

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №32(168)

Рубрика: Политология

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FEATURES OF PREVENTION AND FIGHT AGAINST MANIFESTATIONS OF EXTREMISM AND TERRORISM IN THE YOUTH ENVIRONMENT // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. Nyrova A.Z. [и др.]. 2021. № 32(168). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/168/98045 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Nyrova Alina Zamirovna
Undergraduate student Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Russia, Nalchik
Nyrov Temirlan Zamirovich
Student Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Russia, Nalchik
Kokova Lalina Khamidovna
Undergraduate student Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Russia, Nalchik
Kardanova Darina Yaroslavovna
Undergraduate student Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Russia, Nalchik


Abstract. This article describes that the youth environment, due to its social characteristics and acuteness of perception of the environment, is the part of society in which the accumulation and implementation of negative protest potential most quickly takes place. Thus, young citizens join the ranks of extremist and terrorist organizations that actively use Russian youth in their political interests.


Keywords: extremism, young people, terrorism, groups, tolerance.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the prevention and fight against extremism and terrorism among young people.

In recent years, there has been an increase in a number of extremist movements that involve young people in their activities. An analysis of data for the last five years shows that the age of four out of five persons whose criminal activity has been suppressed is no more than 30 years.

Currently, members of informal youth organizations (groups)of extremist-nationalist orientation are mainly young people under the age of 30, and often, including minors aged 14-18.

The system of views imposed by extremists is attractive to young people because of the simplicity and unambiguity of their postulates, promises of the opportunity to immediately, at the same time, see the result of their even aggressive actions.

It should be particularly noted about the need for preventive and preventive work to monitor and take measures to eliminate extremist-nationalist and extremist-terrorist sites on the Internet that actively promote the ideology of extremism, nationalism and terrorism, containing calls for committing crimes of extremist and terrorist orientation against people of other nationalities or religions, foreign citizens, as well as detailed instructions for making explosive devices, committing terrorist acts, murders, etc. [1].

It is necessary to highlight the main features of extremism among young people: [2]. First, extremism is formed mainly in a marginal environment. It is constantly fueled by the uncertainty of the young man's position and his unsteady views on what is happening.

Secondly, extremism is most often manifested in systems and situations characterized by the absence of existing standards, guidelines that focus on law-abiding, consensus with state institutions.

Third, extremism manifests itself more often in those societies and groups where a low level of self-esteem is manifested or conditions contribute to ignoring the rights of the individual.

Fourth, this phenomenon is characteristic of communities not so much with the so-called "low level of culture", but with a culture that is torn, deformed, and does not represent integrity.[3].

To solve this problem, including among young people, it is necessary to create a self-reproducing system of ideas, subjects-carriers and channels of their dissemination, which will be able to independently contribute to the formation of a positive public consciousness, excluding the very possibility of using violence to achieve any goals. Civil society institutions, scientific and business communities, educational structures and mass media can and should become such a system


1. Abdulatipov R. G. Problems of prevention of extremism / / Ethnopanorama, 2002, No. 2, p. 74.
2. Antonyan Yu. M. Extremism and its causes / Yu. M. Antonyan.- Moscow: Logos, 2010. - 288c. - ISBN: 978-5-98704-502-2.
3. Vityuk V. V., Efirov S. A. "Left" terrorism in the West: history and Modernity / V. V. Vityuk, S. A. Efirov ; Ed. by G. V. Osipov; USSR Academy of Sciences, In-t sociol. research, M. Nauka 1987 p. 315