
Research of different specialties students stress resistance

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(113)

Рубрика: Психология

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Akhmetova E. Research of different specialties students stress resistance // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 20(113). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/113/72501 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).
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Research of different specialties students stress resistance

Akhmetova Elmira
Student, University Turan, Kazakhstan, Almaty




Ахметова Эльмира Қажықызы

студент, университет «Туран», РК, г. Алматы


Abstract. The key correlations between the mechanisms of coping with stress and coping strategies of students of different specialties (psychology, tourism, economics) are determined in this article. The general tendencies in the level of stress resistance depending on studying at a certain specialty were revealed.

Аннотация. В данной статье определены ключевые корреляции между механизмами совладания со стрессом и стрессоустойчивостью студентов различных специальностей (психология, туризм, экономика). Выявлены общие тенденции в уровне сопротивляемости стрессу в зависимости от обучения на определенной специальности.


Keywords: stress, stress resistance, coping behavior, stress factors.

Ключевые слова: стресс, стрессоустойчивость, совладающее поведение, стресс-факторы.


Nowadays, a person's life activity is inextricably linked with stress, and there are many reasons for this: a rapid lifestyle, information overload, a high rate of socio - psychological processes, and the lack of an unambiguous value paradigm in society – this is not a complete list of reasons that contribute to the appearance of stress. The student's life is no exception.

The socio-psychological climate, examination activities, along with the educational process as a whole are powerful stressors.

Stress tolerance is a key factor in dealing with stress. People who are able to cope with various difficulties better realize their life and creative potential. The main model of stress proposed by Hans Selye is fundamental, but as for stress resistance, it is customary to distinguish two categories of stress-resistance resources:

  1. Internal factors (active motivation, strength of the self-concept, active life attitude, positivity and rationality of thinking, emotional and volitional qualities, physical resources);
  2. External factors (social environment, support, understanding) [1].

Lazarus R. S. defines stress as the discomfort experienced by a person when there are insufficient resources available and available for effective response to environmental challenges [1]. It is the individual who assesses the situation as stressful or not. According to Lazarus and Folkman, individuals evaluate the magnitude of a potential stressor for themselves by comparing the environment's requests with their own assessment of the resources they own [2].

The research was conducted at the Turan University in Almaty. The study involved 45 students of the 3rd year majors (psychology, tourism, economics) aged 20 to 30 years. The age of students varied in the range from 20 to 30 years, the average-25 years.

To study the level of stress resistance of students of different specialties, the method "Lifestyle Analysis" (Boston test for stress resistance) and the test "Diagnostics of the state of stress" by K. Schreiner were used. The test was conducted individually with each student, the total duration of which was 30 minutes.

Revealed the following results in the field: the psychology of the low level of resistance to stressful situations showed a 46.5%, the average is 46.5%, high level – 7% of the respondents; the students of the specialty "tourism" low - 33%, middle level - 60%, low – 7%; on a speciality "economy" produced the following results analogous to the previous low level - 33%, middle level - 60%, low – 7%.

As a result of the research, we found that students of all three specialties have an average level of resistance to stressful situations. In all three specialties, the least number of people showed high resistance to stressful situations. In principle, a reduced level of stress tolerance prevails among all students. In the future, we conducted a comparative analysis of the stress resistance of students of three majors using the Kruskal-Wallis criterion. The results are shown in table 8.

Table 1.

Differences between the level of stress tolerance on the "Lifestyle Analysis" test of Boston University medical center for students of three majors, the Kruskal - Wallis criterion



Average rank


Asymptotic Significance













The results of the study showed that among all students, a slightly high indicator of stress tolerance among students of the specialty "Economics". Students majoring in psychology and tourism have a slightly lower figure. There are no significant differences.

A survey using the method "Diagnostics of stress" (K. Schreiner's test), which identifies indicators of stress in students of three specialties, showed the following results: 27% of students of psychology show impulsivity, 7% lose self - control, 66% are restrained; students at the Department of Tourism are impulsive in 7% of cases, 93% are restrained; students of the specialty "Economics" in 93% are restrained, 7% are impulsive.

As a result of the research, we found that students of three majors generally behave with restraint in stressful situations. A slightly high percentage of students are impulsive. In all three specialties, you can notice the lowest rate of loss of self-control.

In the future, we conducted a comparative analysis of the diagnosis of stress (level of self-control) of students of three majors using the Kruskal-Wallis test on the SPSS program.

Middle-rank data: 1)Psychology-26; 2) Trism-22,7; 3) Economy -20,2. Chi-square-1,522, Asymptotic significance-0,467, as a result of which it can be concluded that students studying in the specialty "psychology" have a slightly high level of stress experience.  It should be noted that a reduced level of stress tolerance is inherent in all students who passed this study.

This feature causes difficulties in adapting to rapid changes in the external world, subjects with such indicators have an external locus of control, along with a sense of inability to change the circumstances of their lives.

A low level of stress tolerance is also characterized by a fairly strong emotional susceptibility, which leads a person to negative emotions and experiences.

Thus, according to the results of our study, it was found that students of 3 specialties are characterized by a reduced level of stress resistance. The hypothesis that there are significant differences in the level of stress resistance depending on the specialty of students is rejected.


Список литературы:
1. Аракелов Г. Г. Стресс и его механизмы // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 14, Психология, 2000 - №4 - с. 45-54.
2. Lazarus, R.S. Emotion and Adaptation. — New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
3. Berg C.A., Meegan S. P., & Deviney P.P. A social-contextual model of coping with everyday problems across the lifespan (англ.) // International Journal of Behavioral Development (англ.)русск.. — 1998. — № 22(2)