
Роль английского языка в современном мире

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №41(92)

Рубрика: Филология

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Симоненко Н.М., Фоменко Л.Н. Роль английского языка в современном мире // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 41(92). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/92/63665 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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Роль английского языка в современном мире

Симоненко Надежда Михайловна
студент, Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий – ИМСИТ, РФ, Краснодар
Фоменко Лариса Николаевна
канд. филол. наук, доцент, Академия маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий – ИМСИТ, РФ, Краснодар




Nadezhda Simonenko

Student, Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies – IMSIT, Russia, Krasnodar

Larisa Fomenko

candidate of philology sciences, Associate Professor, Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies – IMSIT, Russia, Krasnodar


Аннотация. Английский язык - это рабочий и официальный язык ООН. Каждый мировой акт, техническая публикация, книга, инструкция, песня, плакат, письмо будут прочитаны и поняты разными нациями и народами, если они будут изложены на английском языке. И, конечно, естественно, что английский язык в нынешнем мире стал языком интернационального общения. Турки и финны, чехи и венгры, итальянцы и русский, не зная языка друг друга, смогут общаться между собой на данном языке.

Abstract. English is the working and official language of the United Nations. Each world act, technical publication, book, instruction, song, poster, letter will be read and understood by different nations and peoples if set out in English. And, of course, it is natural that English in the current world has become the language of international communication. Turks and Finns, Czech and Hungarian, Italian and Russian, without knowing each other 's language, will be able to communicate with each other in this language.


Ключевые слова: английский язык; современный мир; роль английского языка.

Keywords: English language; modern world; English role.


Learning a foreign language in the modern world is one of the most important components of a modern successful person. Knowledge of at least one foreign language expands the outlook, allows to learn culture and customs of another people.

"Do you speak English?" - with this phrase begins communication between people who speak different languages and want to find a common language for communication. "Yes" - and you start the conversation. The total number of languages in the world is up to 6000. English is spoken worldwide, and it is very popular. We are surrounded everywhere by English, it is tightly embedded in our lives. For example, signs in English, names of firms, enterprises and offices, advertising in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them. In addition, we buy clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read information about the size of a product, you understand what it 's made of.

The main point is the possibility to plunge into the world of mysterious and incomprehensible, the possibility to communicate with people and with another layer of worldview and mentality.

No educated person can disagree that knowledge of English is now simply necessary.

Today it is probably very difficult to find a person who would consider the study of English to be something supernatural. We are no longer thinking about whether or not to learn English. This foreign language, whether we want it or not, is increasingly entering our daily life, knowing it even at the lowest level becomes an invisible, self-evident phenomenon. But ignorance of it can create a difficult or even dead end. So historically, English has become the official language of Great Britain and the United States, spoken and written by residents of Ireland, Canada, Malta, Australia and New Zealand. More than 450 million people worldwide consider English as their native language, and for another 98 million people it is the second language. It is the most important language in more than 60 countries.

English is the mother tongue of 12 nations, and the official and semi-official language of another 33 nations. That means one in seven people in the world speaks English. Knowledge of English can help you explain yourself in any conceivable situation anywhere in the world. Another information in the figures: 1.5 billion people in the world understand English, 1 billion studies it.

English is the official and working language of the United Nations. Any international document, technical article, artwork, instruction, poster, book, song, letter will be understood and read by representatives of different peoples if written in English. It is this language in the modern world that has become the language of international communication. Finn and Turks, Hungarian and Arab, Russian and French, without knowing each other 's language, will be able to explain themselves in English.

The significance of English is so great that its knowledge is not a privilege and a luxury. Once upon a time, computers, as well as mobile phones, could afford only people of a certain social layer. Now such things are basic necessities. The same can be said of English. It is taught everywhere: in schools, universities, in courses. It is implied that any educated person is simply obliged to speak English, as it is he who is his key to further self-education and self-improvement. So now there are so many organizations offering to teach you English. However, you shouldn 't think it 's so easy to do that. Teaching any language is a long process that requires certain mental costs.

English is so popular that it has become the standard language of international communication. Currently 75% of world mail in English, 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English, more than half of the world 's periodicals are printed in English.

The role and significance of English in the world can be talked about indefinitely. The fact that English is an important component in the life of modern man is undeniable, and everyone will be able to find for themselves more than one reason for studying it.

It is no secret that today English is an international language. In most Russian schools, English is the second language subject (after Russian), and many children begin to learn it at pre-school age. In all countries of the world, learning English is of great importance. It is studied in schools, universities, as well as in places of additional education and in various courses.

English is necessary for students who want a decent education, and higher education institutions provide compulsory courses to achieve the required level of English knowledge for a certain specialty. The resulting education document is quoted in all countries. For example, having a diploma from the University of London, a graduate can get a prestigious job anywhere in the world.

In large companies, employment in a highly paid position also requires knowledge of a certain level of English. This is due to the fact that large firms and organizations are in demand on the international market, where without knowledge of English it will not be possible to represent the company, to conclude contracts and deals, to carry negotiations with the partner.

English 's role in travel and social media

Travel abroad during vacation or holidays has become accessible and possible for almost everyone, but in other countries it will be difficult to communicate and in principle is without knowledge of English. Each country has a certain percentage of the population that knows and understands a foreign language; Many signs, guides written in English; Guides also speak English; At international airports, all announcements are pronounced in English, and without knowledge and understanding of this language, a person simply will not go anywhere, as he will not understand anything.

It is difficult for a modern man to imagine his life without the Internet or social networks.

Many sites are written in English. Of course, you can press the cop "transport," but sometimes the translation can be incorrect, and because of this the meaning of the article can be unclear, which can cause confuse and funny situations. That is why sometimes it is important to translate Internet sites yourself.

Many people of different ages have social media accounts. Most often, these social networks are international, i.e. foreign. For example, if you read the title of foreign newspaper, you can understand the summary.  An important problem in the study of the title is the definition of its functions. But at the same time, linguists do not give a clear definition of the title of function your works, sometimes they mix function with the means of expression, or combinе different functions into one [3].

They are framed in English, and users are more likely to write in foreign (English) than others.

It will be difficult for a person who does not know English at all or knows at all, but very badly, to understand what is said in the video or in the post. Also, inter-ethnic communication is possible on social networks, but only with the help of a foreign language.


Список литературы:
1. http://fb.ru/article/277662/rol-angliyskogo-yazyika-v-sovremennom-mire-aktualnost-izucheniya-angliyskogo-yazyika
2. http://engblog.ru/importance-of-english
3. Fomenko L. FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF TITLES IN BRITISH MEDIA //Вестник ИМСИТ. 2016. № 4 (68). С. 49-50.