

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(288)

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Mukasheva G.B. THE USE OF EFFECTIVE METHODS TO DEVELOP SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING ENGLISH // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 21(288). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/288/150691 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).
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Mukasheva Gulnaz Bolatkyzy
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Kazakhstan, Almaty




Мукашева Гульназ Болатқызы

магистр педагогических наук, Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана, Казахстан, г. Алматы


Abstract. This article examines the process of speaking in terms of its main aspects, characteristics and types, as well as the requirements for teaching monologue utterance. The main attention is paid to the study of methods of teaching monological speech based on the description of the middle stage of English language learning, taking into account the characteristic features of monological utterance, determining the theoretical and practical foundations of this technique.

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается процесс говорения с точки зрения его основных аспектов, характеристик и типов, а также требований к обучению монологическому высказыванию. Основное внимание уделяется изучению методики обучения монологической речи, основанной на описании среднего этапа обучения английскому языку, учете характерных особенностей монологического высказывания, определении теоретических и практических основ этой методики.


Keywords: monological speech, reproductive-productive level, modern technologies, automatism, verbal description, modern methods.

Ключевые слова: монологическая речь, репродуктивно-продуктивный уровень, современные технологии, автоматизм, вербальное описание, современные методы.


When teaching a foreign language, you have to face a phenomenon when a student can not make an independent message consisting of several consecutive, related phrases. Often, students ' statements are either monosyllabic answers to the teacher's questions, or a purely formal, chronological listing of some actions. Teaching monologue speech is extremely difficult. Monological utterance is considered as a component of the process of communication at any level − pair, group, mass. This means that any monological utterance is monologous in nature, always addressed to someone, even if this addressee is the speaker himself, although in structural and many other respects its types are very specific.

Teaching speaking as a productive process requires the student to build a statement based on the communication situation, is a complex methodological task, since mastering it is associated with the greatest difficulties for students and requires a lot of time and effort on the part of both the teacher and students. However, this time and effort is paid off if students master this activity at the initial stage of training and improve on the average on strictly worked-out material that provides a motivational level and a reliable basis for the formation of other types of speech activity.

The main task at the secondary stage of teaching monologue speech is to improve the communicative core or fundamental skills of foreign language communication. Improving communication skills makes it possible to independently solve communicative and cognitive tasks, including language guesswork and the ability to express a personal attitude to perceived information.

"Monologic speech – a form of speech addressed to a person or group of trainees (participants), sometimes to himself; unlike the dialogical speech is characterized by its intense, which is associated with the desire to reach the thematic content of the statements, the presence of common structures, grammatical their design". [1] In terms of learning a foreign language in school, you can talk about different conditions of formation of monologue speech depending on independence and creativity, which are the trainees.

The reproductive level of speech does not imply independence and creativity on the part of students, both in the choice of language tools and in determining the content of the utterance, it is created from the outside.

The reproductive-productive level involves some elements of creativity and independence, which is manifested in the variation of the learned language material, its use in a new situation, in changing the sequence and composition of the presentation.

The productive level of speech is characterized by complete independence of the selection and construction of statements, as well as a creative approach to its design and assessment of what is happening on the part of the speaker.

As you know, monologue speech has the following communicative functions:

  • informative (communication of new information in the form of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, description of events, actions, states);
  • impact (the belief of anyone of the correctness of those or other thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, actions; a call to action or preventing action);
  • emotional evaluation. [2]

In pedagogy, pedagogical technologies or learning technologies are becoming increasingly important. The issue of using modern technologies in teaching foreign language monologue speech is one of the most urgent and acute among methodologists and teachers. New technologies include updating forms, methods and approaches to the teaching process. Modern learning technologies contribute to the active development of a foreign language, the application of their knowledge in each specific situation. Monologue speech training takes place in three stages.

At the first stage, language automatisms are developed. The development of skills for rapid and error-free use of phonetic, lexical, grammatical material is based on imitative, associative speech, speech-utterance, choral and conditional communication.

