art, Greek. therapeia-treatment) is a method of treatment and development through artistic creativity. Among other things, art therapy is a great way for others to express their emotions and feelings painlessly.
Children's art therapy is a simple and effective method of psychological help based on creativity and play. In other words, it is a creative treatment.
The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of personality through the development of self-expression and self-knowledge.
Through simple exercises that are more like children's pranks, you can not only diagnose the state of mind of any person (both an adult and a child), but also successfully deal with many nervous disorders.
Intellectual disabilities in children are different in origin, orientation, and manifestations of mental development disorders. Symptoms include insufficient ability to solve life and educational problems, difficulties in orienting in a new situation, lack of knowledge, skills, limited vocabulary, and a reduced level of abstract and logical thinking.
ART therapy exercises for children with intellectual disabilities include:
- getting acquainted with your inner "I"; forming an idea of yourself as a person;
- creating a positive self-image;
- learning to express your feelings and emotions;
- release of psychoemotional tension;
- development of fine motor skills, communication skills, imaginative thinking and abilities for various types of creative activities.
It is important to note that it is the systematic, purposeful guidance of a teacher who implements an individual approach to a child that is the condition that ensures the effectiveness of art therapy in working with mentally retarded children.
Consider the types of ART therapy.
Isotherapy– drawing with colored sand, fingers on a mirror and on paper, plasticine drawing.
Color therapy (chromotherapy) –this is a direction that uses the influence of the color scheme on the psychoemotional state of a preschooler, on his well-being;
Fairy tale therapy is a way to correct children's psychological problems. The meaning is that for the child a fairy tale is told, the hero of which is himself. At the same time, in the very narration of the fairy tale, certain difficulties are thought out for the main character, which he must certainly cope with;
Sand therapy. Playing with sand –is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. The child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then sand games come to his aid. By replaying situations that excite him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is released from tension. And most importantly, he gets an invaluable experience of symbolic resolution of many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well;
Aquatherapy (water therapy). Water is the first and favorite object for all children to explore. The first substance that a child is happy to get acquainted with is water. It gives the child pleasant sensations, develops various receptors, and provides almost unlimited opportunities for developing cognitive activity. The value of the technology lies in the fact that playing with water is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn. This makes it possible to use this technology for cognitive and speech development, enriching the emotional experience of the child, with difficulties with adaptation;
Game therapy– influencing children using games. The game has a strong influence on the development of the child's personality, promotes the development of communication, communication, the creation of close relationships, and increases self-esteem. The game forms the child's arbitrary behavior and socialization.
Music therapy is one of the methods that improves children's health and gives children pleasure. Music promotes creativity and imagination. The melody is especially effective for hyperactive children, increases interest in the world around them, and promotes the development of the child's culture.
Classes with the help of art therapy tools are conducted in individual and group form, during correctional work, outside of class hours, and independent activities.
Interaction with children through art therapy is very fruitful and interesting. Classes are based on a game plot, where children perform certain tasks of the teacher. This wonderful form allows you to include a number of speech games, exercises, tasks for speech correction, for the development of cognitive and mental processes, and sensory skills.
Index of games and art therapy exercises for children with intellectual disabilities
"Pattern from memory"
Goal: To develop schoolchildren basic skills and skills of drawing on a sand tablet: smoothness, accuracy of movement, the ability to draw with a pinch, coordinate the movement of the hand and eye. Develop and correct visual memory and attention.
Paraphernalia: a glowing tactile table with sand, an audio recording with nature sounds, a schematic drawing with colored circles.
Verbal instruction: consider the diagram of the drawing. I'll count to 10, and you try to remember the position of the circles in the table. Then I will remove the drawing, and you will draw the same drawing on the light field. (the teacher-defectologist checks the completion of the task based on the original drawing).
Now remember the location and color of the circles. (the teacher-defectologist and the student compare notes)
Game progress: The exercise takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the teacher – defectologist asks the student to consider and remember the image in the schematic drawing, and then draw it on the light field. Together with the student, an analysis of the work performed by them is carried out.
At the second stage, tasks become more complex (the color and number of circles are added).
"Find a flower for a butterfly"
Goal: The same, to introduce you to the names of colors (red, blue, yellow, white).
Equipment: Four large flowers made of cardboard (red, blue, yellow, white) - for the typesetting canvas; four flat figures of butterflies of the same color as the flowers, co-branded with them; the same, but smaller size stencils with the image of flowers and butterflies according to the number of children (for each child, 2-3 flowers and more). 2-3 butterflies each); envelopes according to the number of children (all the handout material is enclosed in them); typesetting canvas.
Course of the game: The teacher arranges flowers of four colors on the printed canvas and shows butterflies, explains that butterflies want to find their flowers – to sit on such a flower that they are not visible and no one can catch them. We need to help the butterflies hide. The teacher examines the butterflies, drawing children's attention to the fact that the color of the butterfly and the flower match, the butterfly is not visible – it is hidden. Then the children take out butterflies and flowers from the envelopes and complete the task. Each child has two pairs of objects at the beginning. In the future, the number of pairs increases. At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up the results, names the colors and shows them: "A yellow butterfly sat on a yellow flower, a blue butterfly sat on a blue flower, etc. They're hidden, you can't see them."
"Distinguish between happy and sad music"
Goal: to distinguish the nature of music.
Equipment: tape recorder, audio recording of happy and sad music; two cards, one of which is colored in a light tone, the other in a dark one (for each participant).
Content: each student has two flashcards. The teacher asks the children to determine which of the cards is suitable for fun music and which is suitable for sad music. After the discussion, children are invited to listen to music, and then show a card that conventionally indicates its nature.
"Drawing the mood"
Goal: To develop empathy.
Material: Paint, paper.
Conducting: We paint various moods (sad, cheerful, joyful, etc.). We discuss with children what the mood depends on, what a person looks like when they are in a good mood, sad, etc.
"Collect the beads"
Goal: to develop fine motor skills.
Equipment: water tank, lacing, beads, waterproof aprons.
Game progress: collect beads in the water.
In this article, we talked about art therapy as a means of psychophysical and psychoemotional assistance for children with intellectual disabilities, as well as described the types of art therapy and added one exercise or game with a detailed description of actions to the file. Also, in conclusion, I would like to say that the creative activity on which art therapy is based increases students ' interest in learning, its success, develops the desire to understand themselves and others, and helps children understand their own emotional states. The uniqueness of art therapy lies in the fact that it is based on the achievements of both art and science. Methods of using art therapy are universal and can be used to solve a wide range of educational tasks. In the process of using art therapy methods, the teacher can reveal the child's creative potential, develop individual activity, promote awareness of their own uniqueness, and as a result, art therapy contributes to the effective emotional and psychophysical development of children with intellectual disabilities.