
Introduction of health-saving technologies into educational activity

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(151)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Kirienko A. Introduction of health-saving technologies into educational activity // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 15(151). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/151/90875 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Introduction of health-saving technologies into educational activity

Kirienko Anastasia
Student, Belgorod State University Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. This article focuses on the problems of introducing health-saving technologies into educational activity. The article considers the attitude of teenagers to a healthy lifestyle, as well as what methods and techniques teachers use to maintain children’s health. Analysis of the study results is presented.


Keywords: healthy lifestyle, healthy saving technologies, health, prevention of healthy lifestyle.


Personal health is one of the most important components of a person's well-being and happiness and his undeniable privilege, as well as the success of the social and material development of any state. The legal child rights are spelled out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - these are the right to healthy growth and development and the right to parents ‘ love and care.

Statistics show that currently there is a sharp drop in the level of health of the nation: the number of chronic diseases is increasing, the number of healthy school graduates is decreasing. The main reasons are: sedentary lifestyle, eating disorders, overload by the educational process due to an increase in the number of disciplines studied, imbalance in the study and recreation regime, a dysfunctional environmental situation, lack of a healthy lifestyle within the family, etc. This is an alarm call and makes you think, because it is in schools that the foundation is laid on the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle[2].

Forcing students to conduct a healthy lifestyle is not effective. Students do not want to independently study their health. In addition, one of the problems of the health-saving activities of any educational institution is the daily activities of children in their free time, their leisure time and the organization of additional education.

It is necessary to use technologies that will allow them to bring out the basic life rule for themselves: "Success will be when your health is normal and you support it with a healthy lifestyle."

The task of teachers, as well as parents, is to create the necessary conditions for this.

The problem of introducing health-saving technologies into the educational process is considered in the works of G.K. Zaitsev, L.G. Tatarnikova, Yu. L. Varshamova, V.F. Bazarny, L.P. Ufimtseva, V.A. Gurova, E.Ya. Olado, N.K. Smirnova, I.Yu. Glinyanova, E.A. Shulgin, T.A. Soldatova.

To derive a versatile definition of healthy-saving, we will try to create a symbiosis of concepts created by scientists - teachers N.K. Smirnov and V.D. Sonkin.

Health-saving technologies are a set of programs aimed at educating students in a health culture, developing such qualities that will contribute to its preservation and formation of an attitude to their health as a value, as a result of which the cultivation of a healthy lifestyle [2].

Health-saving technology should include:

• lack of stress and adequacy of methods and requirements, these should be the conditions of education in the educational institution;

• Educational organization must take into account age and other individual characteristics;

• combination of educational and physical activity, contributes to improved perception of the material and has a less detrimental effect on the limitation of motor activity;

• Comprehensive training both indoors and outdoors.

• system of separation of training time and rest time. By organizing didactic units in the form of a lesson, seminar or lecture session;

• use of techniques to influence different sectors of memory (visual, auditory, analogies)

• development of modules with a combination of subjects with interdisciplinary communication, allows to consider the problem from a different perspective;

• adaptability of classrooms (classes) to conduct certain classes;

• general sanitation of educational and auxiliary facilities;

• inadmissibility of work and rest education violations [1]

Having conducted a study on the basis of Regional state institution "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Families with Children, Assistance to Family Structure and Post-Alternative Support of Graduates "Perspective" in Novoandrosovo, Zheleznogorsk district, Kursk region for 2019, analyzing the results, we made the following conclusion: in general, most pupils believe that healthy-saving technologies are developed at the average level. This is clearly seen in the diagram showing the satisfaction assessment algorithm:

Low level of educational satisfaction - 6- 7

average level of educational satisfaction - 8 - 10

high level of satisfaction with the educational process - 11- 19


FigureSatisfaction algorithm diagram


We obtained the following data by analyzing children's overall view of healthy lifestyles.

Most respondents believe that their state of health is at a good or very good level.

To promote health, children:

- do exercises (8 people)

- eat healthy food (7 people)

- temper (1 person)

- join sport clubs ((5 people)

- take vitamins (2 people)

- run (6 people).

All pupils are fond of  healthy lifestyle. They learn about it from:

- tutors (15 people)

- internet (15 people)

-  textbooks (8 people)

- TV (3 people)

- friends (7 people)

All pupils (15 out of 15) believe that the "Perspective Center” all the conditions for physical activity are created.

Pupils of "Perspective Center” understand the importance of  healthy lifestyle. They try to maintain their health, as well as strengthen it by various methods. Often, educators and teachers help them with it.

The problem of national health is actual in our country. Taking into consideration different stages of our state, the thread in terms of health saving was lost. And it can be restored only in one way - to instill a health culture in the younger generation at all stages of the learning process. Pedagogy is looking for ways to solve problems, develops technologies, introduces them into the education process.

The analysis shows that educational institutions directly or indirectly use these technologies, but there is also a difficulty: it is not everywhere possible to use this or that technology, there is always not enough funding for the implementation of this or that program.

There are problems with pedagogical resources.

To overcome problems, it is necessary to work hard, look for new ideas, modernize the old ones. Move and move forward, because only in the movement is our salvation and the formation of a healthy, educated and strong nation.


List of references:
1. Kuleva, S.V. Problems of creating a school of health in the conditions of an innovative educational institution/S.V. Kuleva//. – 1998. – №3. – Page 49-60.
2. Smirnov, N.K. Healthy-saving technologies in a modern school ./N.K. Smirnov. - M.: ACC and ABM, 2002. – 121 pages.