
Sport terminology as a part of vocabulary

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Khalimova Ch.Sh. Sport terminology as a part of vocabulary // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 35(86). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/86/60163 (дата обращения: 25.01.2025).
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Sport terminology as a part of vocabulary

Khalimova Charoskhon Sherali kizi
Student of Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


On December 10, 2012 first President of the Republic of  Uzbekistan  Islom Karimov signed a decree On Measures to Further Improve Foreign Language Learning System. It is noted that under of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Education  and the National Programme of Personnel  Training in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created.  During the years of independence, over 51.7 thousand teachers of foreign languages graduated from universities, English, German and French multimedia tutorials and textbooks for 5-9 grades of secondary schools, electronic resources for learning English at primary schools were created, more than 5000 secondary schools, vocational colleges and academic lyceums were equipped with language laboratories. According to, this degree, every sphere of education had to cover foreign languages. Except, this much attention is paid to all sportsmen and women.

In over society, a large - scale work is being carried out aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle, creating the conditions for the population, especially  the younger generation, that meet the modern requirements for regular physical education and mass sports, strengthening youth by means of sports competitions of will, belief in one’s own strengths and capabilities, development of courage, feelings of patriotism and devotion to the Motherland, the systematic organization of work on the selection of talented athletes from among young people, as well as further development of physical culture and mass sports. Special attention should be paid to the high achievements of our countrys representatives at the Olympic Games, World Championships,  Asian Games and  Championships, International Competitions , The growing prestige and sporting potential of  Uzbekistan in the world, the construction of majestic sports facilities in the regions of the country that meet International standards, and student youth three - stage  sports games Umid nihollari, Barkamol avlod  and  Universiada.

Improving the system of selection and targeted training talented athletes, teaching the English Language and special terms according to the sport field, improving their translation and communication property in the International competitions are important and urgent tasks.

Sport vocabulary is a special part of the language, whose stratification and status has long been occupied by the minds of  linguists. However, opinions on whether the lexical units of sport can be regarded as special terminology or whether they are more appropriately classified as commonly used or professionally restricted vocabulary vary.

The first researches of the terminology of sport N.I.Zelinskaya and E.A.Moldytaev in their works  pointed to the heterogeneity  of  this layer of  languages. As a result, N.I.Zelinskaya offered her own division   of sport vocabulary. She began to sing out sport terminology and sport vocabulary, which includes special terminology, argotisms and nontermines [4; p. 83].

In order to determine whether sport vocabulary really carries are terminological status, it is first of all necessary to turn to the very concept of terminology. In her works she reformed the notion which defines terminology as a set of terms of are given branch of production, activity, knowledge, which forms a special sector of vocabulary, the most accessibly to conscious regulation and ordering. She also noted that, ideally, terminology is a strict and smart part of vocabulary, that is based on the poorly intellectual aspects of the word, and it is unusual for it to be expressed.

It is considered that one of the important properties of the term is its clarity and limitations in content , which is determined by its definition. Such semantic boundaries play and important role in distinguishing terms in the composition of language. Guided by this judgment, we can say as words used to describe a curtain type of activity, and strictly consistent with logical concepts, sport vocabulary is a special kind of terminology.  Structuring language units is the first step to creating a dictionary or glossary.

That’s why we should talk about the classification of sport terminology. In the terminological classification terms are divided by the most important features. Are deep sign of terms that allows them to separate them from other units of  language and  dismember the entire set of terms is the designation of common concepts for them.

In this study, the theory on the terminological status of sport vocabulary will be used as a basis. I learnt a lot of results of sport terminology research works and thought that sport terminology, unlike the terminology systems of other spheres of human activity, is known for its wide prevalence, which is largely promoted by the media. This kind of vocabulary is a fertile material for comparative study, as its lexical units denote concepts that are identifiable for peoples speaking the languages  being compared.


1. Авакова А.С. Наименование спортсменов в русском языке: дисс. канд.филол. наук/-Москве, 1971.
2. Гуреева Е.И. Спортивная терминология в лингвокогнитивном аспекте: дисс.канд.филол. наук: - Челябинск, 2007.
3. \\htpps://sport.terminology/about them.functions=14