Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(282)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(282)
Воловичева Дарья Владимировна
студент педагогического института, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород
Марков Александр Владимирович
научный руководитель, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород
Abstract. This article is dedicated to studying the impact of distance learning technologies on the educational motivation of high school students. It examines various authors' approaches to researching the issue of motivation and the specifics of its formation in online education. The work was also carried out to identify the dominant educational motive among a group of schoolchildren and their attitude to distance learning.
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена изучению влияния дистанционных технологий на учебную мотивацию старшеклассников. В ней рассмотрены подходы разных авторов к исследованию проблемы мотивации и особенностей её формирования в онлайн-обучении. Также была проведена работа по выявлению доминирующего учебного мотива у группы школьников и их отношению к дистанционному обучению.
Keywords: educational motivation, distance learning, motives, high school students, education.
Ключевые слова: учебная мотивация, дистанционное обучение, мотивы, старшие школьники, образование.
According to psychological research, 80% of success in learning is achieved due to high motivation (V.I. Myasishchev). A.K. Markova, who studies the psychology of learning and its motivation, associates this concept with the student's orientation to various aspects of learning activity [3]. Two types of learning motives prevail in learning: cognitive and social. Cognitive motives of learning include learning new things, the desire for independent acquisition of knowledge, interest in additional learning material, self-development in the process of learning. A.K. Markova attributes social motives to the realization of the importance of learning, the desire for success, respect from teachers, parents, peers, the desire to interact with other people during the educational process. The studies of Russian scientists V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin and I.Y. Galperin confirmed that the teacher has the main role in the formation of cognitive interests of schoolchildren. The teacher must motivate students to succeed, give them confidence in their actions, teach self-criticism, show that the lesson can be interesting and useful. A modern teacher needs to develop independence in children, as practice shows that the main goals of the lesson are achieved more effectively if they are formulated by pupils themselves, because they are interested in the result.
Due to the peculiarities of distance learning, students have to make more effort to organize their school day independently. This requires increased motivation from pupils, as it is quite easy to abandon the learning process in online classes without constant teacher's supervision. O.V. Kononykhina states that in successful distance learning students' intrinsic motivation dominates over extrinsic motivation, and thus "...plays a more important role..." [2].
Distance learning has an ambiguous effect on pupils' intrinsic motivation. On the one hand, more free time allows pupils to perform tasks at a convenient time and at a usual pace. On the other hand, constantly changing conditions require from them responsibility, self-control, and increased efficiency. A.A. Andreev, for example, states that distance learning implies predominantly independent learning of new material [1]. However, not all schoolchildren are ready for such strict self-control, which leads to serious problems. For example, high school students, for lack of proper motivation, may fail to prepare for exams. For this reason, in the conditions of online classes, the role of self-education motive in students' activities increases, and the teacher's work on creating the necessary conditions for students plays an important role.
We analyzed the attitudes of high school students towards distance learning. To the question "What has changed in your attitude to distance learning in the process of studying?". 42% of surveyed pupils answered "I became more loyal to study", "more laziness appeared", "sometimes I do not fulfill teachers' tasks", "it is difficult to study", "it is boring" and "the quality of learning decreased". It should be noted that the majority of respondents who noted changes in their attitude to distance learning have decreased motivation. Schoolchildren were also dissatisfied with the following problems: "a lot of tasks", "little information", "poor communication with the teacher", "insufficient explanations", "uninteresting tasks". Fifty-eight percent of surveyed pupils had problems in organizing independent work. A sufficiently large number of pupils who found it difficult to cope with their learning problems on their own may also affect the general level of motivation. We also managed to identify the leading motives of surveyed pupils. The majority of senior pupils (40%) have a dominant positional motive. In 21% of the respondents the learning motive prevails. External, game and evaluative motives were revealed in 14%, 12% and 13% of the surveyed high school students respectively. It can be concluded that the problems of online learning are primarily associated with low and reduced levels of motivation, as well as the predominance of social motivation factors over cognitive ones.
In conclusion, students' learning motivation is a complex psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, which is an urgent problem in the conditions of distance learning. The main task of a teacher at an online class is to use such methods and forms of work that allow to form independence, discipline, and develop the skill of self-control in schoolchildren. A positive attitude to learning affects its success, which means that learning activities should take place in a comfortable psychological environment and arouse the interest of young men. The main theoretical provisions were confirmed in the empirical part of our study, so we can conclude that a rationally organized educational process in the conditions of distance learning is able to attract students to active cognitive activity and form a positive motivation.