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Tulinov A.A. MOTIVES FOR USING SOCIAL NETWORKS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 43(179). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/179/103357 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Tulinov Anton Andreevich
Master's degree, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. In this article, a study was conducted on the motives for using social networks of university students.


Keywords: motive, social networks.


At the moment, the statement "XXI century-the age of information technologies" most accurately characterizes the space in which a modern person grows, develops and realizes. It is no longer possible to imagine innovative production, urban infrastructure, transport and interpersonal communication without information technology.   At the moment, according to the journal "Psyhologies", social networks are the main reason why the amount of time spent on the Internet is growing.

Accordingto the Brand Analytics survey Analyticsin 2015, every person in Russia spends an average of more than 2 hours on social networks every day. A person spends about 5 years of their life on social networks. 

The study of the motives for using social networks was carried out in foreign psychology: A. Joyson, L.Freeman, etc., in domestic psychology: I. V. Nedovishina, O. M. Shakhmartova, etc.

In foreign psychology, the most popular theory is "Use and satisfaction", which is used to explain the use of communication media (radio, television, Internet, etc.) by S. Finn. This concept is based on the assumption that the use of certain media occurs due to the desire to satisfy certain needs. In relation to social networks, we can talk about the driving force of communication motives and the search for social connections, entertainment and information search.

Using this approach, the English scientist A. Joyson, based on factor analysis, identified seven key motives for using social networks: 1) maintaining social connections: communicating with friends and acquaintances; 2) identity search-affiliation motive – belonging to a group, searching for people by interests; 3) motive related to content consumption (games, applications); 4) social investigation or "peeping" motive, which includes monitoring other users 'profiles and meeting new people; 5) surfing social networks, which means viewing other users' pages; 6) posting and viewing photos; 7) updating statuses, which includes viewing the friends ' news feed.

But.  пIn studying the influence of socio-demographic factors, national and cultural differences in the use of social networks and gender-specific behaviors in them are highlighted. Women are more likely to be attracted to social opportunities, while men are more motivated by opportunities such as watching movies and listening to music.

On the basisof the Belgorod State National Research University in Belgorod  In October 2021, a socio-psychological study of the motives for using social networks of university students was conducted. The survey method was used in the work, the questionnaire "Me and social networks"was tested. 68 respondents took part in the survey: 32 students: 12 students studying in the field of "Psychology", 12 students studying in the field of "Law", 8 students studying in the field of "Economics". For comparison, we took a group of 20 students of the 8th " A "class of MBOU secondary School No. 17 in Belgorod and 5 students of the 7th" A " class of MBOU Shatalovskaya secondary school aged 13-15 years and 11 respondents — workers and employees aged 35-45 years.

Let's analyze the results obtained:

Among students, according to the survey, the main motive for using social networks is: communication – 65% of respondents,  entertainment – 20% of respondents and self - development-15% of respondents.

In adulthood, the main motivation for using social networks is: communication – 67 % of respondents,  entertainment-17 % of respondents and work-16% of respondents.

Among teenagers, according to the survey, the main motive for using social networks is: communication – 50% of respondents,  entertainment – 30% of respondents and self — development-20% of respondents.

The following results were obtained for the question "How much time do you spend on interpersonal and virtual communication?":

students: 45% of responses - virtual communication, 55% of responses-interpersonal communication.

mature age: 30% of responses - virtual communication, 70% - interpersonal communication.

teenagers: 30% of the responses are virtual communication, 70% are interpersonal communication.

To the question "Did you create a group in social networks?"

Students: 67% of responses — did not create, 33% of responses-created. Of these, 50% of respondents said that the group was devoted to their creativity and hobbies, 30% of respondents - to humor, and 20% of respondents-to study and work.

Mature age: 80% of the responses — did not create, 20% of the responses-created and noted that their groups were dedicated to work.

Teens: 70% of the responses — did not create, 30% of the responses-created and noted that their groups were dedicated to creativity and hobbies.

Table 1.

Comparison of social media usage motives in different age groups,%


Main motive

Percentage of virtual communication

Previously created a group


Communication - 65



Entertainment - 20

Self-development - 15


Communication - 67



Entertainment - 17

Work - 16


Communication - 50



Entertainment - 30

Self-development - 20

Summing upand studying the motives for using social networks of university students, we can conclude that the leading motive for using social networks of all age groups is communication, followed by entertainment.  The third most popular motive is self-realization in leading activities: students and teenagers — self-development, mature respondents — work. Students ' communication in the virtual space takes longer than that of teenagers and mature respondents.


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