
Tourism advertisement and its translation specifity

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Иочкова К.О., Малышева Н.В. Tourism advertisement and its translation specifity // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 1(52). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/52/45594 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).
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Tourism advertisement and its translation specifity

Иочкова Кристина Олеговна
магистрант, Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный университет, РФ, г. Комсомольск-на-Амуре
Малышева Наталья Васильевна
канд. филол. наук, доцент, Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный университет, РФ, г. Комсомольск-на-Амуре


Abstract. Growing interest to tourism advertisement is defined by development of international relations between countries in this sphere. Therefore, the detailed study of tourism advertisement and its translation specifity is relevant today. The article examines the main aspects of tourism advertisement. The analysis given in the article considers characteristic features of tourism text as a type of advertising. The main difficulties, appearing during the translation process, were revealed and the ways of their solution were determined. The article identifies the necessity of further detailed analysis and study of the given area for linguistic research. 


Keywords: tourism, advertisement, tourism text, advertising text, tourism advertisement, translation.


Blurring the borders between countries has defined adoption of new aspects of various research. The digital and globalization era is characterized by the dynamical growth of tourism sphere and its spreading worldwide. It has been one of the factors of economical society growth for a long period of time. The tourism sphere has become a subject of studying for many scientists around the world. The process of dynamical technology development in the modern era has been reflected in language. Tourism is related to many studying areas, especially the linguistic one [7].

Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon combining various aspects of modern society development: 1) cultural; 2) economic; 3) social; 4) political. It is defined as a special type of travel unrelated to migration and activity on the organization of this kind of travel.

According to the territorial principle of classification, tourism is classified into domestic and international.

Domestic tourism is an activity on travel within native country and as a part of tourism departures. 

International tourism is defined as a focused and systematic activity of tourism organizations aimed at providing tourism products and services [8].

Any travel agency needs advertisement. This advertisement is a system of measures aimed at providing consumers with a selected and prepared information about travel goods and services for tourism and recreation [9].

Tourism advertisement is emotionally charged and contains information in a summary form. It is one of the types of commercial advertisement where the key element is non-material object including creation the image of travel agency providing travel goods and services and formation of consumption demand for tourism products [3].

For the objectives to be achieved, tourism advertisement contains intentions aimed at pragmatics of the recipient’s perception of its information. They are related to techniques that effect recipients in emotional as well as rational aspects. These intentions are realized with the help of language units characterized by expressive colouring. Furthermore, usage of neutral lexical units, which are pragmatically aimed in any text of tourism advertisement, provides certain effect on consumers [1].

Text of tourism advertisement is an indicator of effective impact in the sphere of promotion of travel goods and services. Frequently, it is a driving force, stimulant and instrument of a consumer’s desire to buy advertised goods or use an advertised service [5].

This type of text is understood as a special form representing the view of the world in the way of the system of ideas, opinions and representations forming concepts which serve as indicators of this system [4].

Before translating it is important to take into account the fact that it is an advertising text. A translator needs to complete the following three tasks:

1) accurate transfer of translated text meaning;

2) ability to generate interest of a recipient by country or attraction, mentioned in a tourism text such as brochures, leaflets and booklets;

3) ability to retain not only advertisement level of the original text, but also a thrust of the text to the target audience.

Many researchers of this field of study define advertising text as the main form of promotion of goods, services and ideas having an impact on the recipient, in the process of which his or her own relation to the advertisement object is being formed. In this case, advertisement serves as a tool providing information as well as a tool of creation of the good producer’s image and drawing attention of consumers to it [10].

The translation of advertising texts is different from the translation of literary ones which transfers aesthetic images of original texts. The advertising text is different by its linguistic means, form and distinctly stated direction of communication. During the translation process a translator faces language difficulties which are characterized by differences in the semantic structures and usage of both languages during the communication as well as difficulties of sociolinguistic adaption of this text [3].

The process of translation suggests the clear text structurization and complying with the following requirements:

1. Maximum accurate transfer of such culture indicators as mentality, traditions, customs and morals.

2. Identical translation of all the names, mentioned in the original text, which lets tourist find necessary names in their guidebook as well as description of routes (interpretations are not allowed, only clear geographical data and real indicators).

3. Usage of phonetic, lexical and grammatical expressive means in order to make the text expressive and vivid as well as to attract the recipient’s attention and interest them [6].

On the basis of the mentioned above, it can be concluded that during the process of translation of tourism advertising text a translator could face certain difficulties. The detailed analysis of expressive means used in the text and its accurate transfer in accordance with generally accepted translation norms are one of the solutions of such difficulties. The studies based on the economic, social and cultural aspects are being more and more relevant in the translation sphere and requiring further detailed analysis and research.


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