Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №8(231)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №8(231)
Abstract. Developmental learning is an actual direction in the theory and practice of education, focusing on the development of cognitive, moral and physical abilities of students by activating their potential capabilities, as well as the educational activities of schoolchildren. In addition, students, after graduating from school, will possess not only systems of knowledge and skills, but also systems of methods of educational work and its management, i.e. the basis of rational activity for further study and professional work.
In modern conditions, the technology of developing learning, which has replaced the explanatory and illustrative type of teaching, is becoming more and more relevant in the teaching of school disciplines. Like any technology, the technology of developing learning includes goals, scientific ideas on which it is based, systems of actions of the teacher and the student, results [1, pp. 35-37].
The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the main goal of developmental learning is the development of personality and its abilities, and therefore developmental learning focuses the learning process on identifying and realizing the potential of the student.
Аннотация. Развивающее обучение – это актуальное направление в теории и практике образования, ориентирующееся на развитие познавательных, нравственных и физических способностей учащихся путем активизации их потенциальных возможностей, а также учебной деятельности школьников. Кроме того, учащиеся, окончив школу, будут владеть не только системами знаний и навыков, но и системами приемов учебной работы и управлению ею, т.е. основой рациональной деятельности для дальнейшего учения и профессиональной работы.
В современных условиях в преподавании школьных дисциплин все более актуальной становится технология развивающего обучения, пришедшая на смену объяснительно-иллюстративному типу преподавания. Как и любая технология, технология развивающего обучения включает в себя цели, научные идеи, на которые опирается, системы действий обучающего и обучающегося, результаты [1, с. 35-37].
Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что основной целью развивающего обучения является развитие личности и ее способностей, в связи с чем развивающее обучение ориентирует учебный процесс на выявление и реализацию потенциальных возможностей обучающегося.
Keywords: developmental learning, thinking, knowledge, skills, pedagogical influence, teacher and student.
Ключевые слова: развивающее обучение, мышление, знания, умения, навыки, педагогическое воздействие, учитель и ученик.
Developing learning is carried out in the form of involving the schoolchild in various activities, using didactic games, discussions, as well as teaching methods aimed at enriching creative imagination, thinking, memory, speech.
Involving the schoolchild in educational activities focused on his potential, the teacher should know what methods of activity the schoolchild mastered during the previous training, what is the psychology of this process of mastering, the degree of comprehension by students of their own activities. Based on the data obtained, the teacher constructs pedagogical influences on students, placing them in the zone of the child's closest development.
Within the framework of developing learning, teaching methods and techniques should be adequate to the task of developing creative abilities and cognitive independence of students, which is associated with mastering theoretical knowledge and ways of obtaining new knowledge, which should include students in the activities of acquiring knowledge and their development.
There are various definitions of the teaching method in the pedagogical literature. Their meaning boils down to the fact that teaching methods are the ways of work of teachers and students, with the help of which the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the worldview of students is formed, their abilities are developed. The essence of these or other methods largely depends on the pedagogical system used and that the above approach to teaching methods reflects only the traditional teaching system.
In modern conditions, teaching methods should be understood as methods of joint and individual, interrelated and mutually conditioned reflexive-personal activity of the teacher and students, allowing them to solve substantive and procedural didactic tasks corresponding to this pedagogical system.
The development of creative thinking of schoolchildren in the educational process implies the use of some special technologies and methods that can now be called basic, let's look at them in more detail.
In problem learning, knowledge and methods of activity are not presented in a ready form, are not offered in the form of rules and instructions, that is, the material is not given to students, but is set as a search subject. At the same time, the structural unit of problem learning should be considered a problem situation and the process of its solution. And as a structure of problem learning, we can propose a system of problem situations, each of which includes a corresponding task, a system of learning tools and activities to transform the conditions of the task and obtain the desired results.
The following methods and forms of problem learning can be considered: problem history, heuristic conversation, problem lecture, analysis of practical situations, dispute, interview, business game, etc.
The heuristic method of teaching consists in the fact that its application stimulates the self-activity of students, contributes to the fact that the student discovers knowledge through his own reflection and research. The purpose of its application is to develop the intuitive possibilities of students' activity in solving creative problems and an ambiguous, not always typical approach to their solution.
This method is used to collect additional information in a problematic situation or to organize already available information in the process of solving a creative task.
The heuristic method is obliged to stimulate thinking, and not to suggest the idea of solving the problem. Questions and tasks should contain a minimum amount of information.
With the research method of teaching, the cognitive activity of students in its structure approaches the research activity of a scientist who discovers new scientific truths. In other words, student research, like scientific research, should have stages of observation, collection of facts and their analysis, description, explanation, discovery and subsequent application of an open rule, law in the assimilation of new knowledge. In this way, the study should differ from the usual solution of a cognitive task.
A research task, unlike a cognitive task, involves a full cycle of independent educational and cognitive actions of students: from collecting information and analyzing it, independently posing a problem and to solving it, verifying the solution and applying new knowledge in practice.
One of the features of the research assignment is precisely that first, as a rule, practical work is carried out to collect, describe and analyze facts.
The problem very often does not arise immediately, but during the detection of inconsistencies, contradictions between the revealed facts.
The formulation of research tasks, as a method of organizing training of a research nature, is connected with life, with the practical (educational) activities of students, during which both practical and theoretical problems arise.
Thus, developmental learning takes into account and uses the patterns of development, adapts to the level and characteristics of the individual. Pedagogical influences outstrip, stimulate, direct and accelerate the development of hereditary personality data.
The structure of developing learning is a chain of increasingly complex subject tasks that cause the student to need to master special knowledge and skills, to create a new solution scheme that has no analogue in his experience, new ways of action.
Methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren in the classroom of developmental learning should meet modern requirements and be used depending on the pedagogical situation.
When using these methods, it is important not to forget that the most important role is played by the child's interest in the learning process, in this regard, it is necessary to choose the right method that would allow you to keep the attention and interest of the student.