
Methods of forming students ' critical thinking in the context of teamwork

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №14(150)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Chaganbay M.Y. Methods of forming students ' critical thinking in the context of teamwork // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 14(150). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/150/90053 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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Methods of forming students ' critical thinking in the context of teamwork

Chaganbay Marzhan Yerzhanovna
Master's student of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zhundybayeva Turarkhan Nurmukhanovna
научный руководитель, Ph. D., Senior lecturer, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty




Чаганбай М.Е.

магистрант, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая, Казахстан, г. Алматы

Жундыбаева Т.Н.

канд. пед. наук, старштй преподаватель,  Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, Казахстан, г. Алматы


Abstract. The formation of creative and critical thinking and training of these types of students determines the level of professional competence of future teachers. The formation of critical thinking is a necessary component of  the professional competence of a teacher who directs students in the direction of critical thinking. The use of methods for forming students ' critical thinking in the context of organizing a team form of training contributes to creating an atmosphere of interaction, independence in putting forward hypotheses, correct perception of criticism, correct perception of criticism, and the formation of an active life position.The article discusses the possibilities of using methods for forming critical thinking of students in the conditions of organizing a team form of training

Аннотация. Формирование творческого и критического мышления и обучение этим видам студентов определяет уровень профессиональной компетентности будущих педагогов. Формирование критического мышления является необходимой составляющей профессиональной компетентности педагога, который направляет студентов в русло критического мышления. Применение методикформирования критического мышления студентов в условиях организации командной формы обучения способствует созданию атмосферы взаимодействия, самостоятельности в выдвижении гипотез, правильному восприятию критики, и формированию активной жизненной позиции. В статье рассмативаются возможности использования методик для  формирования критического мышления студентов в условиях организации командной формы обучения


Keywords: critical thinking; team form; training; project method.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление; командная форма; обучение; метод проектов.


Various socio-economic innovations taking place in the society determine the reform of the labor market, affecting a wide range of socio-professional problems associated with solving the problem of adaptation of university graduates in the conditions of modern professional activity. These reforms also contributed to the educational process of higher professional schools, creating new requirements for the training of students. Today, the requirements for university graduates are professional thinking, high mobility, competence and tolerance, a tendency to intra-group and team training, etc. These requirements are primarily related to the need for the formation and development of critical thinking of university students, which is an integral part of the professional competence of students. Only at a high level of formation of critical thinking of students, the prospects for further professional activity of students are revealed, the transformation of a university student with the skills of mutual and joint work, with the ability to independent, creative work, critical thinking, characterized by the ability to apply non-standard methods of influence in solving production problems is carried out.

In this regard, university students should be ready for further self-development, innovation, mastering various ways to achieve goals, independent decision-making and the collective nature of work.

Nevertheless, in the course of the analysis of the practical activities of university students, it was found that priority graduates who graduated from the university are found to be unprepared for real professional activity, weak motivation to work in a team, reflection on mistakes and shortcomings. In addition, university teachers also have erroneous ideas that students ' critical thinking is automatically formed in the educational process, and a high level of professional activity is formed only after many years after gaining experience.

However, research practice, of course, does not exclude practices that accumulate over the course of a year. Therefore, the most important task of professional education is the search for purposeful and systematically justified technologies of critical thinking of students at the stage of professional training.

Teachers who dominate the use of traditional methods of forming students ' critical thinking face a number of difficulties. Thus, the methods and forms, the content of the formation of critical thinking of students also require a refreshing effect.

Diana F. Halpern in her work «Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking»: «we create knowledge when we get acquainted with new concepts and ideas.  Only the information obtained is used to create an internal knowledge structure. The structure of knowledge is a technical term used by cognitive psychologists to describe interrelated concepts. Knowledge is a «state of understanding» inherent only in the consciousness of specific people. And critical thinking is the use of cognitive techniques or strategies that increase the chances of getting the desired result.» [1]

This definition describes thinking as a grounded and purposeful type of thinking. The word "critical" implies an evaluation component. Sometimes this word is also used to express feedback on some subject, action (for example, he was critical of this film). But the assessment can be counter-documented, positive and negative.

Critical thinking is also called goal-oriented thinking. This is because it is aimed at achieving the desired goal. In 1933, the American educator and innovator John Dewey stated that "teaching a person to think" is the main task of education [2].

E. de Bono, J., who investigated the problem of the formation and development of critical thinking from the point of view of a psychological, philosophical, and pedagogical approach, transferring knowledge to the human child. Dewey, R. H. Johnson, D. Kluster, M. Lipman, K. S. Meredith, D. Spiro, J. Scientists were V. A. Bolotov, A.V. Butenko, A.V. Korzhuev, V. A. Popkov, G. B. Sorina, D. M. Shakirova, L. I. Shragina, who were engaged in the formation of critical thinking of students [3, 4].

The formation of critical thinking of students of modern universities is based on the technology of group training in the market of a new management system. The pedagogical system is mainly based on the knowledge of management competencies in education, its subtleties.

