
Influence of auditory-speech and visual memory on success in learning

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Ermekova A.D. Influence of auditory-speech and visual memory on success in learning // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 14(150). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/150/90129 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Influence of auditory-speech and visual memory on success in learning

Ermekova Aktoty Daurenkyzy
Master’s student of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zhundybayeva Turarkhan Nurmukhanovna
научный руководитель, Ph. D., Senior lecturer, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty




Ермекова А.Д.

магистрант, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая, Казахстан, г. Алматы

Жундыбаева Т.Н.

канд. пед. наук, старший преподаватель, Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, Казахстан, г. Алматы


Abstract. In the article, in order to study the success of students ' learning, the group was divided into three, depending on one of the success indicators - academic performance. The article deals with the specifics and features of auditory-speech and visual memory of students in the selected groups. It is established that the success of students ' learning largely depends on the indicators of their visual memory, which confirms the need and effectiveness of the use of interactive information technologies in the educational process.

Аннотация. В статье с целью изучения успешности обучения студентов группа была разделена на три, в зависимости от одного из показателей успешности - академической успеваемости. Рассматриваются особенности и особенности слухоречевой и зрительной памяти студентов по выделенным группам. Установлено, что успешность обучения студентов во многом зависит от показателей их зрительной памяти, что подтверждает необходимость и эффективность использования интерактивных информационных технологий в образовательном процессе.


Keywords: Memory; auditory-speech memory; visual memory; success in learning; neuropsychology; students.

Ключевые слова: память; слухоречевая память; зрительная память; успешность в обучении; нейропсихология; студенты.


Many studies have noted that the cause of learning difficulties is insufficient and untimely diagnosis of impaired cognitive communication mechanisms [1]. As a result of Special Studies, many authors (E. G. Simernitskaya [2], N. L. Gorbachevskaya, E. Yu.Davydova, L. P. Yakupova [3], N. K. Korsakova, Yu. V.Mikadze [4], etc.) proved that the causes of school difficulties can be neurobiological, for example, morphological and functional imperfection of brain structures and the lack of formation of functional systems that they provide. Therefore, neuropsychological diagnosis plays a special role among possible approaches to studying the development of higher mental functions in the context of studying the problem of difficulties in learning.

The main goal of the study was to conduct a neuropsychological analysis of the interaction of indicators and achievements of auditory-speech and visual memory in the educational process of students in each group.

Research materials and methods.

70 students took part in the study. Among them, 25 students of the specialty" pedagogy and psychology", 26 students of the specialty" pedagogy of preschool education and training", 19 students of the specialty" social pedagogy and self-knowledge " took part. Distribution of students by academic performance:

Group 1-8 students who successfully study at the University (the average value of the learning result is 4.56). Most often, they get five, most of them are candidates for a red diploma.

Group 2 - 58 students studying at the University with average success (average 4.2). They mostly take four, and sometimes take the exam for three.

Group 3-4 students studying at the University who are not successful, have mostly satisfactory grades and debts in subjects.

To determine the mechanism of memory as the main component of the cognitive process involved in the learning process of subsequent students, a standardized method of Express Memory Diagnostics "Luria-2010" (2010) was used, developed by E. G. Simernitskaya, adapted by neurophysiologist E. Y. Davydov for adults.

Diagnostics consists of 14 series:

Series 1-6-representation and recall of 11 unrelated words and 12 abstract figures. At this stage of testing, the volume and deceleration indicators of auditory-speech and visual traces are determined.

Series 7-12 is an extension of the initial memory of words and figures. Between recollections, it is necessary to include any interference activity that resolves the tension and focuses on the process of memorization. Suggest 23 words, including 11 words from series 1-3, suggest 21 figures, including 12 figures from series 4-6. At this stage, indicators of involuntary memory are determined.

Series 13 is the second extension of word memory. At this stage of testing, indicators of the strength and order of auditory and speech traces are determined.

Series 14-the second extension of the memory of figures. At this stage of testing, indicators of the strength and order of visual traces are determined.

At the end of the study, indicators of regulation and control of auditory-speech and visual memory are determined for all memories. All memory errors are taken into account (substitution, distortion of words and figures, false recognition, exclusion of words and figures during recognition). When re-remembering incorrectly, all wrong words and figures are taken into account.

