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Yunusova A. THE CONCEPT OF STYLISTICS AND LINGUO-STYLISTIC ANALYSIS IN THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 9(232). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/232/124172 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Yunusova Alena
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod
Buzina Evgenia
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Candidate of Philology, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod




Юнусова Алена Юрьевна 

студент, Белгородский государственный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород

Бузина Евгения Игоревна

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, Белгородский государственный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. This work is devoted to the study of stylistics and linguo-stylistic analysis. Stylistics is one of the key sciences for the study of text. Stylistic analysis implies the identification of key means of expressiveness of the text.


Keywords: stylistics, text, expressiveness, text analysis, style.


The science that deals with the study of styles, as well as all its linguistic and textual representations, is called stylistics.

Research in this scientific field determines the language norms, the rules for correct reading, writing, as well as the use of linguistic means of expression. Among all other sciences about the expressiveness of speech and the rules for its construction, stylistics is the youngest science and originates in the origins of ancient rhetoric. From this it follows that stylistics is the science of the rules of speaking and writing. It defines the rules for constructing oral and written discourse, and also determines the necessary means to make speech as expressive as possible [Egorova, 2021: 50].

Stylistics, as one of the branches of linguistics, deals with the study of the tonality of speech, questions of the correctness of the use of a particular lexical unit in accordance with its semantic meaning, grammar, i.e. determines the need to use a certain form of the word and establishes its functional significance [Illarionov, 2018: 307].

Modern researchers distinguish several types or subtypes of style: speech, functional, author's, etc. The concept of style also applies to literary criticism, although in this area such terms as genre or register will be the most common.

In the literature, they are rather cautious about the concept of style, since in this case speech is the object of study. Therefore, some foreign literary scholars argue that the concept of style is applicable in their field only in relation to literary texts, where linguistic means of expression are used to the greatest extent.

It is worth noting that the literary text has its own distinctive features that distinguish it from the background of other styles, the unique features of the artistic text are due to the artistic style.

Artistic style is one of the functional styles, characterized by emotionality, figurativeness of speech, wide use of expressive means of the language. A feature of the artistic style of speech is its aesthetic component [Khuganov, 2018: 39]. Fiction is art, so the role of the image is fundamentally important here, because art thinks in images.

However, stylistics is studied not only from the point of view of literature. As you know, style is built on the basis of linguistic means, which means that it is also a part of linguistics.

From the point of view of linguistics, stylistics is engaged in the study of the tonality of speech, lexicology, which determines the correctness of the use of one or another lexical unit in accordance with its semantic meaning, grammar, i.e., determines the need to use a certain form of the word and establishes its functional significance.

Stylistics has a rather complex structure, which causes many problems when studying it. The reasons that cause problems in its analysis include both the object and the material of its study. When we talk about the stylistic value of a text, we cannot proceed from a level-oriented approach, which is so logically described through a hierarchical system of sounds, words and sentences. Each of these linguistic units can be assigned not only a certain stylistic meaning, but also the interaction of these elements, as well as the structure and composition of the entire text. Let's consider some of them:

- cliche - a standard stable turn of speech with frequent reproducibility (adjusted for faith);

- proverbs - a combination of words expressing a complete judgment;

- sayings - a combination of words expressing a concept, that is, having only a nominative function;

- maxim - the same proverb, but created not by the people, but by its individual representative - a writer, a thinker;

- quotes - exact reproduction of a segment of any text;

- allusions - references to historical, literary, mythological, biblical and everyday facts;

- dissonance of stubborn phrases [Minina, 2018: 45].

Among the terms of linguistics and literary criticism, such terms as linguistic means of expression, stylistic means, tropes, stylistic devices, etc., are quite often found, which are a kind of methodological tools for studying stylistics both in linguistics and in fiction.

As expressive means of a language, various language forms are usually mentioned that have changed at the morphological, syntactic or word-formation level and affect the emotional coloring of human speech. They can also function as an "amplifier" of the meaning of statements. However, it is worth noting that, although all stylistic devices are expressive means of language, not all expressive means can be stylistic devices.

Consider the main stylistic means:

- metaphor - a hidden comparison, carried out by superimposing the name of one object on another and, thus, revealing some important features of the second, based on an association by likeness (Mighty Fortress is our God).

Today, both linguistic and literary metaphors are distinguished. As the latter, speech metaphor is singled out, since literary criticism is the science of human speech. The distinctive features of speech metaphor are originality, novelty of use, the ability to accurately reflect the stylistic features of speech. As for the linguistic metaphor, it is unchanged. This metaphor has existed for a long time, it is a kind of cliché for use in certain situations.

- metonymy - a trope based on the association of contiguity. It lies in the fact that instead of the name of one object, the name of another is used, associated with the first constant internal or external connection (wealth for the rich).

This connection may be between the object and the material from which it is made; between a place and the people who are in it; between the process and its result; between action and tool, etc. The peculiarities of metonymy compared to metaphor are that metonymy, while creating an image, preserves it when decoding the image, while in metaphor, decoding the image actually destroys and destroys this image [Rosenthal, 2018: 129].

Metonymy can also be divided in terms of linguistics and literary criticism. In the first case, metonymy is expressed by the fact that common nouns are changed to proper ones. In the second, some lexical units are replaced.

- irony is an expression of ridicule using a word in a meaning that is directly opposite to its main meaning, and with directly opposite connotations, feigned praise, behind which censure is actually hidden, these two meanings are actually mutually exclusive.

Like a metaphor, speech and language epithets are distinguished. In the case of speech, there is an element of impersonation. It is also possible to distinguish epithets with inversion, where there is a violation of the original norm of constructing a sentence or statement [Illarionov, 2018: 137].

To date, there is no definitive list of the means of expression used, which is also, of course, due to the constant development of the language. Also, the process is quite complicated by the fact that scientists still have not been able to determine the exact criteria for the selection and analysis of such units [Kostomarov, 2019: 123].

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that stylistics does not generalize or reproduce the means of expression, it only characterizes them in accordance with their functioning in a certain context. Also, stylistic devices and means cannot be considered a deviation from the norm of the language, but at the same time they can give an emotional connotation to the already established norm of the language. Also, the main result of our study was the fact that linguistic means of expressiveness are distinguished by the greatest degree of fixation regarding their form and meaning, in contrast to literary criticism, the main feature of which is variability.


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