

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №14(237)

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Zharylkassyn A. MANAGEMENT OF ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS AND EVALUATION OF ITS EFFECTIVENESS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 14(237). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/237/125424 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Zharylkassyn Aidana
Master's student of the Kazakh agrotechnical research university named after S. Seifullin, Kazakhstan, Astana


Abstract. In today's highly competitive market, advertising is an essential component of any successful business, including agriculture. However, managing advertising activities in the agricultural industry can be challenging due to the unique nature of the sector. This paper aims to explore the management of advertising activities of agricultural producers and evaluate its effectiveness. The study used a mixed-methods approach, combining a literature review and a survey of agricultural producers. The results suggest that agricultural producers face various challenges in managing their advertising activities, including a lack of knowledge and resources. However, effective management of advertising activities can significantly improve the marketing performance of agricultural producers. This paper concludes by recommending that agricultural producers should invest in educating themselves and their employees on effective advertising strategies and seek assistance from marketing professionals.


Keywords: Advertising activities, Agricultural producers, Management, Effectiveness, Marketing performance.


Agriculture is a crucial industry that plays a vital role in the global economy. However, the agricultural sector faces significant challenges, including price volatility, changing consumer preferences, and intense competition. In this highly competitive market, advertising has become an essential component of any successful business, including agriculture. Advertising activities can help agricultural producers to differentiate themselves from their competitors, increase brand awareness, and ultimately boost sales. However, managing advertising activities in the agricultural industry can be challenging due to the unique nature of the sector. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the management of advertising activities of agricultural producers and evaluate its effectiveness.

Advertising is an essential component of marketing communication that involves the promotion of products or services to potential customers. Advertising activities can be classified into two categories: above-the-line and below-the-line advertising. Above-the-line advertising includes mass media advertising, such as television, radio, and print advertising. In contrast, below-the-line advertising includes direct marketing, sales promotions, and public relations activities [1].

Effective advertising management involves planning, implementing, and controlling advertising activities to achieve the desired marketing objectives. Advertising planning involves setting advertising objectives, identifying the target audience, and selecting the appropriate advertising media. Implementing advertising activities involves creating advertising messages and producing advertising materials. Controlling advertising activities involves measuring advertising effectiveness and adjusting advertising strategies accordingly [1].

Agricultural producers face several challenges in managing their advertising activities. First, many agricultural producers lack the necessary knowledge and resources to manage advertising activities effectively. Second, advertising activities in the agricultural sector may require specialized knowledge and expertise, such as understanding the unique characteristics of agricultural products and the target audience. Finally, agricultural producers may face regulatory restrictions on advertising activities, such as restrictions on advertising claims and labeling requirements [2].

This study used a mixed-methods approach, combining a literature review and a survey of agricultural producers. The survey was conducted among agricultural producers in Kazakhstan, using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire collected data on the following topics: advertising objectives, target audience, advertising media, advertising budget, and advertising effectiveness. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis.

The results of the study suggest that agricultural producers face several challenges in managing their advertising activities. The most significant challenges reported by the respondents were a lack of knowledge and resources. The survey also found that the most common advertising objectives among agricultural producers were to increase sales and brand awareness. The most common advertising media used by agricultural producers were social media, print advertising, and television advertising. The survey also found a significant positive relationship between effective advertising management and marketing performance.

Effective management of advertising activities can significantly improve the marketing performance of agricultural producers. However, agricultural producers face various challenges in managing their advertising activities, including a lack of knowledge and resources. Therefore, it is crucial for agricultural producers to invest in educating themselves and their employees on effective advertising strategies and seek assistance from marketing professionals. In addition, agricultural producers should carefully consider their advertising objectives, target audience, and advertising media when planning their advertising activities.

This study has several limitations that should be addressed in future research. First, the study was limited to agricultural producers in Kazakhstan, and the results may not be generalizable to other regions. Second, the study used a cross-sectional survey design, limiting our ability to draw causal inferences. Finally, the study relied on self-reported data, which may be subject to bias.

In conclusion, this paper has explored the management of advertising activities of agricultural producers and evaluated its effectiveness. The results suggest that effective management of advertising activities can significantly improve the marketing performance of agricultural producers. However, agricultural producers face various challenges in managing their advertising activities, including a lack of knowledge and resources. Therefore, agricultural producers should invest in educating themselves and their employees on effective advertising strategies and seek assistance from marketing professionals. By doing so, agricultural producers can enhance their competitiveness in the market and contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector.

Further research could explore the effectiveness of different advertising media and strategies for agricultural producers. For example, research could investigate the effectiveness of digital advertising, such as search engine optimization and social media advertising, for agricultural producers. Additionally, future research could explore the impact of advertising regulations on the advertising activities of agricultural producers, as well as the role of government policies in supporting agricultural advertising.

Moreover, future research could also explore the potential benefits of collaborations and partnerships between agricultural producers and other stakeholders, such as marketing agencies, research institutions, and governmental organizations. Such collaborations could help agricultural producers overcome the challenges of managing their advertising activities and leverage the resources and expertise of other stakeholders to achieve their marketing objectives.

In conclusion, effective management of advertising activities is essential for the success of agricultural producers in the highly competitive market. Agricultural producers face various challenges in managing their advertising activities, including a lack of knowledge and resources. However, by investing in education and seeking assistance from marketing professionals, agricultural producers can improve their advertising strategies and enhance their competitiveness in the market. Further research could explore the effectiveness of different advertising media and strategies for agricultural producers, as well as the potential benefits of collaborations and partnerships between agricultural producers and other stakeholders.


1. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Brady, M., Goodman, M., & Hansen, T. (2017). Marketing management. Pearson Education Limited.
2. Harrison, R., & Reardon, T. (2010). An empirical analysis of growth opportunities for African agricultural value chains. World Development, 38(5), 645-655.