

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №10(233)

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Marynycheva M. FEATURES OF BULLYING AMONG TEENAGERS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 10(233). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/235/124420 (дата обращения: 20.01.2025).
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Marynycheva Margarita
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod
Buzina Evgenia
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod




Марынычева Маргарита Николаевна

студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород

Бузина Евгения Игоревна

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of bullying among teenagers. Possible causes of bullying are described. The author talks about the consequences of the influence of bullying on the formation of a teenager's personality. The author indicates which groups of teenagers are most susceptible to becoming a victim of bullying.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблемы возникновения буллинга среди подростков. Описываются возможные причины буллинга. Автор рассказывает о последствиях влияния буллинга на формирование личности подростка. Автор указывает, какие группы подростков наиболее подвержены стать жертвой буллинга.


Keywords: bullying, victim, bullying motives, behavior model, teenagers.

Ключевые слова: буллинг, жертва, мотивы буллинга, модель поведения, подростки.


The problem of bullying has always existed, and at all stages of a person's life, both in childhood in an educational institution and in adult life at work. Teenager is the most difficult, conflicting and contradictory stage of personal development. At this stage, physical and psychological changes occur, puberty occurs, the search for your "I-concept". Studies fade into the background and for a teenager, his peers become a reference group, there is a struggle for leadership, conflicts.

Despite the fact that the participation of teenagers in conflicts is quite normal, the problem of bullying is that bullying occurs for a long time. In the struggle for leadership, everyone wants to assert themselves against the background of another peer, and bullying begins. It is very difficult for the "victim" to change her/his status, she/he is constantly attacked by the "abuser" and his friends. It is important to prevent and stop any attempts of violence among teenagers.

The solution of the problem of bullying prevention lies in the fact that universal ways to combat this problem have not been created in schools, many teachers do not notice or do not want to notice bullying among teenagers, because of this, the necessary support and assistance to both "victims" and "abusers" is not provided in time. Bullying is beginning to take on new forms, more and more bullying occurs on the Internet – cyberbullying. It is more difficult for modern teenagers who are "victims" of bullying to avoid bullying situations, which negatively affects their psychological state and may have consequences in adulthood.

Bullying was talked about only at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1905 K. Dukes published his work on bullying, which marked the beginning of the study of this problem. People started talking about the existence of this problem, researchers from European countries, such as D. Olveus, D. Lane, Tattui and many others, began to study this problem.

Different scientists understand "bullying" as terror, violence, behavior model, aggression, interaction stereotype, situation, etc. Despite the fact that there is no single clear definition of this concept yet, all scientists agree that bullying is bullying that has been going on for a long time. The researchers also highlighted that bullying has physical and psychological manifestations.

Teenager is the most difficult stage of formation in a person's life. It is during this period that all the main characteristics of human development are actively developing and changing: biological, physiological, personal, mental and social. There are changes in personality and educational activities, communication and interaction with peers, teachers and parents [2].

A teenager has an increase in physical capabilities, puberty begins, hormonal changes occur, appearance and behavior change. During this period, an important personal neoplasm is the formation of a new level of self-awareness, Self-concept, the desire to understand oneself, one's capabilities and characteristics, one's similarities and differences with other people [4]. There is also such a neoplasm as a sense of adulthood, a teenager begins to imagine himself as an adult, tries to behave like an adult [2].

Against the background of these changes, new needs appear, the leading type of activity changes, relationships with peers and their opinions become important for a teenager, because of this a lot of conflicts occur. Teenagers resolve conflict situations in the form of accusations, aggression and demands. They use dominant forms of violence: psychological and physical [1]. Trying to cope with the conflict, teenagers use such mechanisms as psychological protection, emotional and aggressive response, physical recovery, reflection.

At this age, both external conflicts occur – with peers, surrounding people, and intrapersonal conflicts associated with the transition age. The overall picture represents such causes of bullying as the experience of transition age, hormonal failure, the desire for leadership and recognition at the expense of belittling others, problems with family upbringing, as well as a protective reaction from the violence experienced. "Abusers" often choose as "victims" those who are already weaker than them physically and/or psychologically. The "victims" of bullying can be teenagers with unusual appearance (with scars, with fullness, with strabismus, etc.), with health problems, from unsecured families, or on the contrary, a very wealthy family, as well as quiet and withdrawn, who cannot stand up for themselves. It is important to note that not only children, but also teachers can become participants in bullying in the school environment, both as a victim and as an abuser. Upbringing in the family has a great influence on the development of bullying, as well as the microclimate of the educational institution in which the teenager is located contributes to the development of bullying. Teachers and school administrators may unintentionally or otherwise participate in, provoke or facilitate bullying. This can manifest itself through humiliating and insulting students, negative or sarcastic statements, intimidating and threatening gestures or expressions addressed to them. They may relate to underachieving students, may be related to the appearance or origin of schoolchildren.

