Interaction of preschool educational institution and family in the process of preparing children for school
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(68)
Рубрика: Педагогика
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(68)
Interaction of preschool educational institution and family in the process of preparing children for school
Abstract. The article is devoted to the interaction of preschool educational institutions and families in the process of preparing children for school. One of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is to interact with the family to ensure the full development of the child. The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and preschool. So, the child of preschool age who are enrolled in school, should be Mature in physiological, psychological and social terms.
Keywords: interaction of preschool educational institution and a family, family education, the program of education, preparation of children for school.
One of the main turning points in the life of every child is entering school. To which you need to adapt and get used to. The child himself can not cope, so you need the help of parents and preschool educational institutions.
Currently, the urgency of the problem is caused by many factors.
Modern studies show that a small part of children come to the first class of mass school unprepared for learning, that is, they have insufficiently formed the following components of readiness: social, psychological, emotional and volitional.
The successful solution of problems of development of the child's personality, increase of efficiency of training, favorable professional formation in many respects are defined by that, the level of readiness of children for school is correctly considered.
The formation of the qualities necessary for the future student can provide only a system of pedagogical interactions of kindergarten and family.
One of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is to interact with the family to ensure the full development of the child. The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and preschool.
However, this interaction is influenced by a number of factors, primarily what parents and teaching staff expect from each other. Recently, there will be promising forms of cooperation that involve parents to actively participate in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, more often work with parents is carried out only in one of the areas of pedagogical propaganda, in which the family is only an object of influence [5, p. 79].
As a result, feedback from the family is not established and family education opportunities are not fully utilized. An important role in the development of the child and ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education has the necessary detailed study of the views of parents and teachers about each other, their impact on the interaction and the development of recommendations that would help to improve the effectiveness of this interaction.
In working with parents distinguish traditional and non-traditional forms. Traditional forms are called such forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions, not only the city but also the country.
These include: conversations, parent meetings, consultations, exhibitions, questionnaires [1, p. 19]. Non-traditional forms of work - new forms of work that help better assist families in the upbringing and education of the child.
These include: kindergarten website, promotions, "round table" with parents, presentations, issues of family Newspapers and posters, training and business games.
There are modern trends in preschool education, which play an important role in preparing a preschooler for school. The new system of pre-school education requires the renewal of the education system, the development of scientific research, the creation of innovative programs and projects. Great importance is given to the problem of the quality of education [2, p. 13].
1) One of the main directions of education and society, the purpose of which is the spiritual and moral education and education of future citizens of the country, preparation for school. Education as a social institution is a social system of social inheritance of culture, formation of personality and intellectual resources of society.
2) Education provides an opportunity to predict the future on the basis of knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society, which depends on the system of values, and values are determined by education.
3) Education is considered from the following positions: the system of values of the child, the system of his interests, the nature of the child, the quality of the child's activities, strengthening the intellectual component, the disclosure of individual capabilities, quality training for school, a set of internal capabilities of the individual, determining the constant increase in intellectual and creative potential, the disclosure of talents and abilities of children [3, p. 19].
Thus, there is a contradiction between the need for systematic work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions and the family in the process of preparing children for school and the insufficient work of psychological and pedagogical conditions for this.
Interaction of preschool educational institution with the family in the modern psychological and pedagogical literature is the Foundation on which the reliable preparation of a child of preschool age.
Bases of interaction of preschool educational institution with a family in the course of preparation for school training revealed, variety of the existing methods and forms for work among which the most widespread are the following: frontal and individual polls of parents, studying of a social portrait of families of pupils, group meetings in the form of round tables, discussions, disputes, parental drawing rooms, the organization of days of open doors, days of a happy family for parents, activization of activity of information baskets, information letters, telephone of trust, joint leisure activities, target and spontaneous conversations - meetings with family members of pupils, group meetings-workshops with elements of training, theatrical performances for children with parents (where parents act as performers of the main roles), the organization of the competition of family talents, drawing up the family tree (organization of retro-guest for grandparents), drawing up family albums, visual propaganda, conversations and consultations, organization of clubs, organization of business games [4, p. 320].
New, interesting and effective forms of cooperation with parents are group seminars, workshops, trainings for parents.
This form of work involves both theoretical familiarization with the problem and practical solutions to specific situations (for example, playing situations by the parents themselves).
Parallel work with children on the same issue is effective. On this basis, it is possible to clearly consider the duality of the situation, to identify the position of the child and adult.
The work of the training group involves a series of workshops. Some of them may include. Joint creativity of children and parents.
The child feels more adult, which at the stage of preparation for school is a determining factor in the formation of readiness for learning.