Thus, 12 scales are determined for this test, the maximum score for each scale is 10 points, and the total score for all tests is 120 points. Each error reduces the maximum score (10) by 1 point. In case of a large number of adjustment errors, 0 points are awarded and the actual negative score is additionally recorded. According to the methodology, the parameters of auditory-speech and visual memory were evaluated:

1) the volume of auditory-speech and visual memory types;

2) auditory-speech and visual memory inhibition;

3) regulation of auditory-speech and visual memory;

4) the order of memorization of words and visual stimulation;

5) the strength of auditory-speech and visual traces.

6) total indicators of auditory-speech, visual memory and total score.

Neuropsychological study by the method of rapid diagnosis of auditory-speech and visual memory "Luria-2010", adapted to group research, had the following results: - According to the results of speech memory, significant differences were identified in such indicators as the inhibition of auditory traces, the regulation of auditory-speech memory and the strength of the reproduction of auditory-speech stimuli.


Figure 1. Comparison of average levels of memory


The indicator "auditory-speech memory inhibition", determined by calculating the most effective presentation of three materials, shows how much the repetition of the material affects the storage of information. In Group 2, starting from the second or third attempt, there are results in which the result worsens or does not change at all. And in Group 1, the result of memorization after each recall only increases.

The indicator" regulation of auditory and speech memory " is determined by the presence of errors in remembering or recognizing words. Analyzing the results of both groups, we notice the most common errors in the second group. This is, for example, the form of changing the word from full to diminutive (for example, Cube-Cube), or associative errors (for example, Star-Planet), and so on.The" recall strength " indicator indicates the ability to store information on time and in the presence of other interfering activities. The analysis showed that in Group 1, a larger amount of information is stored than in Group 2.

It can be seen that in a group of successful students, the strength of auditory-speech memory is often correlated with the indicator "regulation of visual memory" (0, 419). The ability to adjust visual memory determines the values of visual memory deceleration (0.447) and size (0.520).

The strength of auditory-speech memory is interdependent with the indicators "volume of visual memory" (0.337), "inhibition of visual memory" (0.436) and "strength of visual memory" (0.419). This indicates the effectiveness of abstract memory of auditory-speech traces. For this purpose, an open survey of respondents was conducted:

- 43% of respondents in Group 1 Use unrelated abstract ideas when memorizing words. Some arrange images figuratively, while others represent a whole picture that combines all the words;

-57% of respondents in groups 2 and 3 said that they do not use a figurative expression or find it difficult to answer this question. Supporting this conclusion, it should be noted that respondents in Group 2 experienced minor difficulties when performing the interference task "10 circles".

Also, high indicators of the" procedure for reproducing auditory-speech traces " parameter are associated with the strength of auditory-speech memory(0.396), which tells us about the importance of systematically remembering stimuli.

The analysis of the relationship between memory in Group 2 (students with low academic performance) showed that the "strength of auditory-speech memory" is negatively related to the indicator of auditory-speech retardation. The fewer attempts to remember, the worse the power to reproduce. Thus, respondents of Group 2 pay more attention to a quick and effective result. Respondents of Group 2, in contrast to respondents of Group 1, often chose the answer options depending on the amount of memorized information, and respondents of the well-read group preferred the productivity of memorization, and only then its number. In the group of students who are satisfied with visual memory, they show the relationship between memory and all indicators of visual memory, such as memory strength "volume"(0.449), "deceleration" (0.671), "regularity" (0.445), "order" (0.393). The resulting result can be explained as follows: when presenting visual stimuli for the first time, the indicator of visual memory regulation (0.426) is of great importance for the result.

At this stage of the study, we found that students with different academic performance have significant differences in cognitive functions, in particular in the processes of memorizing information:

1. In a group of high-achieving students, it was found that the power of auditory-speech traces is often influenced by the order of reproduction, and in the group of medium-achieving students it is personality traits such as attention to quick results and distractions.

2. Visual memory of high-achieving students depends mainly on the regulation of memory processes: the fewer errors in the reproduction of visual stimuli, the better the memory. In a group of students with average progress, the value of the adjustment indicator is reflected, but the effectiveness of memory is affected by all closely related indicators of visual memory.

Thus, as a result of the study of students' cognitive characteristics, we found that the low results of the study of memory are influenced by the individual characteristics of students. As you know, remembering and retrieving information in the process of learning success is one of the leading learning objectives.


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