Sh. A. Amonashvili, Yu.K. Babansky, B. C. Bezrukova, V. P. Bespalko, A. A. Verbitsky, D. V. Vilkeev, L. V. Zagrekova, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, V. V. Davydov, V. V. Dyachenko, A. A. Kirsanov, I. Ya. Lerner, H. I. Liitmets, G. I. Ibragimov, M. I. Makhmutov, N. D. Nikandrov, V. Okon, G. K. Selevko, I. G. UNT, I. M. Cheredov, M. A. Choshanov, F. Yanushkevich, and others investigated the influence of forms of organization of educational activities, and the problem of improving the effectiveness of forms of team organization was addressed by M. Walton, P. Scholters, D. Katzenbach, D. Smith, W. Breddick, J. Grayson, T. S. scientists were engaged. At the same time, the method of forming critical thinking of students in the conditions of the team form of training organization remains insufficiently studied, an actual problem, which causes the need for a closer consideration of the methodological side of its formation [6].

However, some scientists in their research have proposed methods of teaching methods for the formation and development of critical thinking. Modern researchers in the field of methods of formation and development of critical thinking in pedagogical science: in the West – D. F. Halpern, D. Kluster, in Russia – M. V. Klarin, S. I. Zair-Bek, I. O. Zagashev, I. V. Mushtavinskaya emphasize the value of meaningful learning, defining critical thinking as a set of qualities and skills that determine the high level of research culture of students and teachers.  Also, the American teachers of J. R. R. Tolkien. There is an international educational program "developing critical thinking through reading and writing", developed by Steele, K. S. Meredith, C. Temple, S. Walter.  His philosophical and psychological-pedagogical foundations were laid by J. P. Blavatsky. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, D. Dewey.  The research of the formation and development of humanistic philosophy in education is devoted to the work of the director of the project "development of critical thinking through reading and writing" in Kazakhstan Mirseitova S. S., Rysbaeva A., Turganbaeva B. A., Alimov A. A. A large selection of teaching methods approved and developed by the authors, are offered by A. K. Mynbayeva, Z. M. Sadvakasova [7].

Scientific and theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of methods of forming critical thinking of students in the conditions of a team form of training organization showed the presence of interest from the social, pedagogical, psychological, and other sciences. However, what is the impact of the organization of the team form of training on the formation of critical thinking of students? What are the pedagogical conditions and features of the use of the team form of organization of training at the university? What is the nature and effectiveness of combining the formation of critical thinking of students with a team form of training organization? What methods are they based on? Issues that have not yet been fully resolved.

Critical thinking in pedagogy is not only teaching cognitive abilities, but also the formation of a correct interpersonal, universal attitude, personality qualities (spiritual, self-critical, evaluation of one's own and others ' actions). The formation of critical thinking and creative thinking, the training of its students determines the level of professional competence of the teacher. Mental, practical, communicative abilities and motivational, value propensities and positions used in professional activities are an integral part of the concept of "professional competence".

Teaching students critical thinking, its formation requires a certain amount of time and a wide range of knowledge obtained by students in the framework of formal education.

The analysis of concepts and definitions related to critical thinking allowed us to identify the abilities that are implemented in practice (reflection, non-recognition, criticism, criticism, self-criticism, argumentation, argumentation, evaluation, self-assessment, value judgment).At the same time, reflection is inextricably linked to the understanding of one's abilities, the ability to be critical of oneself, the ability to analyze one's judgments, to be critical of oneself, and evaluation and evaluation are inextricably linked to the organization of management and self-management, determine the action plan, goals and objectives, identification of the final results. The critical value includes not only "evaluative", but also didactic thinking abilities: the principles and rules of logic (argumentation, argumentation), the ability to apply scientific methods, etc.

The use of the team form of organization in the formation of critical thinking of students is considered as a group form of organization of training, including discussion, seminar, conference, didactic business games, the method of "brainstorming", "round table", elective classes, laboratory classes, work within the project, etc.

In the methodology of forming students ' critical thinking in the conditions of a team form of training organization, a number of methods can be used to increase the effectiveness of training (group discussion, the "brainstorming" method, the "Zigzag" technique, the "Basket" technique, etc.). In particular, the project method is one of the best methods that allows you to create a full-fledged learning and development environment based on the team form of the organization, effectively use vital knowledge and skills in the learning process, and form critical thinking. Technological literacy, mastering the work culture, working with important information, etc. General learning skills consist of a number of stages of work: initial (identification of the problem under study), intermediate (implementation), final (generalization) , etc. How to form students ' critical thinking in the framework of the project method in the team form of the organization?

The purpose of this method is aimed at the formation of students 'logical, critical, creative thinking," reflection, criticism, self-criticism, argumentation, argumentation, self-assessment, value judgment" , etc. This method is based on the principles of consistency, purposefulness, critical significance, social normativity, scientific, systematic, consciousness, individual and group influence on the basis of the team form of the organization. The use of the project method based on team forms of training the formation of critical thinking of students includes the following stages:

  • active cognition is the discussion of information around solving a problem, updating existing knowledge, creating interest in the topic, clearly defining the purpose of studying the material;
  • comprehension-discussion, choice of action, planning, determination of the solution path, consideration of alternative solutions, etc.;
  • thinking or reflection-formation of a personal attitude to the studied problem;
  • generalization and evaluation-generalization, formation of evidence.

Critical thinking of university students is a system of personal and socially significant qualities of intelligence acquired in the course of training and education. Meanwhile, the team form of organization is one of the most productive forms of organization of training, contributing to the formation of critical thinking of students. After all, teaching students in a team form contributes to a rational approach to solving tasks, differentiating the pros and cons, creates an atmosphere of a close-knit team, contributes to the correct perception of criticism, a well-thought-out response, and the creation of an active life position. The project method noted by us is considered one of the optimal methods for the formation of critical thinking of students based on the team form of organization.


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