Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №22(201)
Рубрика: Технические науки

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №22(201)
Горинский Степан Александрович
магистрант, Международный университет информационных технологий, РК, г. Алматы
Марат Нуртас
Международный университет информационных технологий, РК, г. Алматы
The future of technology is a concept that is always evolving as time goes on. In 2018, there were over 4.2 billion active internet users worldwide, with over 3.8 billion active internet users utilizing social media. Furthermore, in today's technology era, new technologies such as virtual reality and robots are progressively becoming commonplace. According to studies, the majority of items will be purchased using crypto money, which is a virtual currency meant to be used as a medium of trade. All of these examples demonstrate how technology is increasingly influencing today's and future societies. This begs the question of whether our reliance on technology will improve our lives or make them less efficient. Although the future of technology promises many benefits in our everyday lives, additional technological breakthroughs may leave us clueless to the changes since it will be difficult for us to adapt.
Virtual reality is one of the first things that comes to mind when many people debate the future of technology. In a word, virtual reality is an interactive computer-generated experience that takes place in a simulated environment. Virtual reality was initially introduced to the world of video games. Virtual reality has been used by companies such as HTC, Oculus, Samsung, and even Google* in order to reach a bigger audience and provide people with an experience they have never had before. The Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, both virtual reality consoles with headsets, have made popular titles like Minecraft and Call of Duty virtual reality compatible, giving gamers the impression of being within the game. Playing some of my favorite games on virtual reality consoles was an entirely different experience for me after spending the most of my childhood watching games on television. However, transitioning from traditional gaming to virtual reality was difficult for me. Because virtual reality is still in its early stages, I'd feel comfortable making the whole move once there is a developing platform for it. Samsung and Google* have taken slightly different approaches, delivering movies that may be viewed via a virtual reality lens, fully immersing consumers. Although virtual reality is often associated with video games or other types of entertainment, it is also critical in several of the world's fastest-growing fields, including medicine and the military. Potential LASD officers went through virtual reality training using the "VirTra" technology, which provided students an incredibly realistic simulation of handling an incident, according to a Forbes article titled "VR Training Next Generation Of Workers." Those that were trained with this technique said that utilizing virtual reality to accomplish this goal was "far more realistic than range training" and that it also increased their heart rate as if they were in a real-life situation. This clearly demonstrates the advantages of adopting virtual reality in professional training courses since it provides a realistic experience. Furthermore, virtual reality helps doctors, surgeons, nurses, and other medical professionals to better comprehend their patients' bodies than existing technical devices in the medical area. In comparison to a typical X-Ray scan, virtual reality technology may provide users with a full high-resolution 3D view of the patient, as well as the ability to gaze all around the body.
The huge future of technology may also be seen in our economy, which is commonly referred to as e-commerce. Though e-commerce is more of an idea than a technology, some innovations, such as crypto currencies, are part of the e-commerce future. Crypto money, as previously stated, functions as a means of exchange while preserving strong encryption to protect all forms of financial transactions. Crypto currency will replace traditional forms of cash such as paper money and coins by employing digital wallets and digital currencies. I would be able to save a lot of time performing transactions in person if we made the entire conversion to crypto money today since everything would be saved in a digital wallet on my smartphone. Bitcoin is one of the most popular kinds of crypto money, with a value of $3,440 per single Bitcoin. Although switching to crypto money would shift the economy's destiny in a different path, there are certain drawbacks to doing so. Risks Of Crypto Money, a journal article by Nicholas Weaver, delves deeper into the drawbacks of crypto currency. He goes on to say that the bulk of crypto money is managed by public and private keys, making theft considerably more "susceptible" if your private key is stolen. Because crypto money is such a difficult idea, it will take longer to integrate into our economy. Before this alternative form of currency is deployed and revolutionizes the economy right before our eyes, many people will need to be well taught about it. On the other side, we can see how technological advancements are affecting social media. As technology spreads over the world, even to low-income places, the number of people using social media will grow rapidly. From teens to middle-aged persons, social media has been used by a diverse range of age groups. Many active internet users' lives have become to revolve on social media, with around 51% of Facebook** users viewing their pages many times a day and 23% at least once a day. With more than one billion accounts, 74% of registered Facebook** users utilize the app at least once a day (check graph below). When you consider how many individuals have created Facebook** profiles, this is a large percentage. Users spend hours of their day on these social media platforms exchanging material with friends and family, but they are gradually becoming disconnected from the real world. What will the future generation look like if social media continues to expand and the bulk of society consumes it? Although these technical developments have demonstrated their ability to transform the globe, the question of whether or not their influence will benefit our society remains. When it comes to social media, the majority of users focus on the material that is uploaded rather than what is being depicted. PLOS One, a scientific research organization, ran an experiment to see how social media has affected individuals who use it. Finally, they found that "citizens would pay greater attention to content produced on social media," indicating a significant shift in how this generation gathers information. As a result, the future of social media may push individuals to believe bogus news and other stuff published on the platform. Virtual reality will also alter people's lifestyles. Virtual reality will be used in everyday life, outside of video games and entertainment, to provide people with a new form of living experience. According to Pew Research, social and economic connections will be formed entirely by virtual reality, making data and object interactions considerably simpler. Jaron Lanier's book, Dawn Of The New Everything, examines virtual reality's future prospects and its potential to aid individuals suffering from PTSD in overcoming their challenges. On the other side, technology will eventually replace humans in the workplace, with robots and other highly intelligent machines taking their place. Cab and delivery drivers will be replaced by self-driving cars, mass assembly line workers will be replaced by robots, and so on. The future of technology is an intriguing notion to consider and experience, but it has the potential to disrupt the way humans live their lives in the long run, particularly for children who will be growing up during this shift. The closer we go to incorporating newer technology in the globe, the more revolutionized society will become. We are all susceptible to a mixed lifestyle, with virtual reality offering individuals better access to the globe, emerging crypt money forms posing a possible threat in our economy, and social media taking over people's lives. Because the problems do not outweigh the benefits and vice versa, the future cannot be classified as good or terrible.
* (At the request of Roskomnadzor, we inform you that a foreign person who owns Google information resources is a violator of the legislation of the Russian Federation - ed. note)
** (a social network banned in the territory of the Russian Federation, as products of the Meta organization, recognized as extremist - ed. note)