Also, the positive selection of students trying to please an adult can contribute to the creation of a bullying situation. The inaction of teachers, the inability to resist the power-hungry behavior of students, the lack of control over the behavior of students at recess also has a great influence on the development of the bullying situation. Some teachers, especially young ones, do not know how to properly put themselves in front of teenagers, do not know how to prevent the emergence or continuation of a conflict and the development of a bullying situation. They may make attempts to stop bullying, but if they are not successful, and bullying among teenagers will continue, then in the future the teacher will try not to notice it. This can only lead to a worsening of the bullying situation.

The following motives of bullying of teenagers can be distinguished:

• Envy, success, external, physical or mental manifestations;

• Revenge for earlier insults;

• Feeling of dislike;

• Struggle for power, for leadership in the classroom, among peers;

• Neutralizing an opponent by showing an advantage over him;

• Self-affirmation;

• The desire to be the center of attention, to look cool;

• The desire to surprise, to impress;

• The desire to discharge, "to have fun";

• The desire to humiliate, intimidate a disliked person

It is worth noting that bullying goes through several stages of formation: The first stage is the formation of a bullying grouping. In a teenage environment, peers gather around a "leader" who tries to assert himself through the use of physical force and humiliation of the "victim", who also want to dominate others or, conversely, seek protection from the leader. If the first manifestations of violence on the part of the "leader" are not strictly suppressed, then he can be convinced of his impunity, his authority among peers will increase and establish itself, the group will strengthen, and in the future will support its leader. At the second stage, the situation of bullying becomes stronger. This can be facilitated by the inaction of teachers, the indifference of classmates and peers. Violent acts are repeated in physical and psychological forms, the teenager exposed to them gradually ceases to resist, closes himself in and becomes vulnerable to subsequent attacks by "abusers". At the third stage of bullying, the status of a "victim" is finally fixed for a teenager who is subjected to constant attacks. Others and peers get used to bullying in relation to this person, over time they begin to blame him for the current situation, the person also begins to believe that he is to blame. The "victim" can no longer cope with this situation by himself, he needs help from the outside. At the fourth stage of bullying, expulsion occurs. The "victim", driven to an extreme degree of despair, begins to skip classes, avoid peers. He does everything in order not to meet "offenders" and not to be subjected to harassment and violence. It is very important already at the first stages to stop any attempts to create a bullying situation, strictly prohibit any kind of bullying, conduct the necessary conversations in order to avoid such attempts in the future and, in general, the development of the bullying situation to the last stages.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish such causes of bullying as external, intrapersonal and intrafamily. External reasons are the influence of the atmosphere of an educational institution, the attitude of teachers to students and bullying situations, political sentiments in the country, labeling. Intrapersonal reasons include the struggle for leadership in the adolescent environment, the classroom, the emergence of an acute conflict under the influence of external factors, the aggressiveness of a teenager, the presence of complexes, low self-esteem, puberty, which includes both physical and psychological changes. Intra-family - low socio-economic status of the family, excessive academic performance requirements that do not always correspond to the abilities and capabilities of the child, overprotection or indifference on the part of parents, change of parent (stepfather, stepmother), the appearance of a second child in the family, family violence, poor parenting. The listed reasons can relate to both the "abuser" and the "victim". These reasons are mainly related to the psychological changes of the teenager and his experiences. They have a great influence on a teenager, he can become an aggressor – an "abuser", or vice versa, close himself in and become a "victim", in this regard, if you do not provide help and support to such a teenager in time, bullying situations may arise.


1. Kryukova T.L. Age and cross-cultural differences in coping behavior strategies // Psychol. Journal. 2005. vol. 26, No. 2. pp. 5-15 
2. Rice F. Psychology of adolescence and teenagers / F.Rice. – SPb.: 2000.-420c. 29. 
3. Remschidt H. Adolescence and teenagers: problems of personality formation / X.Remschmidt. – M., 1994. 
4. Feldstein, D.I. Psychology of growing up/ D.I.Feldstein. – M.: Flint, 2009.