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Chernyaevskaya D. THE CONCEPT OF EXPRESSIVE SPEECH // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 9(232). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/232/124178 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).
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Chernyaevskaya Daria
Student of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Buzina Evgeniya
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod




Черняевская Дарья Павловна

cтудент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород

Бузина Евгения Игоревна

научный руководитель, доцент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. Many teachers of the Russian language and literature note that one of the main problems in teaching Russian to schoolchildren is the paucity, inexpressiveness, monosyllabic speech of students. The means of expressiveness are understood as language means that contribute to accuracy, consistency, as well as clarity and expressiveness and ensure the full perception of speech by the addressee.

Аннотация. Многие учителя русского языка и литературы отмечают, что одной из главных проблем в обучении школьников русскому языку является скудность, невыразительность, односложность речи обучающихся. Под средствами выразительности понимают языковые средства, способствующие точности, логичности, а также ясности и экспрессивности и обеспечивающие полноценное восприятие речи адресатом.


Keywords: speech, expressiveness, language means, clarity, consistency.

Ключевые слова: речь, выразительность, языковые средства, ясность, логичность.


The need to use expressive means in speech was discussed in ancient times. The ancient Greek sophist Gorgias is considered the first to pay attention to them. He drew attention to the fact that antithesis, syntactic parallelism, symmetry of syllables and their consonance are an effective means of raising the sound side of the language and used them in many of his works. In addition, during the period of Antiquity, the foundations of such a science as rhetoric were laid; at that time it was primarily the science of oratory. Plato, Aristotle, Theofast and other philosophers in their works on rhetoric touched upon the problem of using expressive means to influence the interlocutor [2, с. 60].

In the Middle Ages, the main thing in rhetoric was the doctrine of the genres of speech, which was based on the works of the ancient poet Horace, as well as the doctrine of styles (based on the works of Virgil) and the doctrine of figures. It is worth noting such a feature of the Middle Ages as a close connection with religion. And if in the period of Antiquity the main thing in rhetoric was confrontational eloquence associated with litigation, state activity, then in the Middle Ages the main thing was academic eloquence associated with church sermons. During the Renaissance, rhetoric reoriented towards the secular nature of development [2, с.  63].

Further (in the first half of the 19th century), rhetoric actively developed, including in our country. “It was at this time that a large number of works on rhetoric appeared, which is associated with the process of establishing the boundaries of the Russian literary language, the formation of a unified language system, the approval of literary norms, the formation of courses in the theory of literature, with discussions about language, about the “old” and “new” style , with a revision of the structure of school philological education” [2, с. 68]. In the second half of the XIX century. rhetoric is in decline, but the means of expression are beginning to attract the attention of linguists. And today, linguistic means are studied in their interaction with the conditions and tasks of communication with the allocation of their functions [2, с. 67].

Let us turn to the characterization of the essence of the concept of "means of expression".

According to A.P. Skovorodnikov and G.A. Kopnin, expressive means (expressive means of language, figurative and expressive means of language) are “linguistic means that contribute to accuracy, consistency, clarity, expressiveness (emotionality, evaluativeness, intensity and figurativeness) and provide a complete (as close as possible to the understanding of the inherent in the text information) speech perception by the addressee”.

M.N. Kozhina noted that the concept of “means of expression” (“expressive means of language”, “figurative and expressive means of language”) has an ambiguous interpretation, since the interpretation of the category “expressiveness” is ambiguous in science.

According to M.R. Savova, means of expression are all means of language and speech, if they correspond to the communicative goals of the author of the speech. A.V. Fedorov. He notes the following: “In the system of style, every means of expression, every element of the language that acquires a stylistic function, is an expressive means, regardless of whether, in combination with other elements, it creates the impression of familiarity of a given segment of speech or, on the contrary, makes it stand out as a whole. in contrast with neutral forms of speech, or, finally, creates a contrast within it, colliding with surrounding words or grammatical structures" [4, с. 73].

Some researchers equate means of expression with figures of speech [Timofeev, Turaev 1974], while others equate them with stylistic devices [1, с. 595].

Let us characterize the essence of stylistic figures. The term "stylistic figure" was transferred from the art of dance to ancient rhetoric. It denoted "unusual syntactic turns of speech that serve to decorate it" [5, с. 353]. VC. Prikhodko believes that stylistic figures (in his opinion, figures of speech) are means of expressiveness or expressiveness techniques that are based on the juxtaposition of certain text units [3, с. 354].

As for stylistic figures, there are 12 types of them. Let's consider each of them.

So, as a stylistic figure, anaphora (mononymy) is singled out, which is “the repetition of individual words or phrases at the beginning of the passages that make up the statement” [4, с. 344]. Another type of stylistic figure is the epiphora (ending). It is a repetition of certain words or expressions at the end of adjacent passages (sentences) [4, с. 346].

The next type of stylistic figure is parallelism – “the same syntactic construction of neighboring sentences or segments of speech” [4, с. 345]. Another type of stylistic figure is antithesis - “a turn in which opposite concepts are sharply contrasted to enhance the expressiveness of speech” [4, с.345].

Another type of stylistic figure that we will characterize is gradation. Gradation is understood as “a stylistic figure consisting in such an arrangement of words, in which each subsequent one contains increasing (sometimes decreasing) meanings, due to which an increase (sometimes weakening) of the impression they make is created” [4, с.345].

Gradation can be expressed by various linguistic means: phonetic (intonation, voice volume), graphic, numerical, words associated with hyper-hyponymic relations, synonymous words or expressions.

Means of expression (expressive means of language, figurative and expressive means of language) and the conditions for their use in speech, depending on the goals, situations and spheres of communication, are studied within the framework of such a section of linguistics as stylistics.

Expressive means are linguistic means that contribute to accuracy, consistency, clarity and expressiveness. They provide a full perception of speech by the addressee. Means of expressiveness and their use in speech, depending on the goals, situations and spheres of communication, are studied within the framework of stylistics.

Thus, expressive means are understood as language means that contribute to accuracy, consistency, as well as clarity and expressiveness and ensure a full perception of speech by the addressee. Means of expressiveness and their use in speech, depending on the goals, situations and spheres of communication, are studied within the framework of stylistics. The means of expression have a long history dating back to Antiquity. During Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, linguistic means of expression were considered within the framework of rhetoric, and only by the end of the 19th century. linguists began to study them.


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