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Blokha L. THE ACTIVITY OF A CLASS TEACHER IN A MODERN SCHOOL // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 18(241). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/241/126786 (дата обращения: 23.12.2024).
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Blokha Lyubov
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman
научный руководитель, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


The professional activity of the class teacher consists in purposeful, systematic, planned work. It should be based on the basics of the school's education program, on the analysis of previous activities, on positive and negative trends in public life, taking into account the tasks that the school's teaching staff faces [1].

The activity of a modern classroom teacher is the most important part in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to pupils.

In modern society, education has acquired great importance. At the state level, there is a question of the priority of education, increasing its role among the factors of development of society and personality [2].

The functions of the class teacher are:

1) Analytical function (study of the individual characteristics of pupils, identification of the specifics of the class team).

2) Prognostic function (foreseeing the trajectory of the development of the upbringing of the class team as a whole and the individual development of students).

3) Organizational function (support of a positive children's initiative related to improving the life of the region, the microenvironment, the school and the students themselves).

4) Coordinating function (implementation of educational activities by the class teacher together with other members of the teaching staff).

5) Communicative function (development and regulation of interpersonal relations between students, as well as between students and adults).

There are many forms of activity of the class teacher, these are: conversations, lectures with the involvement of specialists from various branches of knowledge, training seminars, excursions, audio and video lessons or an informal form – tea drinking. But the most popular was and remains such a form as a class hour [3].

The research work was carried out on the basis of school № 1, Rossosh, Voronezh region in the 10th grade. The purpose of the study: analysis of the activities of the class teacher of the 10th grade and recommendations for improving the activities of the class teacher.

With the help of a conversation with the class teacher of the 10th grade, we learned that at the beginning of the last school year, she set the following educational tasks:

1. Formation of moral culture among schoolchildren.

2. Creating conditions for the development of creative abilities, showing initiative and independence.

3. Formation of the importance of students' physical and mental health.

4. Work to educate parents and involve them in the educational process.

The educational tasks set at the beginning of the last academic year are appropriate, since they were compiled taking into account the analysis of previous activities.

The events were held in the areas of education of the school:

- social (creativity, career guidance);

- patriotic and civil law;

- Healthy lifestyle, health;

- preventive work;

- work with parents (parent meetings, open lessons).

Over the past year, 34 class hours were held according to the plan.

The events had different themes and were held in various forms.

We also learned that as a result of preventive conversations, children began to behave culturally in public places.

It was possible to identify the level of education of the class with the help of diagnostics of moral education. The methodology "The level of education of students" by N.P. Kapustina, grades 5-11, was carried out among the students. It was attended by 18 students of the 10th grade, including 10 girls and 8 boys.

The purpose of the methodology is to identify the level of education of students.


Figure 1 «The level of education of 10th grade students»


The result of the methodology is presented in the form of a diagram (Figure 1). This diagram shows the number of schoolchildren (as a percentage) for each level of education ("below average", "average", "above average", "high").

The results showed that the level of education of the class is "above average". This means that the class has independence in activity and behavior, the social position is situational.

Work was also carried out with parents. There were class hours, conversations about the need for proper nutrition, health preservation, prevention of offenses, neglect and others. Individual conversations were held on academic performance with some students.

Thus, we can say that the class teacher of the 10th grade managed to carry out the tasks to a greater extent. The level of education of students is "above average", which indicates the correct approach of education. Most of the 10th grade students participate in events, sections, circles, in the active class, their parents actively participate in the educational process, which indicates their initiative. As for the progress of students in the class, it is 100%, but there remains the problem of irregular homework.

In the activity of the class teacher, the invariant and variable parts are distinguished.

The invariant part corresponds to the essence of the content of classroom management activities and captures a very small but necessary set of actions to solve the main - traditional and urgent tasks of educating and socializing students, regardless of the given conditions of functioning of a general education organization.

The variable part of the activity is formed depending on the given conditions of the educational organization.

The job descriptions of classroom teachers should provide for the following activities: 

1. Personality-oriented activities for the education and socialization of students in the classroom

2. Activities for the education and socialization of students carried out with the class as a social group.

3. Implementation of educational activities in cooperation with parents.

4. Implementation of educational activities in cooperation with the teaching staff.

To reduce the bureaucratic burden, it is important to recommend that the class teacher performs a large number of duties related specifically to pedagogical, and not to managerial activities. Therefore, analysis, planning and control help in achieving pedagogical goals and results, but they are not the meaning and main functions associated with classroom management. According to the classroom manual, it is recommended to keep such documentation as a classroom journal and a work plan within the framework of activities related to the classroom manual.

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that in a modern school, the homeroom teacher plays an important role for students. He is an educator of a student, a children's collective, providing each student with the support of cognitive interest, individual self-expression and development; a consultant on interaction with parents; an intermediary of interaction between parents, the administration of an educational organization and teachers. We can say that all of these recommendations contribute to improving the activities of the classroom teacher. They are primarily aimed at solving the problems of education and socialization of students.


List of used literature:
1. Kirichenko, O. V. Modern educational trends in the activities of a class teacher on legal education of high school students // Bulletin of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov. Pedagogy and psychology. - 2012. - No. 3. – pp. 24-27.
2. Santalov, A.V. The realization of the educational function of a class teacher in a modern school // Humanitarian Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. - No. 7. – pp. 53-57.
3. Soboleva, L. N. Class hour as a form of educational work at school // Education and science in modern conditions. - 2015. - No. 3. pp. 148-149.