

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(200)

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Semykina A. THE PROBLEM OF STUDENTS' FAILURE AND WAYS TO OVERCOME IT // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 21(200). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/200/113308 (дата обращения: 27.01.2025).
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Semykina Alexandra
Student of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor Senior lecturer Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of student failure and ways to overcome it. The main condition for solving this problem is to ensure the psychological safety of the school's educational environment.


Keywords: students ' failure rate; theoretical methods; diagnostics.


Global changes are taking place in modern education, modern technologies are increasingly being used to teach children, because of this, students may experience academic failure [1].

In the pedagogical literature, the concept of "underachievement" has a different interpretation, for example, the Bologna PP. under underachievement implies a situation in which the behavior and learning outcome of a student does not meet the requirements of the school [2].

Underachieving students poorly assimilate school material, do not cope with classroom and homework, lose interest in classes. The lack of timely assistance leads to changes in the child's personality. Schoolchildren have a negative attitude towards teaching and the teacher. Eventually, they begin to behave worse, disorganize the class, often drop out of school and join the ranks of so-called difficult teenagers.

Each lagging student has his own reason, but at the same time there are also common ones for a certain circle of schoolchildren. The teachers' explanation is characteristic. Even the most experienced of them talk only about the unwillingness of children to study, about their lack of cognitive interests, the bad influence of the street, family, and so on, but they never associate failure with the shortcomings of their own work, although very often this is one of the main reasons. However, failure is always caused by a combination of reasons, one of which is decisive, and it is important to find it, otherwise all the trouble will be in vain. Scientists will identify two groups of reasons for failure: external and internal.

The external ones include such as the imperfection of the organization of the educational process (uninteresting lessons, lack of an individual approach, the predominance of productive activities, overload, lack of formation of cognitive activity techniques, knowledge gaps), the negative influence of the family, etc.

But one of the main internal causes of academic failure are defects in the health of schoolchildren caused by a sharp deterioration in the level of material well-being of the family. It is clear that a person suffering from these or other ailments is not able to endure enormous educational loads. Internal reasons include such as low development of intelligence, lack of stable positive motivation for teaching and poorly developed volitional sphere.

Scientists consider classifications and types of academic failure. So, Budarny A.A. in his classification distinguishes two types of academic failure. He believes that academic failure is a conditional concept, the specific explanation of the term depends on the rules of transition to the next class. Since in a modern school, a minimum grade of "3" is enough to move to the next grade, then failure is expressed by grades "2" and "1". This is an absolute failure, which is equivalent to the minimum requirements [3]. They also put forward another concept that correlates not only with the minimum requirements, but also with the capabilities of some students. This is a relative academic performance, insufficient teaching load for schoolchildren who could exceed the generally accepted, mandatory requirements.

Various external factors and circumstances can influence the failure of schoolchildren, for example, a child is very often ill or often changes school, personality and character traits (shyness, aggression, restlessness), various situations (conflicts in the family, bad relationships with classmates or teachers) also affect.

In practice, it has been proven that all these disorders can be present in the same child to varying degrees. If a more in–depth diagnosis is carried out, it is possible to determine the main cause of all violations of socio-psychological adaptation in order to make psychological and pedagogical correction more effective.

The purpose of the article is to study the causes and ways to overcome the failure of schoolchildren, using the example of an algebra lesson.

To achieve this goal, we used the methods of "Studying students' academic failure" and the method of Sazhenina, i.e., for the diagnosis of academic failure [4]. The study involved 15 students of MBOU "Lomovskaya SOSH" of the Korochansky district of the Belgorod region aged from 14 to 16 years.

We considered academic failure according to the following diagnostic indicators: attitude to the educational environment, motivation for educational activities, psychological support of students in the educational process and the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

The diagnostic indicator of the failure of schoolchildren is characterized by the identification of the orientation and level of development of the motivation of the educational activity of students in the study of a particular subject (according to the methodology of the study of failure): 9 people had a high level of internal motivation and 6 people had an average level, no one had a low level of motivation (Page.1).


Page 1. The ratio of the level of motivation of schoolchildren


Analysis of the survey results within the diagnostic indicator of academic failure allowed us to note that the largest part of the subjects see the current neglect of the subject (40%), lack of understanding of the educational material (20%) do not prepare for lessons at home at all (20%), poor memory (10%), training (10%) as the reason for their poor performance. At the same time, 50% of the subjects believe that they have no difficulties in the subject, 30% cannot understand certain topics and 20% have difficulties solving large equations (Page.2).



Page 2. Percentage ratio of reasons for failure


Thus, in this study it was found that the failure of students is mainly caused by the current neglect of studies, as well as a lack of understanding of the educational material and lack of preparation for classes at home. But at the same time, 50% of respondents claim that they do not have difficulties in algebra.

To overcome academic failure, it is necessary:

• Conduct additional classes with "lagging" students according to a certain plan to gradually fill in the gaps and repeat the material not learned in previous classes; in this regard, individualize homework for independent work on repetition and exercise.

• Correcting on-the-go mistakes made in individual lessons, during the passage of a particular section, topic.

• Improving the current accounting of students' knowledge and studying each of them in the learning process in order to timely detect the backlog and take measures to eliminate episodic failure.

• Work with lagging students in the classroom and a combination of individualized tasks for independent work and temporary additional classes under the guidance and supervision of a teacher.

• Educational measures to strengthen academic discipline and unquestioning observance of the "Rules for Students" and the schoolboy's daily routine, to teach children to work regularly without interruptions and indulgences, using the positive example of organized students in this direction.

• Activation of these students in the process of their learning, systematic guidance of their teaching, strict daily verification of their homework; individualized tasks and temporary additional classes to repeat what they have passed and fill in the gaps.

Also, along with the above measures to overcome academic failure, there should be such actions on the part of the school administration as:

• Improving the pedagogical qualifications of teachers and improving teaching methods, ensuring continuity in the educational work of teachers, especially in grades 5 and 6, 8 and 9.

• Strengthening the intra-school control of the director and the head of the educational part and ensuring that all students transferred to the next grade are fully prepared to continue their studies in it.

All these measures applied at the same time, in my opinion, should help both teachers and, most importantly, students themselves in overcoming academic failure, in increasing the level of self-esteem and the quality of knowledge.

We can conclude that in order to overcome academic failure, it is necessary to conduct additional classes with children who do not understand the material in the lesson, correct the mistakes made during lessons, improve the accounting of knowledge control.


List of references:
1. Lokalova N.P. School failure: causes, psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 368 p.
2. Korsakova N.K., Mikadze Yu.V., Balashova E.Yu. Failing children: neuropsychological diagnostics of difficulties in teaching younger schoolchildren. - - M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency. - 1997. - 123 p.
3. Monina G.B., Panasyuk E.V. Training of interaction with a failing student. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010. - 200 p.
4. Kojaspirova G.M. Pedagogy: Practicum and methodological materials. – M.: VLADOS – 2003. – 415s.