

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №16(239)

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Markina A. A SYSTEM OF METHODS FOR STUDYING THE BIOGRAPHY OF A WRITER AT SCHOOL // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(239). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/239/126031 (дата обращения: 11.02.2025).
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Markina Anna
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod
Buzina Evgeniya Igorevna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor Associate professor, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod




Маркина Анна Васильевна

студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород

Бузина Евгения Игоревна

научный руководитель, доцент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. A unique personality is a unique story about her. Probably, this should be the methodological principle of teaching biography. How can a teacher make this difficult material interesting? This article is devoted to this issue.

Аннотация. Неповторимая личность — неповторимый рассказ о ней. Вероятно, таким должен быть методический принцип преподавания биографии. Как же преподавателю сделать интересным этот трудный для изложения материал? Этому вопросу и посвящена данная статья.


Keywords: biography, student, author, writer, lesson, teaching, story, method.

Ключевые слова: биография, ученик, автор, писатель, урок, преподавание, рассказ, метод.


Teaching the biography of a writer is a kind of exam for a teacher, where he has the opportunity to show all his abilities, captivate students, lead them in thoughts and feelings. The form of conducting lessons-biographies is diverse: lesson-lecture, independent reports of students, textbook work, correspondence excursions, lessons-concerts, etc.

A. Demchuk gives examples of such non-standard lessons devoted to the study of the biography of the writer:

- lecture-research;

- lesson-seminar;

- lesson-installation;

- combined lecture (art and psychology);

- integrated lesson – psychological portrait;

- lecture-review;

- lecture-commentary;

- comparative lesson;

- lecture-literary research;

- lesson-political dialogue;

- combined lesson;

- paired integrated lesson;

- collective lecture;

- lesson-interview. [4, p. 21]

The main method of teaching such lessons is the teacher's word, that is, an artistic story (a monologue presentation of the material using oratorical techniques that enhance the emotional impact on students). First of all, the teacher selects what exactly he will tell: which moments from the writer's life he will retell in detail, which he will list without comments, what he will quote, how to activate the attention of schoolchildren. [1,  p. 26].

The teacher's word is embodied in methods, an important one of which is a monologue story with a broad statement of tasks that activates the thinking of students. In general, one of the main problems is the activation of students' thinking and attention, and the main task of the teacher is to present the material so that it is listened to with passion and a high memorization rate.

It is also important to look at the writer from different sides, through the eyes of different people, including their own. We should strive to preserve the golden mean by showing the author as a citizen, an artist, and as a person whom we understand and love. As everything majestic and everyday was contained in one soul, which cannot be separated. Telling about the greatness of the patriotic feat of the writer (and the fate of the nation made the very fidelity to the native word a feat), one should not fall into declarativeness and extra pathos; when drawing a person's private life, it is important not to lose delicacy and a sense of proportion [1, p. 32]. It is necessary to avoid "unpleasant" moments related to the biography of an author – it is better to have a conversation in which to distinguish some negatives (or, rather, noise from them) inherent in the writer, like any living person, and him as a brilliant creator of literature.

To vividly outline the personality of the writer, it follows from hundreds of facts to choose seven or eight of the most characteristic, typical. There must be a climax in the story about the writer, which will correspond to the climax in his life [2, p. 16].

Special attention should be paid to the quality of speech (it is the use of oratorical techniques, a free, sincere story that can attract the attention of students). But the story also needs to be interrupted with quotations, choosing for quoting a text so impressive, imaginative, insightful that it will be impossible to "ignore it". It can be a quote from a work, a diary or a letter, it can be an apt characteristic given by a contemporary, a scientist, another writer, often it is a poem about him. The teacher collects poems written by poets about poets, in general about the artists of the word. The poem must be read by heart, you can open a lesson to them, you can write a quote on the blackboard and turn it into a problem task, you can prepare a student who will read the poem.

Sometimes some textbooks suffer from the fact that, trying to present complex material in an accessible way, they simplify it too much, at the same time stretching it, and the student may get lost in his thoughts, or, not having full reading skills, do not highlight the main thing. Because it is advisable to use the material (especially in a strong class) scientific articles, pre- and afterwords to works in which the necessary material is presented concisely, without minor details [4, p. 27].

It is advisable to apply the method of independent student research precisely when studying biography. It is very important that the student not only listened (albeit most attentively) to the story about the life of the poet, novelist, playwright, but also took an active part in the process of cognition of a certain personality. Then his knowledge becomes beliefs.

It is interesting, didactically correct and, moreover, necessary to link the moments of the writer's life and creative activity with related kinds of art. However, for artistry, one should not forget about accuracy. Many students will be close to the forms of work that require analysis, which must necessarily be available in the lessons of studying the life and creative path. These can be comparative tables, analysis of the influence of life circumstances on creativity, and the like.

When studying biography, it is important to use active and interactive teaching methods designed to activate students, increase the effectiveness of perception (it is a well-known fact that interactive methods have an order of magnitude higher efficiency than passive ones). The role-playing games that are currently popular will be interesting for students, as well as press conferences with "present writers" who will talk about their lives. For example, such a form of work seems appropriate during the study of the activities of emigrant writers, when in one hour you need to submit the life and creative path of an entire literary generation - interesting, original and inimitable authors [3, p. 45].

Thus, with a relatively small number of methods (fiction stories, task-setting stories, stories with independent work of students), there are a huge number of techniques in teaching the biography of a writer that make this difficult material interesting. Of paramount importance is the word of the teacher, his ability to reach the souls of children, exciting their imagination and arousing interest in an individual writer, his works.


List of literature:
1. Bogdanova O.Yu., Leonova S.A., Chertova V.F. Methods of teaching literature. Moscow: Akademiya, 1999.
2. Vorobyov P.G. Principles and methods of studying the biography of a writer // Teaching literature in the 8th grade / Ed. V.V. Golubkov. - M., 1958.
3. Volodina N.V. Identification of the author's individuality in the process of studying a literary-critical article // The problem of the author's personality in the process of studying literature at school. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Edited by I.V. Volodina. Vologda, 1984.
4. Pedagogical rhetoric / Edited by N.A. Ippolitova. M.: Vlados, 2001.
5. Streltsova L. S. On the question of studying the creativity of a writer in high school // New studies in pedagogical sciences. — M., 1982. — № 1(39). — Pp.50-53.