
The role of the State in regulating employment

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(155)

Рубрика: Экономика

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Kolesnik G. The role of the State in regulating employment // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(155). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/156/92884 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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The role of the State in regulating employment

Kolesnik Gennady
Student Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


The transition to a market economy in almost all countries has resulted in a sharp deterioration in the employment situation. First of all, this is caused by the implementation of denationalization programs and the implementation of structural changes in the economy.

The process of labor market formation, which has begun, increasingly reveals deep contradictions between the current state of employment and the prevailing ideas about the labor market, the commodity form of labor, its value and price. There are also a number of new phenomena in the field of employment: segmentation of the labor market by forms of ownership and employment status, the development of the informal sector, small business, and others. In this regard, it becomes obvious that there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to the assessment of the categories and phenomena under consideration.

An analysis of the economic state of Russia over the past few years has shown that the state has been unable to influence the dynamics of the labor market. The labor force remains passive, and the conditions for its reproduction deteriorate.

The decline in employment occurred in such important sectors of the economy as industry, agriculture, transport, construction, trade and public catering, science and scientific services. Employment is one of the most important blocks of necessary systemic changes. At the same time, employment is one of the most unsuccessful areas of activity of our government. He did not get his hands on a tough economic policy in relation to natural monopolies.

Employment policy has several levels: national (macro level), regional and local. All levels of employment policy are united by a single concept of employment, reflecting the accepted type of economic development.

Employment policy at the macro level should be comprehensive and aimed at forming the main features of employment in a social market economy: ensuring full employment as a necessary prerequisite for the realization of the right of citizens to work and achieving a high standard of living as a long-term goal. In this context, promoting full employment becomes a strategic goal.

With an increase in the efficiency of labor and the functioning of the entire economy, the population will have a material basis to provide a modern standard of living with a decrease in the level of employment, a wide spread of part-time work regimes, and a reduction in the established length of the working week. Even in order to realize the social need for professional activity as a means of personal self-expression, it is necessary to achieve an optimal combination of working and free time, and every citizen should be able to alternate work, study, rest, raising children, etc.

The immediate tactical goal should be to balance the supply and demand of jobs. This is possible only with an integrated approach to the conditions for achieving a balance of labor supply and demand. Most often, when solving this problem, attention is drawn to the development of the system of jobs as a necessary prerequisite for the prevention of mass unemployment. This is a very important aspect, especially if we take into account the significant increase in the growth of the working-age population in 1996-2005 and its uneven distribution across the territory. Within the next 15 years, it is necessary not only to overcome the crisis and stabilize the economy, but also to create conditions for economic growth that can give jobs to a new generation of able-bodied citizens. However, it is possible to achieve a socially and economically acceptable balance of demand and supply of jobs, especially in the territorial context, only by simultaneously influencing the demand of the population for labor and the supply of jobs. Previously, it was pointed out that the population is over-employed. From the point of view of the interests of production and the growth of labor efficiency, "superfluous" are, according to the most cautious estimates, 10-15% of the number of employees. But overemployment should also be evaluated from the standpoint of the interests of the person and the conditions of his life. It is known that up to 1/3 of working women are willing to leave their jobs if the husband earns as much as the two spouses earn now. Up to 60% of pensioners work only for material reasons. If these groups of the population were given the economic freedom to choose "to work or not", it would be possible to dramatically reduce the number of people in need of work. However, this problem can be solved over a long period of time. So far, as is known, due to the growth of inflation and the lack of various types of social benefits, the extremely high demand for work remains, which can greatly complicate the problem of jobs in the near future.

Therefore, reducing the demand of the population for jobs, overcoming overemployment of its individual groups on the basis of improving the program of social assistance to women with children, young people who combine work with study, and pensioners should be considered as an indispensable condition for ensuring full employment while accelerating the growth of labor efficiency. We are talking about the socially and economically necessary rearrangement of labor resources between the sphere of work, education and voluntary unemployment.

The democratization of the sphere of employment, the emancipation of the grud person allow us to get away from strictly regulated employment conditions that level the personal interests and professional opportunities of various groups of the working-age population. And the more actively the transition to a variety of employment conditions is carried out, the faster the new labor motivation for high-performance work will appear and the opportunities for full employment will expand.

For the effective transfer of labor between enterprises of various forms of ownership and management, labor regimes, a balanced income policy and regulation of their level with the help of the tax system is needed. The removal of restrictions on wage growth from economic entities should be accompanied by well-thought-out measures of material incentives for employees of those organizations that are funded by the budget. To a large extent, this is due to the promotion of intellectual work (in the field of science, education, medicine, culture).


List of literature:
1. Анохин В.А «Роль государства в населении» (дата обращения 25.04.2020) 
2. Клышников В.В «Экономика в производстве и населении страны» (дата обращения 08.02.2021)
3. «Управление и стратегия экономики» https://strategplann.ru/