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Rudakova A.V. DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL CULTURE OF PARENTS OF SCHOOLCHILDREN (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE PROGRAM "SCHOOL OF PARENTING SKILLS") // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(197). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/197/111236 (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).
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Rudakova Anastasia Vladimirovna
Student, NRU BelSU, Russia, Belgorod


In modern society, there is a tendency to change the spiritual and moral norms and traditions of the family way of life, there is a rethinking of family values, the physical and mental state of the younger generation is deteriorating. The reason for this is the insufficient psychological and pedagogical education of parents. The employment of parents in combination with the low level of their pedagogical culture leads to the fact that the relationship between parents and children deteriorates, contact is lost [3, p. 324]. The family does not have the necessary educational impact on the child. However, it is impossible to raise a child correctly without knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. In this regard, there is a problem of developing the educational culture of parents. The task of teachers, psychologists, social educators is to help parents in raising children and thereby form a pedagogical culture among parents. Only close interaction of school and family can provide favorable conditions for the formation of a holistic, mentally and physically developed personality of a child. Based on this, we can say that the development of the educational culture of parents should be carried out on the basis of a systematic and integrated approach, which includes the following areas: the parent as an educator, teacher and friend. Let's look at these aspects in more detail.

The development of the educational culture of parents should be carried out in the direction of the parent as an educator. According to T.E. Bykovskaya, who considers pedagogical culture in the aspect of the problems of family education, "the conditions of upbringing in the family largely determine the development and life path of a child." The researcher believes that pedagogical culture is "a specific feature of parents, which is implemented by them in educational activities." In this regard, we can trace a close relationship between the level of pedagogical culture and the effectiveness of the educational process[1, p. 377]. Based on this, we can say that the modern family is not able to cope with many problems in raising a child on its own and needs the help of teachers and psychologists. That is why specialists should form the pedagogical culture of parents in the aspect of family education.

Also, the development of the educational culture of parents should go in the direction of the parent as a teacher. As M.M. Prokopyeva points out, the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 notes that parents remain an underused resource in the field of education. In this regard, there is a need to rethink the status of the modern family in the structure of education, in terms of improving work with parents, including bringing this work to the system level. [4, p. 134]. Thus, specialists in the conditions of a general education institution should work with parents, educating them pedagogically.

The third direction in the development of the educational culture of parents is the parent as a friend. The work of G.M. Madaminov states that "first it is necessary to comprehensively study the child, get to know him from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, and then teach and educate." For the successful development of a child, parents need to establish a trusting relationship with him, become friends with him[2, p. 52]. Teachers and psychologists should help in this, who can reveal to parents the individual characteristics of their children, give advice on interacting with the child. In this regard, we can say that the creation of friendly interaction between parents and children is an important aspect in the development of the educational culture of parents.

Thus, the development of the educational culture of parents should be carried out in three directions: the parent as an educator, the parent as a teacher, the parent as a friend. In the process of close cooperation between the school and the family, parents will receive advice and recommendations from teachers on how to properly organize family education, how to competently help the child from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as well as establish friendly relations with children.

We propose to consider the process of forming the pedagogical culture of parents on the example of MBOU secondary school No. 40 in Belgorod.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the school implemented a program for the formation and improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents "School of Parenting Skills". 74 families participated in this program: 45 families of students in grades 5-9 and 29 families of high school students. The purpose of the program was to form and improve the pedagogical culture of the students' parents. Based on this, the directions of work with parents were also determined. So, one of the areas of work was to change the attitudes of parents in matters of upbringing and perception of their child. This was supposed to help expand the base of ways and forms of family education of children. A particularly important area of correctional work was an attempt to bring parents to an awareness of their role as a parent. That is, the knowledge that parents received from teachers, psychologists and other specialists should have become an internal component of the parent's personality, encourage them to transform themselves, and, consequently, improve their pedagogical culture. In addition, correctional work with parents was aimed at eliminating the pedagogical illiteracy of parents. That is, the program has implemented a system-integrated approach in the formation of pedagogical culture in three directions: the parent as an educator, the parent as a teacher, the parent as a friend.

It should be noted that the work of specialists with parents in the conditions of a general education organization was of both an individual and group nature. From September 2018 to May 2019, 31 hours of lectures and practical classes and 115 consultations were held. Most often, consultations were held after classes.

Initially, each family was diagnosed, the level of pedagogical culture of the parents was revealed, and contact with the parents was established. At the first meeting of the teacher with the parents, the goals and ways of their further interaction were revealed. In addition to lectures conducted by qualified specialists, parent seminars were held with parents during the school year, the purpose of which was to expand and deepen the knowledge of parents in the field of psychology of family relations, pedagogy of education. The subjects of the classes reflected a variety of aspects of the upbringing and development of a child in the family.  An important form of work with parents was individual consultations (on average, about 2 consultations per family). At them, teachers helped to solve specific problems of a certain family, gave recommendations on the normalization of communication with the child. Basically, problems in families appeared due to the low level of pedagogical culture of parents.

All this work was aimed at the formation and improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents. In May 2019, a re-diagnosis was carried out to identify the level of pedagogical culture of parents. Compared to September 2018, the level of pedagogical culture of many parents has increased (see appendix 2). Thus, the number of parents with a low level of pedagogical culture decreased from 47% to 8%, with an average level – from 48% to 22%, while the number of parents with a high level of pedagogical culture increased from 5% to 70%. The class teachers also noted that families whose parents participated in the "School of Parenting Skills" began to actively express themselves in the life of the school and class.

Thus, the program "School of Parenting Skills", which implements a system-integrated approach to the organization of the formation and improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents, proved effective and achieved its goal.


1. Bykovskaya, T. E., Bader, O. A. Development of the educational culture of the family and its significance in the formation of the child's personality / T. E. Bykovskaya, O. A. Bader // Humanitarian space. International Almanac. Vol. 7. – Issue No. 3. – 2018. – pp. 375-384.
2. Madaminov, G. M. Pedagogical culture of parents: content, components and criteria / G. M. Madaminov // Modern higher school: innovative aspect. Vol. 10. – Issue No. 2. – 2018. – pp. 50-55. 
3. Nikitenko, V.A. Pedagogical culture of parents / V. A. Nikitenko // Scientific electronic journal Meridian. – Issue № 15(33). – 2019. – Pp. 324-326.
4. Prokopyeva, M. M. et al. Cooperation of family and school as a condition for the formation of pedagogical competence of parents / M. M. Prokopyeva, A. Z. Dyakonova, M. N. Popova // Science and school. – Issue No. 1. – 2018. – pp. 134-139.