
Information resources of the purchase management sphere

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №26(47)

Рубрика: Экономика

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Sardana Zh., Irina N. Information resources of the purchase management sphere // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2018. № 26(47). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/47/43114 (дата обращения: 11.01.2025).
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Information resources of the purchase management sphere

Sardana Zhirkova
student of the Department of Mathematical Economicsand applied informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, North-Eastern Federal University M.K. Ammosova, Russia Yakutsk
Irina Nikolaeva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Economics and Applied Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, NEFU Russia Yakutsk




Жиркова Сардана Анатольевна

студент институт математики и информатики, Северо – Восточный Федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, РФ, г. Якутск

Николаева Ирина Валентиновна

канд. экон. наук, доцент, институт математики и информатики, Северо – Восточный Федеральный университет им. М.К. Аммосова, РФ, г. Якутск


Аннотация: Краткая характеристика научной статьи

Abstract: Brief description of the scientific article.


Ключевые слова: закупки, управление, аукцион, контракт, менеджмент

Keywords: purchase, control, auction, the contract, management.


In a market economy, the organization of procurement in the Russian Federation has undergone fundamental changes. The era of free market relations has replaced the stock distribution of goods with a planned centralized system of economic management. The market economy in the field of procurement management is characterized by freedom of choice in the procurement of goods, freedom of pricing, a huge number of suppliers, economic responsibility of the parties, an increased role of contracts for the supply of goods, self-regulation of the processes of supply of goods, competition of suppliers and buyers.

World experience indicates that the most effective form of organizing large-scale procurement is open competitions, in which any legal entity can participate, depending on the legal form.

Therefore, a number of laws were introduced in the Russian Federation regulating the correct transfer of procurement to a competitive basis.

Procurement management is an activity whereby an organization can purchase goods and services for further work, processing or resale. The work of the enterprise depends on the quantity, quality of goods and services that it receives from suppliers. One of the main directions of procurement management is the material and technical supply - this is the process of the enterprise’s activity, which determines how much materials, raw materials and services are needed for work.

The procurement strategy of a production company is based on the principles of logistics, taking into account the nature of economic relations, which determine the situation of the procurement of material and technical resources.

Purchasing logistics is the management of material cash flows in the process of providing the organization with material resources. The overall goal of procurement logistics is to create a reliable supply of materials to the organization with the highest possible economic efficiency.

The purchase of goods is an important and responsible function in the production and economic system of any level. Each enterprise, organization and institution performs the functions of purchasing material resources to meet its own needs, or for resale.

Functions of procurement or logistics are traditional for enterprises and are well studied. The novelty of the logistics approach to this field of activity lies in the fact that, based on its integration with related activities, the timely procurement of quality products with minimal time and financial resources in the system of end-to-end material and information flow management.

The basis of economic efficiency is the search and purchase of the necessary materials of the required quality at the lowest prices.

A significant element of the micrologistical system is the procurement subsystem that organizes the entrance of the material flow into the logistic system. Material management at this stage has a well-known specificity, which explains the need to separate procurement logistics into a separate section of the discipline being studied.

The activity of this procurement service can be considered at three levels, since the procurement service at the same time is:

• an element that ensures the communication and realization of the goals of the macrologistical system, which includes the enterprise;

• element of the micrologistical system, i.e. one of the divisions of the enterprise, ensuring the realization of the goals of this enterprise;

• an independent system having elements, structure and independent goals.

Purpose of procurement:

1. fulfillment of international obligations of the Russian Federation, implementation of interstate target programs, to which the Russian Federation is a participant;

2. fulfillment of functions and powers of state bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies of management of state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities of territorial extrabudgetary funds, municipal bodies;

3. achievement of goals and implementation of measures stipulated by the state programs of the Russian Federation (including federal target programs, other documents of strategic and program-oriented planning of the Russian Federation), state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation (including regional target programs, other documents of strategic programs and programstargeted planning of constituent entities of the Russian Federation), municipal programs.

One of the main conditions for organizing the organization’s purchasing activity is to study the procurement market according to the criteria for evaluating suppliers, such as conditions guaranteeing the quality of the goods, the supplier’s competitiveness in the procurement market, the ability to provide the necessary assortment and volume, the conditions for the delivery of goods, reducing the organization’s costs and many other criteria.

A new stage in changing the system of state and municipal procurement was the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 44 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs”. This law was created to eradicate flaws in the then current legislation in the field of procurement.

At the moment, all purchases in Russia are posted on the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement of the Russian Federation zakupki.gov.ru. It is designed to place orders for the supply of goods, services and work. This portal is the main platform that provides interaction between customers and suppliers. In addition, the site performs the functions of monitoring, collecting, storing and processing all orders placed, which are carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Placing information on the progress of the procurement to meet state and municipal needs is mandatory for all customers conducting purchases under Federal Law No. 44. In case of violation of this provision, administrative liability is provided.

According to the definition given in the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs” No. 44, “The unified information system in the field of procurement is the aggregate of law-defined information contained in databases, information technologies and technical means ensuring the formation, processing, storage of information and its provision using the official website of a unified information system in the information and telecommunication network "Internet ".

Procurement management is an activity whereby an organization can purchase goods and services for further work, processing or resale. The work of the enterprise depends on the quantity, quality of goods and services, as well as on personnel and their competence.

In connection with the development of the information society, much attention is paid to distance education and the use of electronic information and educational resources in educational processes. Currently, electronic resources are an integral part of the learning process. Electronic educational resource is one of the main components of the information educational environment, focused on the implementation of the learning process with the help of information and communication technologies and the application of new methods and forms of learning. Electronic educational resources have a number of advantages over traditional teaching aids: accessibility of use, increasing the importance of independent educational and training activities, clarity of teaching, consolidation of the material through repeated passing test tasks, increasing interest in the subject.


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