
Education in the values system of modern youth

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №14(150)

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Krasnoyaruzhskaya J. Education in the values system of modern youth // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 14(150). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/150/90413 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025).
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Education in the values system of modern youth

Krasnoyaruzhskaya Julia
Student, Belgorod State National University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman
научный руководитель, Research Supervisor, Docent, senior lecturer, Belgorod State Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. This article will reveal the main points that characterize the attitude of today's youth towards education as a value.


Keywords: education, career, value, youth, modern society, university.


In the past decades, our society has been actively transforming and experiencing global changes in all spheres of life. This whole process is based on the emergence of some kind of innovation that can improve not only the quality of the tasks, but also save time while using advanced technologies. Everything is reduced precisely to creating a product with the maximum benefit from it while spending a minimum of resources. Education - allows us to delve more deeply into the structure of certain things that we either constantly encounter, or that surround us in the course of our life. Any science is important, and mastering the experience that was received and reflected earlier by our ancestors serves as a strong engine to create something new, more perfect. The attitude to education among the people has always been in great demand. Since ancient times, people who studied had some kind of knowledge that the majority did not possess, were always appreciated and placed in good positions close to leadership. They, as a rule, had a high status and thus the level of respect from the side of society was also high. Over the course of time, there have been a lot of changes in the educational structure and system at the same time. At the same time, the attitude of each new generation to education changed. The educational potential of modern youth is increasingly becoming the object of research by domestic scientists in connection with the undoubted applied significance of this problem. The Government of the Russian Federation sets a task for the education system related to staffing regional labor markets with practice-oriented specialists with high qualifications and a wide range of competencies. The training of such specialists should be carried out taking into account the demand, gender and age structure of the labor force [1]. At the moment, there is a tendency to depreciate education and consider it as a formal necessity in employment. Most school graduates often go to study where they are not at all interested, just to get a diploma, and after that they get to work not in their specialty. Of course, there are those who choose a specialty in accordance with their desires, but there are not so many of them, because the financial component (the ability to pay for tuition) can also affect here. K. Yu. Terentyev identified four educational strategies: "Interest in the profession", "Running for a certificate", "Prestige of the profession" and "Orientation in the labor market" [2; 3, c. 34-42]. A lot of different scientists have tried to find an answer to the question about the proportion of those who go to study at a university primarily to equip their knowledge base, and not only to obtain a document on graduation from the university. There is also a stereotype that if you have not received a higher or, in extreme cases, specialized secondary education, then in the future you will not be able to climb the career ladder or, in principle, achieve anything in life. All this negatively affects the worldview of the younger generation as a whole, and if early education was considered not just a formality, but something big in the consciousness of society, then the current idea of ​​it looks completely different.

A sociological study was carried out at Belgorod State University, which made it possible to characterize the position of education in the value system of young people.

The toolkit was a questionnaire drawn up in Google forms [4]. The respondents were selected by the method of spontaneous selection. 102 people took part in the poll, including 59 girls and 43 guys. Mostly first and second year students were taken. To the question "Why did you enter the National Research University" BelSU? " the overwhelming majority of respondents (73%) noted that the purpose of admission is to obtain a higher education diploma in order to find a job. This means, first of all, that education is not considered by the majority of students as a value in itself. When asked whether the students chose the direction of study based on their own interests or it was a forced measure, 62% of the respondents said that it was a forced measure, while 45% of 62% came here because they went to the budget, and 17% because they were forced by their parents. Here there is a pronounced problem of the internal conflict of the individual, who is obliged to do what he does not want, but at the same time does in order to correspond to the standards of society. Then the question was asked: "Do you plan to study further, after receiving one higher education?" 24% of students plan to continue their studies in the magistracy, 43% of the survey participants cannot say anything yet, since everything can change at any moment and 33% of people confidently declare that after receiving higher education they will immediately go to work.

Also, the overwhelming number of students assess the need for education as average, pushing career growth, self-realization, family and household comfort to the top positions in the value structure. In addition, 55% of the respondents believe that if a person for some reason could not get a higher education, then this is not such a compelling argument that his professional development in life will be stagnant.

Thus, based on the conducted research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Education occupies a secondary place in the structure of values ​​of the Belgorod youth;

2. In some cases, admission to a university for a certain direction of training is forced;

3. The overwhelming majority of students consider education as an instrumental value that allows them to achieve certain results in other spheres of life.


List of literature:
1. Potasheva O.V. Assessment of the educational potential of young generations of the population in the region / OV Potasheva // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University N.I. Lobachevsky. Ser. "Social sciencies". 2017. P. 31–39.
2. Terentyev K.Yu. Educational strategies of university entrants: the experience of building a classification / K.Yu. Terentyev // lifelong education: XXI century. 2015. URL: https://lll21.petrsu.ru/journal/article.php?id=2922 (date of treatment 01/05/2019).
3. Milyukova I.A., Terentyev K.Yu. Education as a value in the minds of modern youth: reflections on the results of surveys of students of PetrSU / I.A. Milyukova, K. Yu. Terentyev // Modern education: vectors of development. The role of socio-humanitarian knowledge in the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of a graduate of a pedagogical university: materials of an international scientific conference, April 20-21, 2017 - Moscow: Publishing house of Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2017. 675 p.
4. Questionnaire for BelSU students, URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mz403ZcsIIrWcelYBmxPd-XGjJbsRVjbDTCQc5lvtjQ/edit