At the second stage, they teach the selection of language tools that correspond to the purpose of communication. The focus is on the expression of content using adequate lexical and structural material. Here, the ability to curl someone else's utterance and use mainly speech material in a ready-made form is developed.

The third stage is aimed at developing the skills of initiative speech.

In teaching monological speech in the method of teaching foreign languages, it is customary to distinguish two ways (Galskova N. D., Rogova N. V., Bim I. L., Solovova E. N., etc.):

  • "path from above" - the source unit of learning is the finished text;
  • "the way from below", where the training is based on a sentence that reflects an elementary utterance.
  • "The way from above". Maximum "assignment" of the content plan of the text, its language material and composition, i.e. all that can be used later in the texts that students will build themselves, creating their own monologues:
  • familiarizing students with the text (exercises: read the text, answer questions; plan, order of sentences; short retelling);
  • transmitting the text content (on behalf of one of the characters);
  • changing situation.

"The way from below" involves the deployment of a statement from an elementary unit-a sentence to a complete monologue:

  • statements of students on a specific topic (statements are arranged in a logical order, students with the help of the teacher unfold their statements);
  • the establishment phase of the text and logical connections between the statements;
  • students produce their own monologue on a given topic, including an opinion and assessment.

Let's define the types of monologue that occur in real communication. These include:

  • welcome speech;
  • praise;
  • censure;
  • lecture;
  • story;
  • characteristic;
  • description;
  • accusatory or exculpatory speech, etc. [3]

Before you begin to deliver a monologue in real life, a person well understands why he is doing it, and only utters it if he really wants to talk out or considers it necessary. The goal of a monologue is determined by the speech situation, which, in turn, is determined by the place, time, audience, and specific speech task.

The main difficulty and main task of an English teacher is to create a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, in which students are willing to take risks and experiment with the language. [4]

A monologue-description is a verbal representation of an object, phenomenon, or action through the representation of its characteristic features. The purpose of the description is to visually draw a verbal picture so that the reader can visibly imagine the subject of the image.

It is particularly important to work with the (read) text. Creative exercises are also performed, such as a related statement about the main ideas of the passage (text), the actions of the characters, a presentation (possibly critical) of the content of episodes, scenes, etc. These exercises contribute to the development of creative monologue speech. [5]

The problem of the system of exercises in the method of teaching foreign languages. In modern methods, the process of teaching foreign languages is considered as a continuous chain of consistently performed exercises. The quality of performing exercises affects the success of mastering speech activity in a foreign language. Exercises, based on the activity nature of teaching foreign languages, act as a form of communication of language material and the implementation of training tasks. In other words, exercises are not only a means of learning language material, but also a means of mastering various types of speech activity. Some scientists consider it a structural unit of the methodological organization of educational material. Others see it as a unit for teaching foreign language speech activity. Exercises implement a wide variety of teaching methods, create favorable conditions for the development of speech skills and skills in a foreign language.

Thus, we can conclude that the effective development of oral monologue skills requires strict adherence to methodological actions that are both necessary and sufficient to successfully master oral monologue as a process of speaking , activity and verbal communication. The purpose of this work was to study the methodology of teaching monological speech based on the description of the middle stage of English language training, taking into account the characteristic features of the monological utterance, and to determine its theoretical foundations.


1. Зимняя И.А. Психология обучения иностранным языкам в школе. М.: Просвещение, 2001-с.248.
2. Филатова В.М. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: Просвещение, 1998-г.216-228.
3. Вайсбурд М.Л. Типология учебно-речевых ситуаций // Психолого- педагогические проблемы интенсивного обучения иностранным языкам. М.: МГУ, 1981 г, с.386.
4. Hedge Tricia. Teaching and learning classroom. – Longman, 2002. – 464 с
5. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: АРКТИ, 2004-с.172-173.