

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(192)

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Shcherbinina K.V. STUDENT ASSESSMENTS IN THE LEARNING PROCESS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 13(192). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/192/108252 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).
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Shcherbinina Kristina Vladimirovna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander Vladimirovich
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article examines the influence of grades on the formation of the personality of a younger student. It is shown how evaluation affects the personal qualities of a child.


Keywords: assessment, mark, development, personality, child, school, teacher, research, educational process, self-assessment.


The formation of cognitive activity and independence of schoolchildren is one of the most acute problems of modern schools. Increasingly, we can observe how, moving from class to class, students lose their initial interest in learning. Verification and evaluation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities is an important structural component of the learning process and, in accordance with the principles of systematicity, consistency and learning, should be carried out throughout the entire learning period. In the methodological literature, it is considered that the assessment is the so-called "feedback" between the teacher and the student, the stage of the educational process when the teacher receives information about the effectiveness of teaching the subject.

The relevance of the assessment problem is related to the recent achievement of certain successes in the implementation of the practical role of teaching, which has expanded the scope of the assessment application, increased the possibility of a positive impact on the educational and pedagogical process, and created conditions for the rationalization of assessment as an integral part of this process.

The assessment should be perceived by students not as something needed only by the teacher, but as a stage at which the student can orient himself about the knowledge he has, make sure that his knowledge and skills meet the requirements. Therefore, we must add the student's goal to the teacher's goals: to make sure that the acquired knowledge and skills meet the requirements [6].

Evaluation and marking have their own characteristics and consequences. For example, an assessment is an assessment process carried out by a person, and a mark is the result of this process. The mark is the result of an assessment, it is formal, but what it will bring to the child for whom it was deduced is not known and does not depend on the assessment. Some teachers and heads of schools and educational authorities manipulate marks-figures, tearing them away from the real fact of knowledge and from the students themselves. On this basis, the percentages of academic performance are calculated, which did not reflect the original assignment of marks in any way. The digital mark has devalued in the eyes of students [3].

An important condition for improving the effectiveness of the educational process is the systematic receipt by the teacher of objective information about the course of educational and cognitive activity of students. The teacher receives this information in the process of checking the educational and cognitive activity of students.

Verification means the identification, establishment and evaluation of students' knowledge, i.e. it is:

1. determination of the volume, level and quality of assimilation of educational material;

2. identification of successes in teaching, gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students and the entire class to make the necessary adjustments to the learning process, to improve its content, methods, means and forms of organization.

The teacher should pay special attention to the problem of evaluation, since evaluation is of the greatest importance for the development of the personality of a younger student.

The score is not identical to the mark. Their distinction is an important condition for the psychologically competent construction and organization of educational activities. Assessment is an assessment process carried out by a person; a mark is the result of this process, its conditionally formal reflection in points [1].

Students acquire knowledge in order to best prepare themselves for life, for further education. Therefore, it is important for both them and the teacher to know how they mastered the educational material. This is achieved by testing knowledge, skills and abilities. Verification is an important means not only of preventing forgetting, but also of learning knowledge more firmly. During the test, the teacher seeks to find out not only the fact of the assimilation of knowledge by children, but also how correctly they perceive the material, whether they can think, remember. The teacher also establishes the student's attitude to the material being studied, which influence the formation of his views and beliefs [10].

Self-assessment, as one of the components of the activity, is not associated with marking yourself, but with the evaluation procedure. It is most associated with the characteristics of the task completion process, its pros and cons, and least of all with the score.

When marking, teachers express their subjective opinion, their impression of someone or something in the most formalized and least informative form, and when self-evaluating, we give ourselves a meaningful and detailed description of our results, analyze our advantages and disadvantages, and also look for ways to eliminate the latter.

In pedagogical activity, the teacher must come to a level where self-esteem becomes a mechanism that corrects activity, creating conditions in which a situation arises-an incentive that allows the student to self-identify and build an independent action plan.

Verification has an important educational and developmental value. The psychological and pedagogical functions of the check consist in identifying shortcomings in the work of students, establishing their nature and causes in order to eliminate these shortcomings. It is important for the teacher to have information both about the assimilation of knowledge by students and about how they were obtained.

The correct method of control encourages students to study more information and improve themselves. At the same time, knowledge and creative implementation of methods, techniques and means of managing the educational and cognitive process in professional pedagogical activity make it possible to successfully solve educational tasks and achieve the set educational goals.

In general, the system of assessment and self-assessment is a natural mechanism of self-regulation of the educational process, which determines its exceptional importance.


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