
Education of culture of behavior of children of the senior preschool age with use of game technologies

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(72)

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Filimonova M.E. Education of culture of behavior of children of the senior preschool age with use of game technologies // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 21(72). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/72/53915 (дата обращения: 17.01.2025).
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Education of culture of behavior of children of the senior preschool age with use of game technologies

Filimonova Maria Evgenevna
student of Belgorod state University "BSU", Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. the article tells that one of the directions in the moral education of the child is the education of the culture of behavior. One of the main tasks of moral education of children of senior preschool age is education of culture of behavior. The basis and necessary condition of education of culture of behavior - the correct organization of life in kindergarten, the General mood of the educational process.


Preschool childhood is an important period in the moral formation of the emerging personality. There is an introduction of the child to culture, to universal values. One of the directions in the moral education of the child is the education of a culture of behavior.

It is well known that the formation of the foundations of a culture of behavior begins with the very first years of a child's life. Imitating an adult, the child begins to master the first norms of behavior. Throughout the entire period of preschool age, ideas about the norms and rules of behavior are replenished and improved, the requirements for the behavior of the child are complicated.

Education of the culture of behavior of the younger generation is one of the urgent problems of science and practice. The studied problem is reflected in the fundamental works of A. M. Arkhangelsky, N. M. Boldyreva, N. K. Krupskaya, A. S. Makarenko, S. G. Yakobson, L. I. Bozhovich, A. M. Vinogradova, S. N. Karpova et al. In their work reveals the essence of the basic concepts of education culture of behavior, determined by the methods and techniques of moral education of preschool children.

One of the effective methods of education of culture of behavior in preschool children is a game technology. The use of role play in the education of preschool children studied by such scholars as D. V. Mendzheritskaya, A. P. Usov, N. Y. Mikhailenko and many others. Educational aspects of gambling activities disclosed by such researchers as A. K. Bondarenko, A. I. Matusik, S. L. Novoselova, E. V. Zvorykina, E. Smirnova and others.

Despite the diversity and breadth of research on this problem, the possibilities of game technology as a powerful means of forming a culture of behavior in children of preschool age are not sufficiently disclosed.

It is very important for teachers to find methods to establish close contacts with the family in order to ensure the unity of the requirements in the education of the child's culture of behavior. Equally important is the definition of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful education of a culture of behavior in children of preschool age using gaming technology.

In preschool pedagogy, the concept of "culture of behavior" is defined as compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human coexistence, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others. The culture of behavior is a set of forms of everyday human behavior (in work, in everyday life, communication with other people), in which moral aesthetic norms of this behavior are expressed externally. The culture of behavior includes: manners of communication, etiquette, the highest degree of refinement, polished actions and actions of man, the perfection of his work in various spheres of life [2].

According to L. I. Bozhovich, an important place in the development of the child's personality is given to the social situation of development. As the author notes, the study of the social situation of development is the main task, which should begin the analysis of development trends, and those new features ("tumors") that arise in the development of the child by the end of each age stage [1].

The active mental development of the senior preschool child contributes to the formation of a higher degree of awareness of behavior in comparison with the average preschool age. Children 5 -6 years begin to understand the meaning of moral requirements and rules, they develop the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. Behavior becomes more focused and conscious. Opportunities are created for the formation of children's responsibility for their behavior, elements of self-control, organization. At preschool age children accumulate the first experience of moral behavior, they form the first skills of organizational and disciplined behavior, skills of positive relationships with peers and adults, self-reliance skills, the ability to take an interesting and useful activity, maintain order and cleanliness of the environment.

The content of education of culture of behavior and relationships is teaching children the skills to eat beautifully and correctly, using the necessary devices; be neat; watch your posture, posture; own speech etiquette; own ways of courteous attention.

The content of the culture of behavior of preschoolers can be divided into the following components: culture of activity, culture of communication, cultural and hygienic skills and habits.

For example, the culture of activity is manifested in the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the execution of labor orders. Education of culture of activity means education of the child the ability to keep in order the place where he works, engaged, plays; the habit to bring to the end the case started, carefully treat toys, things, books.

 In the senior preschool age children have to learn to prepare everything necessary for occupations, work, to select toys according to a game plan. An important indicator of the culture of activity - a natural craving for interesting, meaningful classes, the ability to value time. In the senior preschool age the child learns to regulate the activity, quickly and in an organized way to carry out hygienic procedures, etc. It will be a good basis for formation at it skills of the effective organization of work. To determine the achieved education culture of work can be used indicators such as the ability and desire of the child to work, interest in the work performed, understanding its purpose and reasonable sense; activity, independence; manifestation of strong-willed efforts to achieve the desired result; mutual assistance in collective work. [3].

Communication culture implies not only to do the right way, but to refrain from inappropriate in the particular circumstances, actions, words. The child should be taught to notice the state of other people. From the very first years of life, a child should understand when it is possible to run, and when it is necessary to slow down desires, because at some point, in a certain situation, such behavior becomes unacceptable. The child must learn to act with respect for others. The culture of communication necessarily involves speech. The culture of speech suggests that the preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to speak tactfully, while maintaining a calm tone. Mastering the culture of speech promotes active communication of children in joint games, largely prevents conflicts between them [4].

For children to learn more difficult rules of cultural behavior, it is advisable to use collective games, games-exercises, games-dramatizations. They help the caregiver to level the skill level of each child in the group [4].

With the help of games, the teacher can in a fun way not only to reveal the content of the requirements in the necessary sequence, but also to link these requirements with specific actions of the baby, it makes it possible to consolidate a positive attitude to their implementation in everyday life. Such games are held in the morning and in the afternoon.

Play techniques used by the teacher and causing positive emotions in children, provide a higher susceptibility of the child to cultural rules of behavior. The teacher unobtrusively develops intellectual and emotional attitude of children to specific rules of social behavior, fixes them in the experience, encourages kids to friendly actions. In this process of education is very natural, the child does not feel his object. Planning the content of morally directed games, the teacher is based on his observations of children. Tracing the changes in the development behavior of children, it adjusts the content of the games taking into account the specific conditions and opportunities of children.

Thus, it can be concluded that the culture of behavior is a broad multifaceted concept that reveals the essence of moral norms in the system of the most important, vital relations, relations to people, to work, to the objects of material and spiritual culture. One of the main tasks of moral education of children of senior preschool age is education of culture of behavior. The basis and necessary condition of education of culture of behavior - the correct organization of life in kindergarten, the General mood of the educational process. In the process of formation of skills and behavior plays an important role in the assimilation of children's rules.


List of references:
1. Wenger N. Yu. The way to the development of creativity. Preschool education. -1982 №11. - p. 32-38.
2. Vorobyova Yu. V., Goloshumova G. S. Formation of creative potential of preschool age in the system of additional education // Psychology and education: scientific journal, 2016.  No. 8. – p. 9-11.
3. State standards of additional education, 2010. – p. 3, 10.
4. Encyclopedia of philosophy, 1980. – p. 156-158, 160.